You can group multiple workflow parameters that are connected logically in a new type that is called a composite type. You can use a Foreach element to bind a composite type as an iterator to connect several arrays of parameters in a single array.

Open a workflow for editing in the workflow editor.

Verify that you have a Foreach element in your workflow.


Select the IN or the OUT tab of the Foreach element.


Select a local parameter that you want to group with other local parameters in a composite type.


Click Bind a group of parameters as composite value at the top of the IN or the OUT tab.


In the Bindings field, select the parameters that you want to group as a composite type.


Select Bind as iterator.

You have set the Foreach element to iterate over an array of the composite type


Click Accept.

You defined a composite type and made sure that the workflow will iterate over an array of this composite type. Parameters that are grouped as a composite type are named composite_type_name.parameter_name. For example, if you create a snapshots composite type, the parameters that are group in the type can be snapshots.vm[in-parameter] or[in-parameter]. Every element from the array of the composite type contains a single instance of every parameter that you grouped in the composite type.

Suppose that you want to rename 10 virtual machines at a time. For this purpose, you insert a Foreach element in a workflow and select the Rename virtual machine workflow in the element. You create a composite type to connect the vm and the name parameters explicitly. You bind the composite type as an iterator, thus creating a single array that contains both the vm and the name parameter.