With tools clone workflows you can obtain customization information about the operating system of the virtual machine, information needed to update a virtual device, and so on.

You can access the tools clone workflows from Library > vCenter > Virtual Machine management > Clone > Tools in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.

Get a virtual Ethernet card to change the network

Returns a new ethernet card to update a virtual device. Contains only the device key of the given virtual device and the new network.

Get Linux customization

Returns the Linux customization preparation.

Get multiple virtual Ethernet card device changes

Returns an array of VirtualDeviceConfigSpec objects for add and remove operations on VirtualEthernetCard objects.

Get NIC setting map

Returns the setting map for a virtual network card by using VimAdapterMapping.

Get Windows customization for Sysprep with credentials

Returns customization information about the Microsoft Sysprep process, with credentials. Workflows for cloning Windows virtual machines use this workflow.

Get Windows customization for Sysprep with Unattended.txt

Returns customization information about the Microsoft Sysprep process by using an Unattended.txt file. Workflows for cloning Windows virtual machines use this workflow.

Get Windows customization for Sysprep

Returns customization information about the Microsoft Sysprep process. Workflows for cloning Windows virtual machines use this workflow.