The Orchestrator scripting engine helps you to write scripts. Automatic insertion of functions and automatic completion of lines of scripting accelerates the scripting process and minimizes the potential for writing errors in scripts.

A scripted element is open for editing and its Scripting tab is open.


Navigate through the hierarchical list of objects on the left of the Scripting tab, or use the API Explorer search function, to select a type, class, or method to add to the script.


Right-click the type, class, or method and select Copy.

If the scripting engine does not allow you to copy the element you selected, this object is not possible in the context of the script.


Right-click in the scripting pad, and paste the element you copied into the appropriate place in the script.

The scripting engine enters the element into the script, complete with its constructor and an instance name.

For example, if you copied the Date object, the scripting engine pastes the following code into the script.

var myDate = new Date();

Copy and paste a method to add to the script.

The scripting engine completes the method call, adding the required attributes.

For example, if you copied the cloneVM() method from the module, the scripting engine pastes the following code into the script.


The scripting engine highlights those parameters that you already defined in the element. Any undefined parameters remain unhighlighted.


Place the cursor at the end of an element you pasted into the script and press Ctrl+space to select from a contextual list of possible methods and attributes that the object can call.


The automatic completion feature is currently experimental.

You added object and functions to the script.

Add parameters to the script.