You can use the Catalog service of the REST API to find objects in Orchestrator by type and ID.

Verify that you have imported the sample workflows package in Orchestrator. The package is included in the Orchestrator sample applications ZIP file that you can download from the Orchestrator documentation page.


Make a GET request at the URL of the Catalog Service:

GET https://{vcoHost}:{port}/api/catalog/

The response body of the request contains down links to the catalog entry points of the plug-ins that expose inventories in Orchestrator as well as to the system objects in Orchestrator:

https://{vcoHost}:{port}/api/catalog/{plug-in namespace}/

To access objects that a plug-in exposes or the system objects in Orchestrator, make a GET request at the URL of the catalog entry point for the plug-in or at the URL where the system objects in Orchestrator reside.

The response body of the request contains links to the types of objects that are exposed.


Make GET request at the URL of the type of object that you want to access.

GET https://{vcoHost}:{port}/api/catalog/{namespace}/{objectType}/

Make a GET request at the URL of the specific object that you want to find:

GET https://{vcoHost}:{port}/api/catalog/{namespace}/{objectType}/{objectID}/

You can find the sample Send Hello workflow by using the Catalog Service.


Make a GET request at the URL of the Catalog Service:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/

Make a GET request at the URL where all system objects in Orchestrator are located:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/System/

Make GET request at the URL where all workflows reside:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/Workflow/

Make GET request at the URL of the Send Hello workflow:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/Workflow/CF808080808080808080808080808080DA808080013086668236014a0614d16e1/