The services of the Orchestrator REST API support additional URL parameters that allow you to narrow the objects that HTTP requests to the API return.

Different query parameters are supported for every URL to a resource that you can access through the REST API. To learn which query parameters are applicable to a URL, see the vCenter Orchestrator REST API reference documentation.

To narrow the results from a request at a certain URL, apply filters at the end of the URL:

URL?filter_1& filter_2&filter_3&....&filter_N. Every filter contains query parameters that are valid for the relevant URL. For information about the valid query parameters for every URL, see the Orchestrator REST API reference documentation.

If you look for workflows that contain a specific word in their name, for example datastore, you can apply the following filter in a request to the Catalog Service:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/System/Workflow?conditions=name~datastore

To limit the amount of the workflows that are returned to a certain number, for example five, apply an additional filter to the request:

GET https://localhost:8281/api/catalog/System/Workflow?conditions=name~datastore&maxResult=5