Although the Orchestrator Appliance is a preconfigured Linux-based virtual machine, you must install and configure the default vCenter Server plug-in as well as the other default Orchestrator plug-ins. In addition, you might also want to change the Orchestrator settings.

For instructions about installing and configuring the default Mail and SSH plug-ins, see Installing and Configuring VMware vCenter Orchestrator.

If you want to use the Orchestrator Appliance in a medium or large-scale environment, you might want to also change the LDAP and database settings.

The Orchestrator Appliance contains a preconfigured PostgreSQL database and OpenLDAP server. The PostgreSQL database and OpenLDAP server are accessible only locally from the virtual appliance Linux console.

Preconfigured Software

User Group (if any) and User



User: vmware



User group: vcoadmins

User: vcoadmin

By default the vcoadmin user is set up as an Orchestrator administrator.



User group: vcousers

User: vcouser


PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP are suitable for small- to medium-scale production environments. To use the Orchestrator appliance in a large-scale production environment, you should replace PostgreSQL with an external database instance and OpenLDAP with an external supported directory service or with VMware vCenter Single Sign On. For more information about setting up an external database, see Configure the Database Connection. For information about setting up an external directory service or vCenter Single Sign On, see Selecting the Authentication Type.

You can additionally configure the Orchestrator server to work with vCenter Single Sign On prebuilt in the vCenter Server Appliance. For more information about configuring the Orchestrator server and registering Orchestrator with vCenter Single Sign On prebuilt in the vCenter Server Appliance, see Installing and Configuring VMware vCenter Orchestrator.