
Working With vSphere Distributed Switches


Prepare a vSphere Distributed Switch.

The MTU is the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in one packet before it is divided into smaller packets. VXLAN frames are slightly larger in size because of the traffic encapsulation, so the MTU required is higher than the standard MTU. You must set the MTU for each switch to 1602 or higher.


Retrieve information about all vSphere Distributed Switches.

Working With vSphere Distributed Switches in a Datacenter


Retrieve information about all vSphere Distributed Switches in the specified datacenter.

Working With a Specific vSphere Distributed Switch


Retrieve information about the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.


Delete the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.

Working With Latency Configuration of a Specific vSphere Distributed Switch

Starting in NSX 6.4.5, you can use APIs to monitor the end-to-end network latency of a data path as traffic moves between VMs that are either on the same ESXi host or on different ESXi hosts. However, both the VMs must be attached to the same logical switch (subnet).

Note: NSX cannot calculate the end-to-end latency information when data traffic is routed between VMs through a distributed logical router. That is, when VMs are attached to different logical switches or subnets.

To calculate the end-to-end latency of the data path, NSX uses the timestamp attribute of a data path packet inside the hypervisor.


Retrieve the latency configuration of the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Update the latency configuration of the specified vSphere Distributed Switch.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Latency Configuration Parameters

enabledWhen set to true, the dvSwitch collects latency data. When set to false, the dvSwitch stops collecting latency data and releases all the reserved resources.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is False.
latencySamplingRateForHostPacket sampling rate of the dvSwitch in integer. For example, 100 means that one packet in every 100 packets is timestamped. 1 means that all packets are timestamped.Optional. Default value is 100. Maximum value is 10000, and minimum value is 1.
latencyDurationMillSecondsForHostPacket sampling duration of the dvSwitch in milliseconds. Denotes the frequency at which latency data is generated.Optional. Default value is 1000 ms. Maximum value is 10000 ms, and minimum value is 1 ms.

Working With Latency Configuration of a Specific Host


Retrieve the latency configuration of the specified vSphere Distributed Switch on the specified host.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Update the latency configuration of the specified vSphere Distributed Switch on the specfied host.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.


Working With Segment ID Pools and Multicast Ranges

Working With Segment ID Pools

Segment ID pools (also called segment ID ranges) provide virtual network identifiers (VNIs) to logical switches.

You must configure a segment ID pool for each NSX Manager. You can have more than one segment ID pool. The segment ID pool includes the beginning and ending IDs.

You should not configure more than 10,000 VNIs in a single vCenter server because vCenter limits the number of dvPortgroups to 10,000.

If any of your transport zones will use multicast or hybrid replication mode, you must also configure a multicast address range.


Add a segment ID pool.

  • name - Required property.
  • desc - Optional property.
  • begin - Required property. Minimum value is 5000
  • end - Required property. Maximum value is 16777216

Retrieve information about all segment ID pools.

Working With a Specific Segment ID Pool


Retrieve information about the specified segment ID pool.


Update the specified segment ID pool.

If the segment ID pool is universal you must send the API request to the primary NSX Manager.


Delete the specified segment ID pool.

If the segment ID pool is universal you must send the API request to the primary NSX Manager.

Working With Multicast Address Ranges

If any of your transport zones will use multicast or hybrid replication mode, you must add a multicast address range (also called a multicast address pool). Specifying a multicast address range helps in spreading traffic across your network to avoid overloading a single multicast address.


Add a multicast address range for logical switches.

The address range includes the beginning and ending addresses.


Retrieve information about all configured multicast address ranges.

Universal multicast address ranges have the property isUniversal set to true.

Working With a Specific Multicast Address Range


Retrieve information about the specified multicast address range.


Update the specified multicast address range.

If the multicast address range is universal you must send the API request to the primary NSX Manager.


Delete the specified multicast address range.

If the multicast address range is universal you must send the API request to the primary NSX Manager.

Working With the VXLAN Port Configuration


Retrieve the UDP port configured for VXLAN traffic.

Update the VXLAN Port Configuration


Update the VXLAN port configuration to use port portNumber.

This method changes the VXLAN port in a three phrase process, avoiding disruption of VXLAN traffic. In a cross-vCenter NSX environment, change the VXLAN port on the primary NSX Manager to propagate this change on all NSX Managers and hosts in the cross-vCenter NSX environment.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. Port change is now non-disruptive, and propagates to secondary NSX Managers if performed on the primary NSX Manager. Force parameter added.

VXLAN Port Configuration Update Status


Retrieve the status of the VXLAN port configuration update.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Resume VXLAN Port Configuration Update


If you update the VXLAN port using the Change button on the Installation > Logical Network Preparation page in the vSphere Web Client, or using PUT /api/2.0/vdn/config/vxlan/udp/port/{portNumber} without the force parameter, and the port update does not complete, you can try resuming the port config change.

You can check the progress of the VXLAN port update with GET /api/2.0/vdn/config/vxlan/udp/port/taskStatus.

Only try resuming the port update if it has failed to complete. You should not need to resume the port update under normal circumstances.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Allocated Resources


Retrieve information about allocated segment IDs or multicast addresses.

Resolving Missing VXLAN VMKernel Adapters


Resolve missing VXLAN VMKernel adapters.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.


Working With Controller Disconnected Operation (CDO) Mode

You can enable CDO mode on secondary NSX Manager to avoid connectivity issues with the primary site.

CDO mode state has the following values:

  • ENABLED: CDO mode has been successfully enabled on NSX Manager.
  • DISABLED: CDO mode has been successfully disabled on NSX Manager.
  • UNKNOWN: CDO mode has not been set on NSX Manager.

CDO mode operation status has the following values:

  • FAILED: NSX Manager failed to set CDO state.
  • SUCCESSFUL: NSX Manager is successful to set CDO state.
  • IN_PROGRESS: Setting of CDO state in-progress.
  • UNKNOWN: Unknown state.

Retrieves the status of CDO mode.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Modify the status of CDO mode. This method can be used to perform the following tasks:

  • Update the CDO mode: POST /api/2.0/vdn/cdo?action=update
  • Resync the CDO mode: POST /api/2.0/vdn/cdo?action=resync
  • Enable the CDO mode: POST /api/2.0/vdn/cdo?action=enable
  • Disable the CDO mode: POST /api/2.0/vdn/cdo?action=disable

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With Transport Zones


Retrieve information about all transport zones (also known as network scopes).

CDO mode state parameters (read-only)

The CDO mode state shows the most recent CDO operation, and the status of that operation. The status can be: UNKNOWN, PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or FAILED.

Operation TypeDescription
ENABLEEnable CDO mode on all distributed switches in the transport zone.
DISABLEDisable CDO mode on all distributed switches in the transport zone.
EXPANDEnable CDO mode on newly joined distributed swithes.
SHRINKDisable CDO mode on removed distributed switches.
CLEAN_UPTransport zone removed, clean up the CDO mode configuration from all distributed switches in the transport zone.
SYNC_ENABLERepush CDO mode configuration data to all distributed switches in the scope
SYNC_DISABLERemove CDO mode configuration from all distributed switches in the transport zone.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. Output includes information about CDO mode. See Working With Transport Zone CDO Mode for more information.

Create a transport zone.

Request body parameters:

  • name - Required. The name of the transport zone.
  • description - Optional. Description of the transport zone.
  • objectId - Required. The cluster object ID from vSphere. One or more are required.
  • controlPlaneMode - Optional. The control plane mode. It can be one of the following:

Working With a Specific Transport Zone


Retrieve information about the specified transport zone.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. Output includes information about CDO mode. See Working With Transport Zone CDO Mode for more information.

Update the specified transport zone.

You can add a cluster to or delete a cluster from a transport zone.

You can also repair missing port groups. For every logical switch created, NSX creates a corresponding port group in vCenter. If the port group is lost for any reason, the logical switch will stop functioning. The repair action recreates any missing port groups.


Delete the specified transport zone.

Working With Transport Zone Attributes


Update the attributes of a transport zone.

For example, you can update the name, description, or control plane mode. You must include the cluster object IDs for the transport zone in the request body.

Working With Transport Zone CDO Mode


Note: From 6.4.0, CDO feature is supported at NSX Manager level and not at Transport Zone level. For more details, refer to Working with Controller Disconnected Operation (CDO) Mode section.

Enable or disable CDO mode for the specified transport zone.

Controller Disconnected Operation (CDO) mode ensures that the data plane connectivity is unaffected when host lose connectivity with the controller.

If you want to enable CDO mode on the universal transport zone in a cross-vCenter NSX environment, you must do this from the primary NSX Manager. The universal synchronization service will propagate the CDO configuration to the secondary NSX Managers.

Method history:

6.3.2Method introduced. (Tech preview in 6.3.0).

Testing Multicast Group Connectivity


Test multicast group connectivity.

Test multicast group connectivity between two hosts connected to the specified transport zone.

Parameter packetSizeMode has one of the following values:

  • 0 - VXLAN standard packet size
  • 1 - minimum packet size
  • 2 - customized packet size. If you set packetSizeMode to 2, you must specify the size using the packetSize parameter.


Working With Logical Switches in a Specific Transport Zone


Retrieve information about all logical switches in the specified transport zone (network scope).


Create a logical switch.

To create a universal logical switch use universalvdnscope as the scopeId in the URI and send the request to the primary NSX Manager. Request body parameters:

  • name - Optional. The name of the logical switch.
  • description - Optional. Description of the logical switch.
  • tenantId - Required.
  • controlPlaneMode - Optional. The control plane mode. If not specified, the controlPlaneMode of the transport zone is used. It can be one of the following:
  • guestVlanAllowed - Optional. Default is false.


Working With Traceflow

For Traceflow to work as expected, make sure that the controller cluster is connected and in healthy state. The Traceflow operation requires active communication between vCenter, NSX Manager, controller cluster, and netcpa User World Agents (UWA) on the host. Traceflow observes marked packet as it traverses overlay network. Each packet is delivered to host VM and monitored as it crosses overlay network until it reaches the destination VM. The packet is never delivered to the destination guest VM. This means that Traceflow packet delivery is successful even when the guest VM is powered down. Unknown L2 Packets are always be sent to the bridge. Typically, the bridge forwards these packets to a VLAN and reports the Traceflow packet as delivered. The packet which is reported as delivered need not necessarily mean that the trace packet was delivered to the destination specified. You should conclude only after validating the observations.vdl2 serves ARP proxy for ARP packets coming from VMs. However, Traceflow bypasses this process, hence vdl2 may broadcast the Traceflow packet out.


Create a traceflow.

Working With a Specific Traceflow


Query a specific Traceflow by tracflowId which is the value returned after executing the create Traceflow API call.

Traceflow Observations


Retrieve traceflow observations.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. New parameter replicateType added.


Working With Logical Switches in All Transport Zones


Retrieve information about all logical switches in all transport zones.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Added name query parameter.

Working Virtual Machine Connections to Logical Switches


Attach a VM vNIC to, or detach a VM vNIC from a logical switch.

Specify the logical switch ID in the portgroupId parameter. To detach a VM vNIC from a logical switch, leave the portgroupId parameter empty.

To find the ID of a VM vNIC, do the following:

  1. In the vSphere MOB, navigate to the VM you want to connect or disconnect.
  2. Click config and take note of the instanceUuid.
  3. Click hardware and take note of the last three digits of the appropriate network interface device.

Use these two values to form the VM vNIC ID. For example, if the instanceUuid is 502e71fa-1a00-759b-e40f-ce778e915f16 and the appropriate device value is device[4000], the objectId and vnicUuid are both 502e71fa-1a00-759b-e40f-ce778e915f16.000.

Working With a Specific Logical Switch


Retrieve information about the specified logical switch.

If the switch is a universal logical switch the isUniversal parameter is set to true in the response body.


Update the specified logical switch.

For example, you can update the name, description, or control plane mode.


Delete the specified logical switch.

Resolving Missing Port Groups for a Logical Switch


For every logical switch created, NSX creates a corresponding port group in vCenter. If the port group is missing, the logical switch will stop functioning.

If the port group backing a logical switch is deleted, you can recreate a new backing port group for the logical switch.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Testing Host Connectivity


Test multicast group connectivity.

Test multicast group connectivity between two hosts connected to the specified logical switch.

Parameter packetSizeMode has one of the following values:

  • 0 - VXLAN standard packet size
  • 1 - minimum packet size
  • 2 - customized packet size. If you set packetSizeMode to 2, you must specify the size using the packetSize parameter.

Testing Point-to-Point Connectivity


Test point-to-point connectivity.

Test point-to-point connectivity between two hosts connected to the specified logical switch.

Parameter packetSizeMode has one of the following values:

  • 0 - VXLAN standard packet size
  • 1 - minimum packet size
  • 2 - customized packet size. If you set packetSizeMode to 2, you must specify the size using the packetSize parameter.

Working With Hardware Gateway Bindings for a Specific Logical Switch


Retrieve hardware gateway bindings for the specified logical switch.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Connections Between Hardware Gateways and Logical Switches


Manage the connection between a hardware gateway and a logical switch.

Attach a hardware gateway to a logical switch and create a new binding with the information provided

POST /api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/{virtualwireid}/hardwaregateways


Attach a hardware gateway to a logical switch, specifying an existing binding by ID

POST /api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/<virtualwireId>/hardwaregateways/{bindingId}?action=attach

      <id>binding id</id>

Detach a hardware gateway from a logical switch

POST /api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/<virtualwireId>/hardwaregateways/{bindingId}?action=detach

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.


Working With IP Discovery and MAC Learning for Logical Switches

You can enable IP discovery (ARP suppression) and MAC learning for logical switches or dvPortGroup. Enabling MAC learning builds a VLAN - MAC pair learning table on each vNic.

This table is stored as part of the dvfilter data. During vMotion, dvfilter saves/restores the table at the new location. The switch then issues RARPs for all the VLAN - MAC entries in the table.

Enabling this feature avoids possible traffic loss during vMotion in the following cases:

  • the vNic is in VLAN trunk mode
  • the VM is using more than one unicast MAC address. Since Etherswitch supports only one unicast MAC per vNic, RARP is not processed.

When a logical switch is created using the API, IP discovery is enabled, and MAC learning is disabled.

In cross-vCenter NSX, the following applies:

  • The MAC learning setting for a universal logical switch is managed on the primary NSX Manager. Any changes are synchronized to all secondary NSX Managers.
  • The IP discovery setting for a universal logical switch is managed separately on each NSX Manager.

Note: In NSX 6.2.2 and earlier you cannot disable IP discovery for universal logical switches on secondary NSX Managers.


Retrieve IP discovery and MAC learning information.


Enable or disable IP discovery and MAC learning.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. IP discovery can be disabled on secondary NSX Managers.


Working With NSX Controllers

For the unicast or hybrid control plane mode, you must add an NSX controller to manage overlay transport and provide East-West routing. The controller optimizes virtual machine broadcast (ARP only) traffic, and the learning is stored on the host and the controller.


Add a new NSX Controller on the specified cluster. The hostId parameter is optional. The resourcePoolId can be either the clusterId or resourcePoolId.

The IP address of the controller node will be allocated from the specified IP pool.

Note: Controller nodes are deployed with 4 GB of memory regardless of which deployType value is provided.

Method history:

6.3.3Method updated. deployType is no longer required.

Retrieves details and runtime status for all controllers. Runtime status can be one of the following:

  • Deploying - Controller is being deployed and the procedure has not completed yet.
  • Removing - Controller is being removed and the procedure has not completed yet.
  • Running - Controller has been deployed and can respond to API invocation.
  • Unknown - Controller has been deployed but fails to respond to API invocation.

When a controller is in Running status, the diskLatencyAlertDetected parameter in the API response shows whether disk latency alert is detected in the controller. This parameter can take one of the following values:

  • True - Disk latency alert is detected in the controller.
  • False - Disk latency is not detected in the controller.
  • Unknown - After the controller connects with the NSX Manager, the NSX Manager receives the disk latency report of the controller after a delay of 30 seconds.

Working With Controller Upgrade Availability


Retrieve controller upgrade availability.

Working With of Controller Job Status


Retrieves status of controller creation or removal, or controller cluster upgrade.

Working With a Specific Controller


Delete the NSX controller.


If you power off or delete a controller from vCenter, NSX Manager detects the change in controller status. You can remediate the controller, which will power on a powered off controller, or remove the controller from the NSX Manager database if the controller is deleted.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the name of the controller. The name must not contain spaces or underscores.

When you update the controller name, the following changes are made:

  • the name displayed in the Networking & Security UI is changed to newName
  • the VM name is vSphere is changed to newName-NSX-<controller_id>
  • the VM's hostname is changed to newName-NSX-<controller_id>

Note: The VM hostname is used in controller log entries. If you change the controller hostname, the log entries display the new hostname.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With NSX Controller System Statistics


Retrieve NSX Controller system statistics.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Controller Tech Support Logs


Retrieve controller logs. Response content type is application/octet-stream and response header is filename. This streams a fairly large bundle back (possibly hundreds of MB).

Working With Controller Syslog Configuration


Add controller syslog exporter on the controller.

Deprecated: Starting in 6.4.2, POST/DELETE /api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/syslog are deprecated.

Use GET/PUT /api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster/syslog instead.

Using both these methods is not supported and might result in an inconsistent state on the controller nodes.


Retrieve details about the syslog exporter on the controller.

Deprecated: Starting in 6.4.2, POST/DELETE /api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/syslog are deprecated.

Use GET/PUT /api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster/syslog instead.

Using both these methods is not supported and might result in an inconsistent state on the controller nodes.


Deletes syslog exporter on the specified controller node.

Deprecated: Starting in 6.4.2, POST/DELETE /api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/syslog are deprecated.

Use GET/PUT /api/2.0/vdn/controller/cluster/syslog instead.

Using both these methods is not supported and might result in an inconsistent state on the controller nodes.

Working With Controller Cluster Snapshots


Take a snapshot of the control cluster from the specified controller node.

Working With the NSX Controller Cluster Configuration


Retrieve cluster wide configuration information for controller.


Modify cluster wide configuration information for controller.

Working With Controller Cluster NTP Settings

You can configure up to five NTP servers on the NSX Controller cluster. You can specify NTP servers by IPv4 address or FQDN. If an FQDN is used, DNS settings must also be configured. The same NTP settings are applied to all controller nodes in the cluster.


Retrieve NTP configuration for the NSX Controller cluster.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update NTP configuration for the NSX Controller cluster.

If the settings fail to apply to one or more controller nodes, an error message is returned. Check the controller node status, and retry the request.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Controller Cluster DNS Settings

When you configure DNS on the NSX Controller cluster, the same settings are applied to all nodes in the cluster.

Controller cluster DNS settings override any DNS settings configured on the controller IP pool.

DNS Parameters

dnsServerDNS server IP addressRequired. Specify up to 3. Valid input: IPv4 addresses.
dnsSuffixDNS suffix for search orderOptional. Specify up to 3. Valid input: domain name suffix. At least one dnsServer must be configured.

Retrieve DNS settings for the NSX Controller cluster.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Update DNS settings for all nodes in the NSX Controller cluster.

Note: If the settings fail to apply to one or more controller nodes, an error message is returned. Check the controller node status, and retry the request.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With Controller Cluster Syslog Configuration

When you configure syslog on the NSX Controller cluster, the same settings are applied to all nodes in the cluster.

Syslog Parameters

syslogServerSyslog server addressRequired. Specify up to 10. Valid input: IPv4 addresses or FQDN. If FQDN is used, DNS must also be configured.
portSyslog exporter portOptional. Default is 6514. Valid ports: 1-65535.
levelSyslog logging levelOptional. Default is INFO. Valid values: INFO, ERROR, WARN.
protocolSyslog protocolOptional. Default is TLS. Valid values: TLS, UDP, TCP.
certificateCertificateRequired if protocol is set to TLS. Valid value: X.509 PEM encoded certificate.

Retrieve syslog settings for the NSX Controller cluster.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Update syslog settings for all nodes in the NSX Controller cluster.

If the settings fail to apply to one or more controller nodes, an error message is returned. Check the controller node status, and retry the request.

Important: You can also configure syslog on an individual controller node with the deprecated API POST/DELETE /api/2.0/vdn/controller/{controllerId}/syslog. Using both these methods is not supported and might result in an inconsistent state on the controller nodes.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With Controller Cluster Upgrade


Start the upgrade of the NSX Controller cluster. The upgrade is performed on one controller node at a time.

Before you start the controller upgrade, use GET /api/2.0/vdn/controller to ensure that all three controllers have status of RUNNING. It can take about 10 minutes after the NSX Manager upgrade and reboot for the controllers to reestablish connectivity to the NSX Manager.

This request returns a jobId, for example, jobdata-22307. You can use GET /api/2.0/vdn/controller/progress/{jobId} to get the status of the NSX Controller cluster upgrade.

Working With the NSX Controller Password


Change the NSX controller password.

Working With Controller Synchronization

You can resynchronize the NSX Controller cluster with NSX Manager. You might want to do this if you notice that the controller cluster has extra, stale, or missing configuration items.


Synchronize the controller cluster with the NSX Manager database.

Working with Controller Synchronization Status

Retrieve the status of the controller synchronization.


Get the status of the controller synchronization.

If the sync is in progress, the response includes the status JOB_IN_PROGRESS, and the jobId. If the sync has finished, the response includes the status NOT_RUNNING.


Working With Host Health Status Using BFD

Provides overall information about the host health status. Tunnel, pNIC, control plane, and management plane statuses are displayed.

Working with overall information about host health status


Retrieve the host health status.

The status API endpoint has a known limitation in a multi-site Cross-vCenter NSX deployment where the vCenter Server and the NSX Manager know only the hosts that they manage.

The NSX Manager can query status of only those hosts that its vCenter Server manages. For example, when you run this API on the primary NSX Manager, the API cannot return the status of hosts, which are managed by the vCenter Servers that are paired with the secondary NSX Managers.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working with health status for a specific host


Retrieve health status for a specific host.

NSX Manager obtains host status from the host periodically and updates the cache. When the source is specified as realtime, the current status of the host is retrieved. In the meantime, NSX Manager updates the host status in the cache. When the source is specified as cached, the host status is retrieved directly from the cache.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working with tunnel connections for a specific host


Retrieve tunnel connections for a specific host.

In NSX 6.4.6 or earlier, tunnel details are retrieved for a maximum of 1560 tunnels on the host. Starting in NSX 6.4.7, tunnel details are retrieved for a maximum of 4096 tunnels on the host.

The tunnel API endpoint has a known limitation in a multi-site Cross-vCenter NSX deployment. In the API response, the remoteNodeId will be Unknown if the remote host is not managed by the NSX Manager on which the API is run.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working with remote host status


Retrieve status of all remote hosts with tunnel connections to the given host.

The remote host status API endpoint has a known limitation in a multi-site Cross-vCenter NSX deployment. This API returns the status of remote hosts that are managed by the NSX Manager on which the API is run. However, the status of the remote hosts managed by other NSX Managers is not returned.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With BFD Global Configuration

NSX Data Center uses Bidrectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) network protocol to obtain the tunnel health status and the tunnel latency. By default, BFD is disabled.

In NSX 6.4.6 or earlier, when you enable BFD, monitoring of both tunnel latency and tunnel health is enabled. You cannot separately turn on or turn off the monitoring of tunnel health and tunnel latency.

Starting in NSX 6.4.7, BFD global configuration includes two additional parameters to help you enable or disable the monitoring of tunnel health and tunnel latency separately. These two parameters are tunnelReportEnabled and tunnelLatencyEnabled.

BFD Parameters

enabledEnable or disable BFD. In NSX 6.4.6 or earlier, this parameter enables global BFD and monitoring of tunnel health and tunnel latency. Starting in NSX 6.4.7, this parameter enables only global BFD.Required. Options are True or False. Default is False.
tunnelReportEnabledEnable or disable monitoring of tunnel health. This parameter is available starting in NSX 6.4.7.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
tunnelLatencyEnabledEnable or disable monitoring of tunnel latency. This parameter is available starting in NSX 6.4.7.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
pollingIntervalSecondsForHostConfigure the BFD polling interval.Optional. Value should be greater than 30. Default value is 180.
bfdIntervalMillSecondsForHostConfigure the interval of BFD session in milliseconds.Optional. Value should be greater than 300. Default value is 120000.

Valid Combinations of BFD Configuration Parameters

BFDTunnel ReportTunnel LatencyResult
FalseFalseFalseWhen BFD is disabled, monitoring of tunnel health and tunnel latency must be disabled. Turning on tunnel health and tunnel latency monitoring is not permitted.
TrueTrueFalseOnly tunnel health is monitored. Tunnel latency is not monitored.
TrueTrueTrueBoth tunnel health and tunnel latency are monitored.
TrueFalseTrueOnly tunnel latency is monitored. Tunnel health is not monitored.
TrueFalseFalseBoth tunnel health and tunnel latency are not monitored.

Retrieve the BFD global configuration.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.
6.4.7Method updated. Added tunnelReportEnabled and tunnelLatencyEnabled parameters.

Update the BFD global configuration.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.
6.4.7Method updated. Added tunnelReportEnabled and tunnelLatencyEnabled parameters.


Working With pNIC Configuration Information

Provides the status information about physical NIC (pNIC) global configuration. You can enable or disable pNIC to monitor health of a host. By default, pNIC is disabled.

pNIC Parameters

enabledEnable or disable pNIC to monitor health of a host.Required. Options are True or False. Default is False.
pollingIntervalSecondsForHostConfigure the pNIC polling interval for the host.Required. Value should be greater than 30. Default value is 180.

Get pNIC status information.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update the global configuration for pNIC status check.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With Services Grouping Objects

Retrieve Services from a Specific Scope


Retrieve services that have been created on the specified scope.

Create a Service on a Specific Scope


Create a new service on the specified scope.

Working With a Specified Service


Retrieve details about the specified service.


Modify the name, description, applicationProtocol, or port value of a service.


Delete the specified service.


Working With Service Groups Grouping Objects

Creating Service Groups on a Specific Scope


Create a new service group on the specified scope.

Working With Service Groups on a Specific Scope


Retrieve a list of service groups that have been created on the scope.

Working With a Specific Service Group


Retrieve details about the specified service group.


Modify the name, description, applicationProtocol, or port value of the specified service group.


Delete the specified service group (application group) from a scope.

Working With a Specific Service Group Member


Add a member to the service group.


Delete a member from the service group.

Working With Service Group Members on a Specific Scope


Get a list of member elements that can be added to the service groups created on a particular scope.


Working With IP Pool Grouping Objects

Working With IP Pools on a Specific Scope


Retrieves all IP pools on the specified scope where the scopeId is the reference to the desired scope. An example of the scopeID is globalroot-0.


Create a pool of IP addresses. For scopeId use globalroot-0 or the datacenterId in upgrade use cases.

Working With a Specific IP Pool


Retrieve details about a specific IP pool.


To modify an IP pool, query the IP pool first. Then modify the output and send it back as the request body.


Delete an IP pool.

Working With IP Pool Address Allocations


Retrieves all allocated IP addresses from the specified pool.


Allocate an IP address from the pool.

To allocate the next available IP, set allocationMode to ALLOCATE


To allocate a specific IP, set allocationMode to RESERVE and pass the IP to reserve in the ipAddress parameter.


Working With Specific IPs Allocated to an IP Pool


Release an IP address allocation in the pool.


Working With Licensing

The licensing capacity usage API command reports usage of CPUs, VMs and concurrent users for the distributed firewall and VXLAN. The licensing status API command displays details about the assigned license.

Working With Licensing Capacity

The licensing capacity usage API command reports usage of CPUs, VMs and concurrent users for the distributed firewall and VXLAN.


Retrieve capacity usage information on the usage of CPUs, VMs and concurrent users for the distributed firewall and VXLAN.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Licensing Status

The licensing status API command displays details about the assigned license.


Retrieve details about the assigned license.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With Security Tags

You can manage security tags and their virtual machine assignments. For example, you can create a user defined security tag, assign tags to a virtual machine, view tags assigned to virtual machines, and view virtual machines that have a specific tag assigned.

Managing Security Tags


Create a new security tag.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. isUniversal parameter can be set to create a universal security tag.

Retrieve all security tags.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. Added isUniversal query parameter to filter universal security tags.
6.3.3Method updated. Output is now paginated. startIndex, pageSize, sortOrderAscending, sortBy, filterBy, and filterValue query parameters added.

Delete a Security Tag


Delete the specified security tag.

Working With Virtual Machines on a Specific Security Tag


Retrieve the list of VMs that have the specified tag attached to them.


Attach or detach a security tag to a virtual machine.

This operation does not check that the virtual machine exists in the local inventory. This allows you to attach a universal security tag to a virtual machine that is connected to a secondary NSX Manager (and therefore is not connected to the primary NSX Manager where the call is sent).

Possible keys for the tagParameter are:

  • instance_uuid
  • bios_uuid
  • vmname

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Manage a Security Tag on a Virtual Machine


Apply a security tag to the specified virtual machine.

Note: this method can attach a universal security tag to a virtual machine. However, this method checks that the VM exists on the NSX Manager to which the API call is sent. In a cross-vCenter active active environment, the VM might exist on a secondary NSX Manager, and so the call would fail.

You can instead use the POST /api/2.0/services/securitytags/tag/{tagId}/vm?action=attach method to attach universal security tags to a VM that is not local to the primary NSX Manager. This method does not check that the VM is local to the NSX Manager.


Detach a security tag from the specified virtual machine.

Working With Virtual Machine Details for a Specific Security Tag


Retrieve details about the VMs that are attached to the specified security tag.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working With Security Tags on a Specific Virtual Machine


Retrieve all security tags associated with the specified virtual machine.


Update security tags associated with the specified virtual machine.

You can assign multiple tags at a time to the specified VM, or clear all assigned tags from the specified VM.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working With Security Tags Unique ID Selection Criteria

In NSX versions before 6.3.0, security tags are local to a NSX Manager, and are mapped to VMs using the VM's managed object ID.

In NSX 6.3.0 and later, you can create universal security tags to use in all NSX Managers in a cross-vCenter NSX environment.

In an active standby environment, the managed object ID for a given VM might not be the same in the active and standby datacenters. NSX 6.3.x introduces a Unique ID Selection Criteria on the primary NSX Manager to use to identify VMs when attaching them to universal security tags only. You can use them singly or in combination. The VM instance UUID is the recommended selection criteria. See the descriptions for more information.

The default value for the selection criteria is null and must be set before assigning a universal security tag to a VM. The selection criteria can be set only on the primary NSX manager and is read-only on secondary NSX Managers.

Security Tag Assignment
Metadata Parameter
instance_uuidThe VM instance UUID is generally unique within a vCenter domain, however there are exceptions such as when deployments are made through snapshots. If the VM instance UUID is not unique, you can use the VM BIOS UUID in combination with the VM name.
bios_uuidThe BIOS UUID is not guaranteed to be unique within a vCenter domain, but it is always preserved in case of disaster. Use BIOS UUID in combination with VM name to reduce the chance of a duplicate ID.
vmnameIf all of the VM names in an environment are unique, then VM name can be used to identify a VM across vCenters. Use VM name in combination with VM BIOS UUID to reduce the chance of a duplicate ID.

Retrieve unique ID section criteria configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Configure the unique ID section criteria configuration.

If you set the selection criteria and assign security tags to VMs, you must remove all security tags from VMs before you can change the selection criteria.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.


Working With NSX Manager SSO Registration


Retrieve SSO Configuration.


Register NSX Manager to SSO Services.


Deletes the NSX Manager SSO Configuration.

Working With SSO Configuration Status


Retrieve the SSO configuration status of NSX Manager.


Working With User Management

Manage Users on NSX Manager


Get information about a user.


Remove the NSX role for a vCenter user.

Working With User Account State


You can disable or enable a user account, either local user or vCenter user. When a user account is created, the account is enabled by default.

Manage NSX Roles for Users

Possible roles are:

  • super_user - built-in admin user
  • vshield_admin - NSX Administrator
  • enterprise_admin - Enterprise Administrator
  • security_admin - Security Administrator
  • auditor - Auditor
  • security_engineer - Security Engineer (introduced in NSX 6.4.2)
  • network_engineer - Network Engineer (introduced in NSX 6.4.2)
  • security_role_admin - Security & Role Administrator (introduced in NSX 6.4.5)

Retrieve a user's role.


Add role and resources for a user.

Method history:

6.4.2Method updated. Added security_engineer and network_engineer roles.
6.4.5Method updated. Added security_role_admin role.

Change a user's role.

Method history:

6.4.2Method updated. Added security_engineer and network_engineer roles.
6.4.5Method updated. Added security_role_admin role.

Delete the role assignment for specified vCenter user. Once this role is deleted, the user is removed from NSX Manager. You cannot delete the role for a local user.

Working With NSX Manager Role Assignment


Get information about users who have been assigned a NSX Manager role (local users as well as vCenter users with NSX Manager role).

Working With Available NSX Manager Roles


Read all possible roles in NSX Manager.

Method history:

6.4.2Method updated. Added security_engineer and network_engineer roles.
6.4.5Method updated. Added security_role_admin role.

Working With Scoping Objects


Retrieve a list of objects that can be used to define a user's access scope.


Working with API Authentication

Working with Basic Authentication


Update whether basic authentication is enabled.

Authentication headers are ignored, and the credentials used in the request body are used instead. This request works whether or not basic authenication is enabled.

All NSX Manager systems in a cross-vCenter NSX environment must have the same enabled/disabled status for basic authentication. If you disable basic authentication on one NSX Manager in a cross-vCenter NSX environment, you must disable it on all NSX Manager systems in the environment.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Retrieve basic authentication configuration.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working with API Tokens

You can create a JSON Web Token and use it to authenticate with the NSX Manager appliance in subsequent API requests.


Create a new authentication token.

You can use this token in your REST client to access the API. Send the token in the Authorization header with the AUTHTOKEN keyword. See the documentation for your REST client for more information.

Example Authorization header:

Authorization: AUTHTOKEN eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImV4cCI6MTUyMDU1NTU0NH0.bXPVyHp6uR4HmCmyIMcgJQIS-E1xeb6MLz_3BDk7Lzw

By default, this token is created with the default expiry value. You can also set a custom expiration using the expiresInMinutes query parameter.

If a user authenticates with a token, and the user is deleted or their NSX access is disabled, their token will remain valid until the token expires.

To create a token when basic authentication is disabled, see POST /api/3.0/services/auth/token.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With API Token Expiration

You can configure the default expiry time of API tokens. New tokens are created with this expiry time.


Update the default token expiry time.

The default expiry time is 90 minutes. The maximum expiry time is 24 hours.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Retrieve the default token expiry time.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Token Invalidation


Invalidate tokens created by the specified user.

Method history:

6.4.1Method introduced.


Working with API Authentication


Create a new authentication token.

Authentication headers are ignored, and the credentials used in the request body are used instead. This request works whether or not Basic Authenication is enabled.

You can use this token in your REST client to access the API. Send the token in the Authorization header with the AUTHTOKEN keyword. See the documentation for your REST client for more information.

Example Authorization header:

Authorization: AUTHTOKEN eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsImV4cCI6MTUyMDU1NTU0NH0.bXPVyHp6uR4HmCmyIMcgJQIS-E1xeb6MLz_3BDk7Lzw

By default, this token is created with the default expiry value (see GET/PUT /api/2.0/services/auth/tokenexpiration). You can also set a custom expiration using the expiresInMinutes query parameter.

If a user authenticates with a token, and the user is deleted or their NSX access is disabled, their token will remain valid until the token expires.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.


Working With Security Group Grouping Objects

A security group is a collection of assets or grouping objects from your vSphere inventory.

Creating New Security Groups With Members


Create a new security group on a global scope or universal scope with membership information.

Universal security groups are read-only when querying a secondary NSX manager.

When you create a universal security group (on scope universalroot-0) by default localMembersOnly is set to false which indicates that the universal security group will contain members across the cross-vCenter NSX environment. This is the case in an active active environment. You can add the following objects to a universal security group with localMembersOnly=false (active active):

  • IP Address Set
  • MAC Address Set
  • Universal Security Groups with localMembersOnly=false

When you create a universal security group (on scope universalroot-0) you can set the extendedAttribute localMembersOnly to true to indicate that the universal security group will contain members local to that NSX Manager only. This is the case in an active standby environment, because only one NSX environment is active at a time, and the same VMs are present in each NSX environment. You can add the following objects to a universal security group with localMembersOnly=true (active standby):

  • Universal Security Tag
  • IP Address Set
  • MAC Address Set
  • Universal Security Groups with localMembersOnly=true
  • Dynamic criteria using VM name

You can set the localMembersOnly attribute only when the universal security group is created, it cannot be modified afterwards.

Method history:

6.3.0Extended attribute localMembersOnly introduced.

Creating New Security Groups Without Members


Create a new security group, with no membership information specified. You can add members later with PUT /2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/{objectId}

When you create a universal security group (on scope universalroot-0) by default localMembersOnly is set to false which indicates that the universal security group will contain members across the cross-vCenter NSX environment. This is the case in an active active environment. You can add the following objects to a universal security group with localMembersOnly=false (active active):

  • IP Address Set
  • MAC Address Set
  • Universal Security Groups with localMembersOnly=false

When you create a universal security group (on scope universalroot-0) you can set the extendedAttribute localMembersOnly to true to indicate that the universal security group will contain members local to that NSX Manager only. This is the case in an active standby environment, because only one NSX environment is active at a time, and the same VMs are present in each NSX environment. You can add the following objects to a universal security group with localMembersOnly=true (active standby):

  • Universal Security Tag
  • IP Address Set
  • MAC Address Set
  • Universal Security Groups with localMembersOnly=true
  • Dynamic criteria using VM name

You can set the localMembersOnly attribute only when the universal security group is created, it cannot be modified afterwards.

Method history:

6.3.0Extended attribute localMembersOnly introduced.

Updating a Specific Security Group Including Membership


Update configuration for the specified security group, including membership information.

Working With a Specific Security Group


Retrieve all members of the specified security group.


Update configuration for the specified security group. Members are not updated. You must use PUT /2.0/services/securitygroup/bulk/{objectId} to update a security group membership.


Delete an existing security group.

If force=true is specified, the object is deleted even if used in other configurations, such as firewall rules. If force=true is not specified, the object is deleted only if it is not used by other configuration; otherwise the delete fails.

Working With Members of a Specific Security Group


Add a new member to the specified security group.


Delete member from the specified security group.

Working With Virtual Machines in a Security Group


Retrieve effective membership of a security group in terms of virtual machines. The effective membership is calculated using all the three membership components of a security group - static include, static exclude, and dynamic using the following formula:

Effective membership virtual machines = [ (VMs resulting from static include component + VMs resulting from dynamic component) - (VMs resulting from static exclude component) ]

Working With IP Addresses in a Security Group


Retrieve list of IP addresses that belong to a specific security group.

Working With MAC Addresses in a Security Group


Retrieve list of MAC addresses that belong to a specific security group.

Working With vNICs in a Security Group


Retrieve list of vNICs that belong to a specific security group.

Working With Virtual Machine Security Group Membership


Retrieves the collection of security groups to which a virtual machine is a direct or indirect member. Indirect membership involves nesting of security groups.

Working With IP Address in a Security Group


Retrieve all the security groups that contain the specified IP address.

Working With Internal Security Groups


Retrieve all internal security groups on the NSX Manager. These are used internally by the system and should not be created or modified by end users.

Working With Security Groups on a Specific Scope


List all the security groups created on a specific scope.

Method history:

6.4.7Method updated. Added two new query parameters populateMembers and populateExtendedAttributes.

Working With Security Group Member Types


Retrieve a list of valid elements that can be added to a security group.

Working With a Specific Security Group Member Type


Retrieve members of a specific type in the specified scope.


Working With IP Set Grouping Objects

Working With IP Sets on a Specific Scope


Retrieve all configured IP sets.

Method history:

6.4.7Method updated. Added populateExtendedAttributes query parameter.

Creating New IP Sets


Create a new IP set.

Working With a Specific IP Set


Retrieve an individual IP set.


Modify an existing IP set.


Delete an IP set.


Configuring NSX Manager with vCenter Server

You can synchronize NSX Manager with a vCenter Server, which enables the Networking and Security tab in the vCenter Web Client to display your VMware Infrastructure inventory.

vCenter Config Parameters

ipAddressFQDN or IP address of vCenter server.
certificateThumbprintRequired. Must be colon (:) delimited hexadecimal.
assignRoleToUserOptional. true or false.

Get vCenter Server configuration details on NSX Manager.


Synchronize NSX Manager with vCenter server.

Connection Status for vCenter Server


Get default vCenter Server connection status.

Working with vCenter Server Connection

Validates the vCenter connection by actually trying connection to vCenter Server with the available credentials instead of the cached state. Returns true if vCenter connectivity is successful and false if fails. If the vCenter connectivity has issues, then it disconnects the default connection.

Note: If previously connected, this API tries to re-connect to the vCenter Server which may take time to respond. If vCenter Server is non-responsive, then the API may result in timeout error.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update the vCenter Server connection status.


Configuring Index Maintainance

If you have few tables in the database that is taking up most of the space, you can configure your index maintenance activities. You can reindex the tables, and tables with index bloat size greater than 75% are reindexed.


Retrieve the default settings for the index maintenance activities.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.

Update the index maintenance default settings. You can enable or disable the settings and change the CRON configuration. To make the changes effective, you must restart the NSX Manager. To change the CRON expression, make sure the new CRON expression is correct using any CRON evaluators. Note that incorrect CRON expression will not run the reindexing task at the expected frequency.

CRON expression guidelines:

CRON expression pattern is a list of six single space-separated fields,representing second, minute, hour, day, month, weekday. Month and weekday can be given as first three letters of the English names. You can refer to the following Web sites for details:

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.

Trigger the reindexing task on demand. Tables with index bloat size greater than 75% are reindexed.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.


Configuring the High CPU Usage Reporting Tool

You can configure the monitoring of high CPU usage for a defined time period using the High CPU Usage Reporting tool. The CPU Usage Monitoring Tool uses this configuration to monitor CPU utilization of the NSX Manager. You can configure the parameter values to monitor the CPU utilization.

CPU Configuration Parameters

delayTime between two monitoring sessions in milliseconds.
intervalsThe number of monitoring sessions. This is a positive integer value.
highcputhresholdEnter threshold value for high CPU usage. Threshold value is a percentage value ranging from 1 to 100.
mediumcputhresholdEnter threshold value for medium CPU usage. Threshold value is a percentage value ranging from 1 to 100.
monitoringfeatureenabledEnter true to enable CPU usage monitoring feature. Enter false to disable CPU usage monitoring feature.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Get the configuration details for the High CPU Usage Reporting Tool.


Update the configuration for the High CPU Usage Reporting Tool.


Working with the CPU Usage Monitoring Tool

Monitoring tool monitors CPU usage of the NSX Manager. The configurations for the CPU usage are defined in the High CPU Usage Reporting Tool. Monitoring tool displays values for CPU utilization as High, Medium, and Low.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With CPU Usage Indicator


Retrieve the CPU utilization status and the CPU usage percentage.

Working With CPU Usage Details


Retrieve the details of the module which is causing high CPU utilization for the NSX Manager.


Working With Universal Sync Configuration in Cross-vCenter NSX

Working With Universal Sync Configuration Roles

You can set the role of an NSX Manager to primary, secondary, or standalone. If you set an NSX Manager’s role to primary, then use it to create universal objects, and then set the role to standalone, the role will be set as transit. In the transit role, the universal objects will still exist, but cannot be modified, other than being deleted.


Set the universal sync configuration role.


Retrieve the universal sync configuration role.

Working With Universal Sync Configuration of NSX Managers


Add a secondary NSX manager.

Run this method on the primary NSX Manager, providing details of the secondary NSX Manager.

Retrieve the certificate thumbprint of the secondary NSX Manager using the GET /api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/certificates/nsx method. The sha1Hash parameter contains the thumbprint.


If run on a primary NSX Manager, it will list secondary NSX Managers configured on the primary NSX Manager.

If run on a secondary NSX Manager, it will list information about the secondary NSX Manager and the primary NSX Manager it is associated with.


Delete secondary NSX manager configuration.

Universal Sync Configuration of a Specific NSX Manager


Retrieve information about the specified secondary NSX Manager.


Delete the specified secondary NSX Manager.


Update the the specified secondary NSX manager IP or thumbprint in the universal sync configuration.

NSX Manager Synchronization


Sync all objects on the NSX Manager.

Working With Universal Sync Entities


Retrieve the status of a universal sync entity.

Working With Universal Sync Status


Retrieve the universal sync status.


Working With the Appliance Manager

With the appliance management tool, you can manage:

  • System configurations like network configuration, syslog, time settings, and certificate management etc.
  • Components of appliance such as NSX Manager, Postgres, SSH component, RabbitMQ service.
  • Overall support related features such as tech support logs, backup restore, status, and summary reports of appliance health.

Global Information for NSX Manager


Retrieve global information containing version information as well as current logged in user.

Summary Information for NSX Manager


Retrieve system summary info such as address, DNS name, version, CPU, memory and storage.

Component Information for NSX Manager


Retrieve summary of all available components and their status info.

Reboot NSX Manager


Reboot the NSX Manager appliance.

NSX Manager Appliance CPU Information


Retrieve NSX Manager Appliance CPU information.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Added cpuUsageIndicator parameter.

NSX Manager Appliance CPU Details


Retrieve details about CPU utilization for the NSX Manager Appliance.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

NSX Manager Appliance Uptime Information


Retrieve NSX Manager uptime information.

Example response:

25 days, 22 hours, 11 minutes

NSX Manager Appliance Memory Information


Retrieve NSX Manager memory information.

NSX Manager Appliance Storage Information


Retrieve NSX Manager storage information.

NSX Manager Appliance Network Settings


Retrieve network information for the NSX Manager appliance. i.e. host name, IP address, DNS settings.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. New parameter dynamicIPAddress added. The parameter tells whether the IP address of the NSX Appliance Manager is dynamically allocated or not. If dynamicIPAddress parameter is true, then the Unconfigure ipv4/ipv6 button on the UI is disabled.

Update network information for the NSX Manager appliance.

Working With DNS Configuration


Configure DNS.


Delete DNS server configuration.

Working With Security Settings


Retrieve the NSX Manager FIPS and TLS settings.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Update the NSX Manager security settings, including FIPS and TLS.

Do not enable FIPS until you have upgraded all NSX components to NSX 6.3.0 or later. Enable FIPS on NSX Edges before enabling it on the NSX Manager.

Changing the FIPS mode will reboot the NSX Manager appliance.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working With TLS Settings


Retrieve TLS settings.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update TLS settings.

Include a comma separated list of the TLS versions you want to enable, for both server and client.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Time Settings

You can either configure time or specify the NTP server to be used for time synchronization.


Retrieve time settings, like timezone or current date and time with NTP server, if configured.


Configure time or specify the NTP server to use for time synchronization.

Working With NTP Settings


Delete NTP server.

Configure System Locale


Retrieve locale info.


Configure locale.

Working With Syslog Server


Retrieves only the first syslog server among the servers configured.


Configures one syslog server. If there are syslog server(s) already configured, this API replaces the first one in the list.


Deletes all the syslog servers.

Working With Multiple Syslog Servers


Retrieves all syslog servers configured on the NSX Manager.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Configure one or more syslog servers. Unconfigures all servers that were previously configured, and configures the one provided in the request body for this API.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Deletes all the syslog servers. Same as DELETE /system/syslogserver API.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Components

The NSX Manager appliance has the following components.

NSXNSX Manager
NSXREPLICATORUniversal Synchronization Service
RABBITMQRabbitMQ - Messaging service
SSHSSH Service
VPOSTGRESvPostgres - Database service

Retrieve all appliance manager components.

Working With a Specific Component


Retrieve details for the specified component.

Working With Component Dependencies


Retrieve dependency details for the specified component.

Working With Component Dependents


Retrieve dependents for the specified component.

Working With Component Status


Retrieve current status for the specified component.

Toggle Component Status


Start or stop a component.

Working With the Appliance Management Web Application


Restart the appliance management web application.

NSX Manager Appliance Backup Settings

You can back up and restore your NSX Manager data, which can include system configuration, events, and audit log tables. Configuration tables are included in every backup. Backups are saved to a remote location that must be accessible by the NSX Manager.

FTP parameters for backup and restore

transferProtocolTransfer protocol.Required. SFTP or FTP.
hostNameIPAddressBackup server hostname or IP address.Required.
portTransfer protocol port.Required. Determined by backup server configuration, standard ports are 22 for SFTP, 21 for FTP.
userNameUser name to log in to backup server.Required.
passwordPassword for user on backup server.Required.
backupDirectoryDirectory location to save backup files on backup server.Required.
fileNamePrefixPrefix for backup files.Required.
passPhrasePassphrase to encrypt and decrypt backups.Required.
passiveModeUse passive mode.Optional. Default is true.
useEPRTUse EPRT.Optional. Default is false.
useEPSVUse EPSV.Optional. Default is true.

Backup frequency parameters

frequencyFrequency to run backupsWEEKLY, DAILY, or HOURLY.
dayOfWeekDay of week to run backups.Required for WEEKLY backups. SUNDAY, MONDAY, ..., SATURDAY.
hourOfDayHour of day to run backups.Required for WEEKLY and DAILY backups. [0-23].
minuteOfHourMinute of hour to run backups.Required for WEEKLY, DAILY, and HOURLY backups. [0-59].
excludeTableTable to exclude from backups.Optional if excludeTables section is omitted. Specify AUDIT_LOG, SYSTEM_EVENTS, or FLOW_RECORDS. You can provide multiple excludeTable parameters.

Retrieve backup settings.


Configure backups on the appliance manager.

You must set a passPhrase for the backups. The passphrase is used to encrypt and decrypt backup files. If you do not set a passphrase, backups will fail. If you forget the passphrase set on a backup file, you cannot restore that backup file.

Method history:

6.3.3Method updated. Parameters passiveMode and useEPSV previously defaulted to false, now default to true.

Delete appliance manager backup configuration.

NSX Manager Appliance Backup FTP Settings

See NSX Manager Appliance Backup Settings for details.


Configure FTP settings.

Method history:

6.3.3Method updated. Parameters passiveMode and useEPSV previously defaulted to false, now default to true.

NSX Manager Appliance Backup Exclusion Settings

See NSX Manager Appliance Backup Settings for details.


Specify tables that need not be backed up.

NSX Manager Appliance Backup Schedule Settings

See NSX Manager Appliance Backup Settings for details.


Set backup schedule.


Delete backup schedule.

NSX Manager Appliance On-Demand Backup


Start an on-demand NSX Manager backup.

You must set the Content-Type header to application/xml for the backup to run successfully.

Working With NSX Manager Appliance Backup Files


Retrieve list of all backups available at configured backup location.

Restoring Data from an NSX Manager Appliance Backup File


Restore data from a backup file.

Retrieve a list of restore files using GET /api/1.0/appliance-management/backuprestore/backups.

Restore the backup to a newly deployed, unconfigured NSX Manager appliance. Restoring to an NSX Manager which is in use might result in inconsistent behavior.

Method history:

6.4.1Method updated. Query parameter forceRestore added.

Working With Tech Support Logs by Component


Generate tech support logs. The location response header contains the location of the created tech support file.

Working With Tech Support Log Files


Download tech support logs.

Working With Support Notifications


Retrieve all system generated notifications.


Delete all notifications.

Acknowledge Notifications


Acknowledge a notification. The notification is then deleted from the system.

Upgrading NSX Manager Appliance

To upgrade NSX Manager, you must do the following:

  • upload an upgrade bundle
    POST /api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/uploadbundle/{componentID}
  • retrieve the upgrade information
    GET /api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/information/{componentID}
  • edit the preUpgradeQuestionsAnswers section of the upgrade information response to include answers
  • start the upgrade, providing the edited preUpgradeQuestionsAnswers section as the request body
    POST /api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/start/{componentID}

Upload an NSX Manager Upgrade Bundle

You must upload the upgrade bundle using the form-data content-type. Consult the documentation for your REST client for instructions.

Do not set other Content-type headers in your request, for example, Content-type: application/xml.

When you upload a file as form-data, you must provide a key and a value for the file. The key is file, and the value is the location of the upgrade bundle file.

Example using curl

/usr/bin/curl -v -k -i -F file=@/tmp/VMware-NSX-Manager-upgrade-bundle-6.2.7-5343628.tar.gz -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX=='

Upload upgrade bundle.

Upload an NSX Manager Upgrade Bundle from URL

You can upload the upgrade bundle using the URL. Supported protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.

You must provide the URL of the upgrade bundle file. For example:


Upload upgrade bundle from URL.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.
6.4.0Method updated. FTP protocol support added.

Prepare for NSX Manager Upgrade


Once you have uploaded an upgrade bundle, you must retrieve information about the upgrade. This request contains pre-upgrade validation warnings and error messages, along with pre-upgrade questions.

You use the preUpgradeQuestionsAnswers section with the addition of your answers to create the request body for the POST /api/1.0/appliance-management/upgrade/start/{componentID} request to start the backup. See Start the NSX Manager Upgrade for more information.

Start the NSX Manager Upgrade


Start upgrade process.

If you want to enable SSH or join the VMware CEIP program, you must specify Yes (not YES) for the answer parameter.

NSX Manager Upgrade Status


Query upgrade status.

Working With Certificates on the NSX Manager Appliance

Working With Keystore Files

You must upload a key store file by using the form-data content-type in the request body. See the documentation of your REST client for instructions.

To upload a file with form-data as the content-type, specify a key and a value for the file. The key is file with type as File, and the value is the keystore file that you want to upload.

Example using curl

/usr/bin/curl -v -k -i -F file=@/tmp/cert.p12 -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX=='

Upload keystore file.

Input is PKCS#12 formatted NSX file with form-data.

NSX Manager Certificate Manager


Retrieve certificate information from the NSX Manager.

Method history:

6.4.4Method updated. PEM encoding of the certificate is added in the response body.

Working With Certificate Signing Requests


Create a certificate signing request (CSR) for NSX Manager.

The response header contains the created file location.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced. Replaces PUT /api/1.0/appliance-management/certificatemanager/csr/nsx. Added two query parameters action and expires_after.

Retrieve generated certificate signing request (CSR).

Working With Certificate Chains

You must upload a certificate chain file by using the form-data content-type in the request body. See the documentation of your REST client for instructions.

To upload a file with form-data as the content-type, specify a key and a value for the file. The key is file with type as File, and the value is the certificate chain file that you want to upload.

Example using curl

/usr/bin/curl -v -k -i -F file=@/tmp/cert.pem -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX=='

Upload certificate chain.

Input is certificate chain file which is a PEM encoded chain of certificates received from the certification authority after signing a CSR.


Working with NSX Manager Debug APIs

You can use the NSX Manager debug APIs to troubleshoot problems on the NSX Manager.


Generates the thread dump of the NSX Manager and captures the output of the top command. The top output helps you to monitor the processes and the usage of the system resources on the NSX Manager. The combined output (top output + thread dump) is saved in a separate threaddump_top log file. To view the files, download the NSX Manager tech support bundle. The files are available in Bundle_Name\logs\threaddump.

Note: Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the name of the log file is changed to threaddump.top. After you upgrade to NSX 6.4.5 and generate the thread dump, the old threaddump_top file that existed before the upgrade is preserved in Bundle_Name\preupgradeslot\logs\threaddump. The new thread dump (threaddump.top) is created and saved in Bundle_Name\logs\threaddump.


Working With NSX Manager System Events


Get NSX Manager system events

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. New parameters eventSourceId, eventSourceType, eventSourceIP added under eventSourceInfo.


Working with Host Event Notifications

You can enable host event notifications on the NSX Manager as a security feature to detect potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack on hosts. By default, host event notifications are enabled. To view host event notifications in the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Networking & Security > System > Events > Monitor > System Events. These notifications are also displayed as alarms in the vSphere Web Client.


Retrieve configuration of host event notifications.

Method history:

6.4.0Method added.

Add configuration of host event notifications on the NSX Manager and host.

Method history:

6.4.0Method added.

Request body parameters:

  • enabled - Required. Enable or disable host event notifications. Options are True or False.
  • notificationInterval - Required. Time interval in seconds at which the NSX Manager receives host event notifications from each host. Valid range is 300 to 3600.


Working With DHCP Starv WhiteList

Hosts use vCenter alerts and dashboard alerts to notify users about DoS attacks on the hosts. In NSX 6.4.4 and earlier, you can enable and disable DHCP DoS attack notifications on the hosts only at the global level. Starting with NSX Data Center 6.4.5, you can use APIs to enable or disable DHCP DoS attack notifications on a per port basis (dvPort).

By default, DHCP DoS attack notifications are enabled on all the ports. However, you can disable these notifications on the ports that are expected to route DHCP packets. NSX 6.4.5 introduces APIs to create and modify a DHCP Starv Whitelist, which you can use to exclude selected ports from checking DHCP DoS attack notifications. For example, you can identify the third-party router VMs and disable notifications for the ports on those VMs by using the APIs. On the ESG VMs, the APIs are automatically executed to whitelist all the vNICs of the ESG VMs, and no user intervention is required.

Note: With NSX, you cannot whitelist ports when a VM or an Edge is connected to a VLAN-based port group.

DHCP Starv Whitelist Parameters

vmIdObject ID of the virtual machine.Required.
virtualWireObject ID of the virtualwire (logical switch).Required. For example, virtualwire-1.
vnicUuidIndex of the vNIC for a VM.Optional. Use the VMInstanceUuid.deviceId format to specify the vNIC of a VM (vnicId). For example, 564d05d4-29f3-94ad-7fa5-47ca2be93796.000. If you omit the vnicUuid, all vNICs for that VM and virtualwire combination are added to the whitelist.

Create a new DHCP starv whitelist to exclude selected distributed virtual ports (dvPorts) from checking DoS attacks on hosts. In the whitelist, specify combinations of vmId, virtualwire, and vnicId to identify ports on the dvSwitch that you want to exclude.

In a multi-vCenter environment, you must create a separate whitelist that is local to the NSX Manager and vCenter combination. For universal virtualwires, unique dvPortGroups are created on the dvSwitches that participate in the logical network. NSX Manager associated with the vCenter Server manages the ports created on the dvPortGroups in that vCenter.

Note: It is recommended to remove the whitelist entries before the following situations occur, else the whitelist might grow unrestricted:

  • Third-party router VMs are deleted.
  • vNICs on the third-party router VMs are deleted or reconfigured to another logical switch (virtualwire).

For example, imagine that you have a third-party router VM connected to dvPort1 and dvPort1 is added to the whitelist. Now, you want to move the VM from dvPort1 to dvPort2. Before moving the VM, first remove dvPort1 from the whitelist, and then add dvPort2 to the whitelist. To summarize, use the following workflow:

  • Run the DELETE API request (without force option) to remove dvPort1 from the whitelist.
  • Move the VM from dvPort1 to dvPort2.
  • Run the POST API request to add dvPort2 to the whitelist.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Retrieve information about all the entries in the DHCP starv whitelist.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Working With a Specific DHCP Starv Whitelist Entry


Retrieve information about the specified DHCP starv whitelist entry.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Delete the specified DHCP starv whitelist entry.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Working With DHCP Starv Whitelist Entries of a Specific VM


Retrieve information about all the DHCP starv whitelist entries of the specified VM.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.

Delete all the DHCP starv whitelist entries of the specified VM.

Method history:

6.4.5Method introduced.


Working With NSX Manager Audit Logs

You can retrieve NSX Manager audit logs. The following table translates the names used for modules in the API and the vSphere Web Client UI.

Navigate to Networking & Security > NSX Managers > NSX Manager > Monitor > Audit Logs to view the logs in the vSphere Web Client UI.

Module Names for Audit Logs in API and UI

API Names for Audit Log ModulesUI Names for Audit Log Modules
EDGE_LBEdge Load Balancer
EPSECGuest Introspection
SDDData Security
DLPData Recovery
IP_SETIP Addresses
MAC_SETMAC Addresses
APP_FAIL_SAFEApp Fail Safe Config
DYNAMIC_SETDynamic set
DYNAMIC_CRITERIADynamic criteria
NamespaceServiceNamespace Service

Get NSX Manager audit logs.


Working With the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program

NSX Data Center for vSphere participates in VMware’s Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP).

See "Customer Experience Improvement Program" in the NSX Administration Guide for more information.

Working With the VMware CEIP Configuration

You can join or leave the CEIP at any time. You can also define the frequency and the days the information is collected.

CEIP Parameters

enabledEnable status of data collectiontrue or false.
frequencyFrequency of data collectiondaily, weekly, or monthly.
dayOfWeekDay to collect dataSUNDAY, MONDAY, ... SATURDAY.
hourOfDayHour to collect data0-23.
minutesMinute to collect data0-59.
lastCollectionTimeTime of last collection.Timestamp in milliseconds. Read only.

Retrieve the CEIP configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the CEIP configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.
6.3.3Method updated. minutes parameter is configurable.

Working With Proxy Setting for VMware CEIP

If your NSX Manager appliance does not have a direct connection to the internet, you can configure a proxy server for the purpose of sending information collected by CEIP to VMware.

CEIP Proxy Parameters

enabledEnabled status of proxyRequired. Default is AUTO.
OFF: use direct connection
MANUAL: use settings defined here
AUTO: use proxy auto-discovery.
schemeProxy scheme.Required if enabled is set to MANUAL. Valid value: http. Default is http.
hostnameHostname of proxy serverRequired if enabled is set to MANUAL.
portPort used for proxy serverRequired if enabled is set to MANUAL. Default is 0.
usernameProxy server usernameOptional.
passwordProxy server passwordOptional. Not included in GET response.

Retrieve the NSX Manager proxy settings for CEIP.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.

Retrieve the NSX Manager proxy settings for CEIP.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.


Working With Network Fabric Configuration

Working With Network Virtualization Components and VXLAN

Cluster preparation can be broken down into the following:

  • Install VIB and non-VIB related action: Before any per-host config a VIB must be installed on the host. The feature can use this time to perform other bootstrapping tasks which do not depend on VIB-installation. e.g. VXLAN creates the vmknic-pg and sets up some opaque data.
  • Post-VIB install: Prepare each host for the feature. In the case of VXLAN, create vmknics.

Install network fabric or VXLAN.

This method can be used to perform the following tasks:

  • Install Network Virtualization Components
  • Configure VXLAN
  • Configure VXLAN with LACPv2
  • Reset Communication Between NSX Manager and a Host or Cluster

Starting in NSX 6.4.7, before installing the network virtualization components on clusters that are managed by vCenter 7.0 or later, the API checks whether vSphere Lifecycle Management (vLCM) image is used on the clusters. If any vCenter cluster uses a vLCM image, the API throws an error.

Host preparation is not allowed on vCenter clusters that use a vLCM image.

Parameter Information

resourceIdvCenter MOB ID of cluster. For example, domain-c7. A host can be specified when resetting communication. For example, host-24.
featureIdFeature to act upon. Omit for network virtualization components operations. Use com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan for VXLAN operations, com.vmware.vshield.vsm.messagingInfra for message bus operations.
ipPoolIdUsed for VXLAN installation. If not specified, DHCP is used for VTEP address assignment.
uplinkPortNameThe uplinkPortName as specified in vCenter.

Install Network Virtualization Components

POST /api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>

Configure VXLAN

POST /api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>
    <configSpec class="clusterMappingSpec">
        <objectId>DVS MOID</objectId></switch>
        <ipPoolId>IPADDRESSPOOL ID</ipPoolId>
    <resourceId>DVS MOID</resourceId>
    <configSpec class="vdsContext">
          <objectId>DVS MOID</objectId>

Configure VXLAN with LACPv2

POST /api/2.0/nwfabric/configure

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>
    <configSpec class="clusterMappingSpec">
        <objectId>DVS MOID</objectId>
    <resourceId>DVS MOID</resourceId>
    <configSpec class="vdsContext">
        <objectId>DVS MOID</objectId>
      <uplinkPortName>LAG NAME</uplinkPortName>

Reset Communication Between NSX Manager and a Host or Cluster

POST /api/2.0/nwfabric/configure?action=synchronize


Upgrade Network virtualization components.

This API call can be used to upgrade network virtualization components. After NSX Manager is upgraded, previously prepared clusters must have the 6.x network virtualization components installed.


Remove VXLAN or network virtualization components.

Removing network virtualization components removes previously installed VIBs, tears down NSX Manager to ESXi messaging, and removes any other network fabric dependent features such as logical switches. If a feature such as logical switches is being used in your environment, this call fails.

Removing VXLAN does not remove the network virtualization components from the cluster.

resourceIdvCenter MOB ID of cluster. For example, domain-c7.
featureIdFeature to act upon. Omit for network virtualization components operations. Use com.vmware.vshield.vsm.vxlan for VXLAN operations.

Remove Network Virtualization Components

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>

Remove VXLAN

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>

Remove VXLAN with vDS context

    <resourceId>CLUSTER MOID</resourceId>
    <configSpec class="map">

Resolving Host Preparation Issues


Resolve all issues associated with host preparation (VIB installation). You can resolve issues only at the cluster level.

Working With Network Fabric Features


Retrieves all network fabric features available on the cluster. Multiple featureInfo sections may be returned.

Working With Network Fabric Status


Retrieve the network fabric status of the specified resource.

Working With Network Fabric Status of Child Resources


Retrieve the network fabric status of child resources of the specified resource.

Working With Status of Resources by Criterion


Retrieve status of resources by criterion.

Working With Locale ID Configuration For Clusters


Retrieve the locale ID for the specified cluster.


Update the locale ID for the specified cluster.


Delete locale ID for the specified cluster.

Working With Locale ID Configuration for Hosts


Retrieve the locale ID for the specified host.


Update the locale ID for the specified host.


Delete the locale ID for the specified host.


Working With Security Fabric and Security Services

The security fabric simplifies and automates deployment of security services and provide a platform for configuration of the elements that are required to provide security to workloads. These elements include:

Internal components:

  • Guest Introspection Universal Service Virtual Machine
  • Guest Introspection Mux
  • Logical Firewall

External components:

  • Partner OVFs / VIBs
  • Partner vendor policy templates

For partner services, the overall workflow begins with registration of services by partner consoles, followed by deployment of the services by the administrator.

Subsequent workflow is as follows:

  1. Select the clusters on which to deploy the security fabric (Mux, Traffic filter, USVM).
  2. Specify an IP pool to be used with the SVMs (available only if the partner registration indicates requirement of static IPs)
  3. Select portgroup (DVPG) to be used for each cluster (a default is pre-populated for the user).
  4. Select datastore to be used for each cluster (a default is pre-populated for the user).
  5. NSX Manager deploys the components on all hosts of the selected clusters.

Once you deploy the security fabric, an agency defines the configuration needed to deploy agents (host components and appliances). An agency is created per cluster per deployment spec associated with services. Agents are deployed on the selected clusters, and events / hooks for all the relevant actions are generated.

Request parameters

dataStoreNeeds to be specified only in POST call. In PUT call, it should be left empty.
dvPortGroupOptional. If not specified, then user will set the Agent using vCenter Server.
ipPoolOptional. If not specified, IP address is assigned through DHCP.

Deploy security fabric.


Upgrade service to recent version.

The datastore, dvPortGroup, and ipPool variables should either not be specified or have same value as provided at time of deployment.

Working With a Specified Service


Retrieve all clusters on which the service is installed.


Uninstall specified service from specified clusters.

Working With Service Dependencies

Services installed through the security fabric may be dependent on other services. When an internal service is registered, a dependencyMap is maintained with the service-id and implementation type of the internal service.

When partner registers a new service, the security fabric looks up its implementation type in the dependencyMap to identify the service it depends on, if any. Accordingly, a new field in Service object called dependsOn-service-id is populated.


Retrieve service on which the specified service depends.

Working With Installed Services on a Cluster


Retrieve all services deployed along with their status.


Uninstall a service. Fails if you try to remove a service that another service depends on.

In order to uninstall services in any order, set parameter ignoreDependency to true.

Working With a Specific Service on a Cluster


Retrieve detailed information about the service.


Working With Data Collection for Activity Monitoring

Activity Monitoring provides visibility into your virtual network to ensure that security policies at your organization are being enforced correctly.

A Security policy may mandate who is allowed access to what applications. The Cloud administrator can generate Activity Monitoring reports to see if the IP based firewall rule that they set is doing the intended work. By providing user and application level detail, Activity Monitoring translates high level security policies to low level IP address and network based implementation.

Once you enable data collection for Activity Monitoring, you can run reports to view inbound traffic (such as virtual machines being accessed by users) as well as outbound traffic (resource utilization, interaction between inventory containers, and AD groups that accessed a server).

You must enable data collection for one or more virtual machines on a vCenter Server before running an Activity Monitoring report. Before running a report, ensure that the enabled virtual machines are active and are generating network traffic.

You should also register NSX Manager with the AD Domain Controller. See "Working With Domains".

Note that only active connections are tracked by Activity Monitoring. Virtual machine traffic blocked by firewall rules at the vNIC level is not reflected in reports.

In case of an emergency such as a network overload, you can turn off data collection at a global level. This overrides all other data collection settings.

Some API calls may require the VMID, which is the MOID of the guest virtual machine. You can retrieve this by queuing the vCenter mob structure (https:VC-IP-Address/mob). The VMID is listed under host structure.

Working With Data Collection on a Specific Virtual Machine

You must enable data collection at least five minutes before running an Activity Monitoring report.


Enable or disable data collection on a virtual machine

Set value to enabled or disabled.

Override Data Collection


Turn data collection on or off at the global level.

In case of an emergency such as a network overload, you can turn off data collection at a global level (kill switch). This overrides all other data collection settings.

Set value to enabled or disabled.

Retrieve Data Collection Configuration for a Specific Virtual Machine

When reporting per virtual machine configuration, current kill switch status is also reported too. The effective configuration of a virtual machine is determined by both kill switch config and per virtual machine configuration. If kill switch is on, event collection is effectively disabled regardless of what its per virtual machine configuration is; if kill switch is off, per virtual machine configuration determines whether event collection should be performed for this virtual machine.


Retrieve per VM configuration for data collection.


Working With Activity Monitoring

Working With Aggregated User Activity

Get aggregated user activity (action records) using parameters. Requires that Guest Introspection is configured, NSX Manager must be registered with Active Directory, and data collection is enabled on one or more VMs.


View Outbound Activity

You can view what applications are being run by a security group or desktop pool and then drill down into the report to find out which client applications are making outbound connections by a particular group of users. You can also discover all user groups and users who are accessing a particular application, which can help you determine if you need to adjust identity firewall in your environment.

  • query=resource
  • param=<param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
      • app
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for dest: VIRTUAL_MACHINE
      • for app: SRC_APP
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View user activities to VM ID 1 originating from application ID 1

GET /api/3.0/ai/records?query=resource&interval=60m&

View Inbound Activity

You can view all inbound activity to a server by desktop pool, security group, or AD group.

  • query=sam
  • param=<param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
      • app
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for dest: VIRTUAL_MACHINE
      • for app: DEST_APP
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View user activities to VM ID 1 originating from application ID 1

GET /api/3.0/ai/records?query=containers&interval=60m&

View Interaction between Inventory Containers

You can view the traffic passing between defined containers such as AD groups, security groups and/or desktop pools. This can help you identify and configure access to shared services and to resolve misconfigured relationships between Inventory container definitions, desktop pools and AD groups.

  • query=containers
  • param=<param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
    • <param-type> is one of:
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or NOT (default isINCLUDE*).

Example: View interaction between inventory containers

GET /api/3.0/ai/records?query=containers&interval=60m&

View Outbound AD Group Activity

You can view the traffic between members of defined Active Directory groups and can use this data to fine tune your firewall rules.

  • query=adg
  • param=<param-name>:<param-type>:<comma-separated-values>:<operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • adg
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for adg: USER
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default isINCLUDE*).

Example: View outbound AD group activity

GET /api/3.0/ai/records?query=adg&interval=24h&

Working With User Details


View Outbound Activity

You can view what applications are being run by a security group or desktop pool and then drill down into the report to find out which client applications are making outbound connections by a particular group of users. You can also discover all user groups and users who are accessing a particular application, which can help you determine if you need to adjust identity firewall in your environment.

  • query=resource
  • param=<param-name><param-type><comma-separated-values><operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
      • app
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for dest: IP - a valid IP address in dot notation, xx.xx.xx.xx
      • for app: SRC_APP
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View user activities to VM ID 1 originating from application ID 1

GET /api/3.0/ai/userdetails?query=resource&stime=2012-10-15T00:00:00&etime=2012-10-20T00:00:00&

View Inbound Activity

You can view all inbound activity to a server by desktop pool, security group, or AD group.

  • query=sam
  • param=<param-name><param-type><comma-separated-values><operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
      • app (required)
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for dest: VIRTUAL_MACHINE
      • for app: DEST_APP
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, NOT (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View user activities to VM ID 1 originating from application ID 1

GET /api/3.0/userdetails?query=sam&interval=60m&param=app:DEST_APP:1:EXCLUDE

View Interaction between Inventory Containers

You can view the traffic passing between defined containers such as AD groups, security groups and/or desktop pools. This can help you identify and configure access to shared services and to resolve misconfigured relationships between Inventory container definitions, desktop pools and AD groups.

  • query=containers
  • param=<param-name><param-type><comma-separated-values><operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • dest (required)
    • <param-type> is one of:
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, or NOT (default isINCLUDE*).

Example: View interaction between inventory containers

GET /api/3.0/ai/userdetails?query=containers&interval=60m&

View Outbound AD Group Activity

You can view the traffic between members of defined Active Directory groups and can use this data to fine tune your firewall rules.

  • query=adg
  • param=<param-name><param-type><comma-separated-values><operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src (required)
      • adg
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for adg: USER
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View outbound AD group activity

GET /api/3.0/ai/userdetails?query=adg&interval=24h&param=adg:USER:1:INCLUDE

View Virtual Machine Activity Report

  • query=vma
  • param=<param-name><param-type><comma-separated-values><operator>, where:
    • <param-name> is one of:
      • src
      • dst
      • app
      • If no parameters are passed, then this would show all SAM activities
    • <param-type> is one of:
      • for dst: VIRTUAL_MACHINE, VM_UUID
      • for app - SRC_APP or DEST_APP
    • <comma-separated-values> is a comma-separated numbers (optional). If none specified then no filter is applied.
    • <operator> is one of INCLUDE, EXCLUDE (default is INCLUDE).

Example: View outbound AD group activity

GET /api/3.0/ai/userdetails?query=vma&interval=60m&param=dest:VIRTUAL_MACHINE:1&

Working With a Specific User


Retrieve details for a specific user.

Working With Applications


Retrieve app details.

Working With a Specific Application


Retrieve details for specific app.

Working With Discovered Hosts


Retrieve list of all discovered hosts (both by agent introspection and LDAP Sync) and their detail.

Working With a Specific Discovered Host


Get host details.

Working With Desktop Pools


Retrieve list of all discovered desktop pools by agent introspection.

Working With a Specific Desktop Pool


Retrieve specific desktop pool details.

Working With Virtual Machines


Retrieve list of all discovered VMs.

Working With a Specific Virtual Machine


Retrieve details about a specific virtual machine.

Working With LDAP Directory Groups


Retrieve list of all discovered (and configured) LDAP directory groups.

Working With a Specific LDAP Directory Group


Retrieve details about a specific directory group.

Working With a Specific User's Active Directory Groups


Retrieve Active Directory groups that user belongs to.

Working With Security Groups


Retrieve list of all observed security groups.

Observed entities are the ones that are reported by the agents. For example, if a host activity is reported by an agent and if that host belongs to a security group then that security group would reported as observed in SAM database.

Working With a Specific Security Group


Retrieve details about specific security group.


Working With Domains

After you create a domain, you can apply a security policy to it and run queries to view the applications and virtual machines being accessed by the users of a domain.

Registering Domains

You can a register one or more Windows domains with an NSX Manager and associated vCenter server. NSX Manager gets group and user information as well as the relationship between them from each domain that it is registered with. NSX Manager also retrieves Active Directory credentials. You can apply security policies on an Active Directory domain and run queries to get information on virtual machines and applications accessed by users within an Active Directory domain.

Parameter Values for Registering or Updating a Domain

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired?
IDDomain id. If you want to create a new domain, do not provide this value. Otherwise, the system will find an existing domain object by this ID and update it.Required if updating existing domain
nameDomain name. This should be the domain's fully qualified name. If it's agent discovered, this will be the NetBIOS name, so you need to update it to FQN in order to support LDAP sync and event log reader.Required if creating a new domain.
descriptionDomain descriptionOptional.
typeDomain type. Valid values include: AGENT_DISCOVERED, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, SPECIAL (Do NOT modify SPECIAL domain). For LDAP sync and event log reader work, this need to be set to ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.Optional. Default is ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.
netbiosNameNetBIOS name of domain. This is the domain's NetBIOS name. Normally Agent reported domain name is the NetBIOS name. Confirm from Windows domain settings.Optional.
baseDnDomain's Base DN (for LDAP sync). Base DN is required for LDAP Sync. If you have a domain like: w2k3.vshield.vmware.com, the base DN is very likely to be: DC=w2k3,DC=vshield,DC=vmware,DC=com. Another example is: domain name is: vs4.net, the base DN should be: DC=vs4,DC=net. You can use a LDAP client and connect to domain controller to find the domain's base DN.Optional. Required for LDAP sync.
rootDnLDAP Sync root DN. Specify where should LDAP sync start from LDAP tree. This could be an absolute path, for example: OU=Engineer,DC=vs4,DC=net, or a relative path (relative to Base DN), for example: OU=Engineer.Optional.
rootDnItemRoot DN item. Use instead of rootDn if the domain has multiple rootDn values.Optional.
securityIdDomain's Security ID (SID). This should be filled by LDAP sync process, and should not need to be modified.Optional.
usernameDomain's User name (Used for LDAP Sync and/or Event Log reader)Optional.
passwordUser passwordOptional.
eventLogUsernameDomain's event log reader username (will use above username if this is NULL)Optional.
eventLogPasswordDomain's event log reader passwordOptional.

Register or update a domain with NSX Manager

Example: Domain with one root DN


Example: Domain with multiple root DN


Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. rootDnItem parameter added.

Retrieve LDAP Domains


Retrieve all agent discovered (or configured) LDAP domains.

Retrieve Security Groups of a Specific Domain


List all the security groups of the specified domain.

Delete a Specific Domain


Delete domain.

Working with Root Distinguished Names

Retrieve the list of individual root distinguished names under which each domain sub-tree synchronization is executed.


Verify that the rootDNs in the rootDNList are independent to each other. Verify that the rootDNs in the rootDNList exist in Active Director server.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Delete DomainRootDN


Delete individual root distinguished name under which each domain sub-tree synchronization is not to be executed.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Create LDAP Server


Create LDAP server.

Query LDAP Servers for a Domain


Query LDAP servers for a domain.

Update AD Sync Settings

Update AD sync settings (both delta sync and full sync). Change delta sync interval, and enable or disable full sync, as well as full sync frequency.


LDAP full sync settings

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Start LDAP Full Sync


Start LDAP full sync.

Start LDAP Delta Sync


Start LDAP delta sync.

Delete LDAP Server


Delete LDAP server.

EventLog Server


Create EventLog server.

Working With EventLog Servers for a Domain


Query EventLog servers for a domain.

Delete EventLog Server


Delete EventLog server.


Working With Mapping Lists

Working With User to IP Mappings


Query user-to-ip mapping list from database.

Working With Host to IP Mappings


Query host-to-ip mapping list from database.

Working With IP to User Mappings


Retrieve set of users associated with a given set of IP addresses during a specified time period. Since more than one user can be associated with a single IP address during the specified time period, each IP address can be associated with zero or more (i.e a SET of) users.

Working With User Domain Groups


Query set of Windows Domain Groups (AD Groups) to which the specified user belongs.

Working With a Specific Static User Mapping


Create static user IP mapping.

Working With Static User Mappings


Query static user IP mapping list.

Working With Static User IP Mappings for a Specific User


Query static user IP mapping for specified user.


Delete static user IP mapping for specified user.

Working With Static User IP Mappings for a Specific IP


Query static user IP mapping for specified IP.


Delete static user IP mapping for specified IP.


Working With Activity Monitoring Syslog Support

Enable Syslog Support


Enable syslog support.

Disable Syslog Support


Disable syslog support.


Working With Solution Integrations

Working With Agents on a Specific Host


Retrieves all agents on the specified host. The response body contains agent IDs for each agent, which you can use to retrieve details about that agent.

Working With a Specific Agent


Retrieve agent (host components and appliances) details.

Working With Agents on a Specific Deployment


Retrieve all agents for the specified deployment.

Working With Conflicting Agencies

When the NSX Manager database backup is restored to an older point in time, it is possible that deployment units for some EAM Agencies are missing. These methods help the administrator identify such EAM Agencies and take appropriate action.


Retrieve conflicting deployment units and EAM agencies, if any, and the allowed operations on them.


Create deployment units for conflicting EAM Agencies, delete conflicting EAM agencies, or delete deployment units for conflicting EAM agencies.

Create deployment units for conflicting EAM agencies


Delete conflicting EAM agencies


Delete deployment units for conflicting EAM agencies



Working With MAC Address Set Grouping Objects

You can create a MAC address set on the specified scope. On success, the API returns a string identifier for the new MAC address set.

Working With a Specific MAC Address Set


Retrieve details about a MAC address set.


Modify an existing MAC address set.


Delete a MAC address set.

Working With MAC Address Sets on a Specific Scope


Create a MAC address set on the specified scope.

The value parameter can include a single MAC identifier or a comma separated set of MAC identifiers. Universal MAC address sets are read-only from secondary managers.


List MAC address sets on the specified scope.


Working With ESX Agent Manager

vSphere ESX Agent Manager (EAM) automates the process of deploying and managing NSX Data Center for vSphere networking and security services.

Working With EAM Status


Retrieve EAM status from vCenter.

You can verify the status is UP before proceeding with an NSX Data Center for vSphere install or upgrade.

Method history:

6.3.5Method introduced.

Working With a Specific EAM Agent


Retrieve the status of a specific EAM agent.

Working With EAM Agent Runtime Information


Retrieve the runtime information of a specific EAM agent.


Working With Alarms

Alarms are notifications that are activated in response to an event, a set of conditions, or the state of an object. Alarms, along with other alerts, are displayed on the Dashboard and other screens on the vSphere Web Client UI.

See "Alarms" in the NSX Logging and System Events Guide for more information.

Generally, an alarm gets automatically deleted by the system when the error condition is rectified. Some alarms are not automatically cleared on a configuration update. Once the issue is resolved, you have to clear the alarms manually.

Alarm Parameters

resolutionAttemptedWas resolution of the alarm was attempted?true or false.
resolvableCan the alarm be resolved?true or false
alarmIdID of the alarm.For example, 79965.
alarmCodeEvent code which uniquely identifies the system event.For example, 130027.
alarmSourceThe domain object identifier of the source where you can resolve the reported alarm.For example, edge-3.
totalCountThe total number of unresolved alarms.

Retrieve all unresolved alarms on NSX Manager.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific System Alarm

You can view and resolve alarms by alarm ID.


Retrieve information about the specified alarm. Both resolved and unresolved alarms can be retrieved.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Resolve the specified alarm.

System alarms resolve automatically when the cause of the alarm is resolved. For example, if an NSX Edge appliance is powered off, this triggers a alarm. If you power the NSX Edge appliance back on, the alarm resolves. If however, you delete the NSX Edge appliance, the alarm persists, because the alarm cause was never resolved. In this case, you might want to manually resolve the alarm. Resolving the alarm will clear it from the NSX Dashboard.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.


Working With Alarms from a Specific Source

You can view and resolve alarms from a specific source.


Retrive all alarms from the specified source.


Resolve all alarms for the specified source.

Alarms will resolve automatically when the cause of the alarm is resolved. For example, if an NSX Edge appliance is powered off, this will trigger an alarm. If you power the NSX Edge appliance back on, the alarm will resolve. If however, you delete the NSX Edge appliance, the alarm will persist, because the alarm cause was never resolved. In this case, you may want to manually resolve the alarm. Resolving the alarms will clear them from the Dashboard.

Use GET /api/2.0/services/alarms/{sourceId} to retrieve the list of alarms for the source. Use this response as the request body for the POST call.


Working With System Scale (Capacity Parameter) Dashboard

The System Scale (Capacity Parameter) dashboard displays information about the current object count, maximum object supported by the system, and percentage usage for each parameter. The capacity parameter report collects information about the current system scale and the supported scale parameters. It also allows you to view a warning threshold value and percentage usage for each the parameter. It also allows you to view and configure a warning threshold value at the system level. If the current global threshold values exceeds a specified threshold value, a warning indicator is displayed on the UI to alert that the maximum supported scale is approaching. This information is also logged and included in the support bundle.

System Scale (Capacity Parameter) Dashboard Report

Retrieves the current and supported scale configuration of the system.


The output displays scale summary, current scale value, supported system scale value, threshold value, and the percentage usage for each parameter.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

System Scale (Capacity Parameter) Dashboard Threshold

You can find out and change the global threshold for the system, if required. The default global threshold value for the system is set to 80.


Retrieves the global threshold for the system. The System Scale dashboard on UI displays warning when the threshold value is reached.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

You can configure the scale threshold of the system. If you change the global threshold from 80 to 70, it means the System Scale dashboard displays warning when the system threshold reaches at 70%.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With Custom Dashboard Widget

You can add up to five custom widgets to the dashboard. You can also share widgets with other users by setting the shared parameter to true in the widget configuration. It is recommended to have total of maximum 10 widgets on your dashboard. The following two types of widgets are supported:

  • Label Value, and
  • Grid (or Table)

Data Types

Following data types are supported:

  • Datasource
  • GridConfiguration
  • LabelValueConfiguration
  • UrlAlias
  • Label
  • Icon
  • WidgetConfigurationList
  • WidgetQueryParameters


display_nameDatasource Instance Name. Only NSX-API is supported as ‘default’ datasource.StringRequired
urlsArray of relative urls and their aliases.Array of UrlAliasRequired


resource_typeMust be set to the value GridConfiguration.StringRequired
Read only
Enum: GridConfiguration, LabelValueConfiguration
datasourcesArray of Datasource Instances with their relative urls.
The 'datasources' represent the sources from which data is fetched.Currently, only NSX-API is supported as a 'default' datasource. An example of specifying 'default' datasource along with the urls to fetch data from is given at 'example_request' section of 'CreateWidgetConfiguration' API.
Array of DatasourceMinimum items: 1
descriptionDescription of this widget configuration.StringMaximum length: 1024
category_idCategory of this widget configuration. If category_id is not provided, system generates a category ID.String
category_display_nameDisplay name of the category. If category display name is not provided, then category_id is used as its display name.String
columnsColumns describes the information about individual columns such as column heading or label, data type of the column and so on.Array of ColumnItemRequired
sharedShare widget configuration with other users.BooleanDefault is False

GridConfiguration: Grid Column - Represents column of the Grid


fieldColumn Field.
Field from which values of the column are derived.
labelLabel of the column.LabelRequired
render_configurationRender configuration to be applied, if any.Array of RenderConfiguration
typeData type of the field.StringRequired
Options are String, Number, Date. Default is String

Label Value Configuration

resource_typeLabel Value Configuration. Must be set to the value LabelValueConfiguration.StringRequired. Read only
sub_type[Optional] Sub-type of the resource type. When the sub-type is omitted, then the parent type LabelValueConfiguration will be considered.
For LabelValueConfiguration the available sub-type is aggregate_count.
StringRead only
object_type[Optional] User defined type for identifying the widget’s data. Example: HostConnStatuses.String
datasourcesArray of Datasource Instances with their relative URLs.Array of DatasourceRequired. Read only
descriptionDescription of this widget configuration.StringMaximum length:1024
display_nameWidget Title.StringRequired
category_idCategory of this widget configuration.
If category_id is not provided, system generates an ID for category.
category_display_nameDisplay name of the category.
If category display name is not provided, then category_id is used as the display name.
propertiesProperties consisting of labels and values.Array of PropertyItemRequired
sharedShare the widget configuration with other users.BooleanDefault is False
revisionRevision of this widget configuration. It is auto-generated and auto-updated.IntegerRead only


fieldField of the Property.StringRequired
labelLabel of the Property.LabelRequired
render_configurationRender Configuration.Array of RenderConfiguration
typeField data type.StringOptions are String, Number, and Date. Default is String.
drilldown idID of the drill-down widget configuration.String


conditionExpression for evaluating condition.String
display_valueOverridden value to display, if any.String
iconsIcons to be applied at dashboard for widgets and UI elements.Array of IconMinimum item is 0


aliasAlias name for URL.String


textText to be displayed at the label.StringRequired
Maximum length is 255


typeIcon is rendered based on its type.
For example, if ERROR is chosen, then icon representing error will be rendered.


widgetconfigurationsArray of widget configurations.Array of widgetconfigurationRequired. Read only


widget_idsComma separated IDs of the WidgetConfiguration to be queried.StringRead only


Expressions can be used in widget configurations. Expressions should be evaluable on their own without any “variable declaration”. For example, you can give following expressions:

* Arithmetic:
  (1 + 2)= evaluates to 3
  (12.0 - 5.2) = evaluates to 6.8
  (6 * 12 + 5 / 2.6) = evaluates to 73.923
  (12 % 2)= evaluates to 0
  (6 / 4 )= evaluates to 1.5
  (-12 + 77.2) = evaluates to 65.2
  (x * 1.1 + y) = Not allowed as x and y are not defined.
* Calling methods:
  "(\"\").isEmpty()" = evaluates to boolean true.
* Accessing properties:
  "(\"Some long string\").length == 16" = evaluates to boolean true. But you can not give expressions like:
    “V1 + 2” 
    “aString.length()” and so on because these expressions require the definition of “V1” and “aString” to be present in the context, and there is no place in widget configuration to define it. 
     * No Java statements are supported, only expressions are supported.

Anatomy of an Expression in Widget Configuration

  * Expression
   * Basic form: #{<datasource>.<url-alias>.<jsonpath>}
   * Examples:
       * Expression:   #{default.si.versionInfo.majorVersion}       
       * API: api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/system             
  * Expression:   #{default.si.cpuInfoDto.totalNoOfCPUs}                             
       * API:  api/1.0/appliance-management/summary/system
       * Expression:  #{default.summary.preparedHostsTotalNumber}                           
       * API: api/2.0/vdn/inventory/hosts/status/summary
       * Function form: #{<datasource>.<url-alias>.<jsonpath>}.function()
       * Example:
  * Expression:  #{default.se.dataPage.data}.size()                    
       * API: api/2.0/systemevent

Anatomy of a Condition in Widget Configuration

   * Condition
      * Evaluates to a boolean (true or false)
       * Form: expression == value
          * Examples: 
              #{default.status.degraded_count} < 10
              #{default.status.results}.size() < 10
              #{default.status.status} == \"INSTALLED_DISABLED\"
              #{default.config.allow_mirrored} == true
              #{default.config.allow_mirrored}        //A boolean can be used directly in expression.

Retrieves configuration details for all the widgets available on dashboard.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Creates a new Widget Configuration and adds it to the default Dashboard on UI. Supported resource_type are LabelValueConfiguration and GridConfiguration.

Notes for Expressions in Widget Configuration

Expressions should be given in a single line. If an expression spans multiple lines, then form the expression in a single line. Order of evaluation of expressions is as follows:

  • First, render configurations are evaluated in their order of appearance in the widget configuration. The field is evaluated at the end.
  • Next, when render configuration is provided then the order of evaluation is as follows:

    • If expressions provided in condition and display value are well-formed and free of runtime errors such as null pointers and evaluates to true; then the remaining render configurations are not evaluated, and the current render configurations display value is taken as the final value.

    • If expression provided in condition of render configuration is false, then next render configuration is evaluated.

    • Finally, field is evaluated only when every render configuration evaluates to false and no error occurs during steps mentioned above.

      If an error occurs during evaluation of render configuration, then an error message: "ERROR: See the Error_Messages field of this report for details" is shown. The display value corresponding to that label is not shown and evaluation of the remaining render configurations continues to collect and show all the error messages (marked with the Label for identification) as Error_Messages: {}. If during evaluation of expressions for any label-value pair an error occurs, then it is marked with error. The errors are shown in the report, along with the label value pairs that are error-free.

Important Note for text in condition, field and render configuration's display value: For elements that take expressions, strings should be provided by escaping them with a back-slash. These elements are - condition, field and render_configuration's display_value.

Notes for Drilldowns: Only GridConfiguration is supported as drilldown widget. To make a widget as a drilldown, its category_id should be set as drilldown. Drilldowns are supported for aggregate_count (subtype of LabelValueConfiguration) widgets only. In other words, only 'aggregate_count' widgets can have drilldowns.

Notes for Sharing the widget to other users: Use a valid vsphere user, who has an NSX role assigned that has sufficient permissions, to create the widget and it will get displayed on the UI when that vsphere user logs in. For other users to view the widget on the UI, the owner (user who owners that widget) needs to share the widget (set shared parameter to true).

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Widget


Retrieves the configuration details about a specific widget on the dashboard.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Updates the configuration about a specific widget on the dashboard. For example, LabelValueConfiguration, PUT https:///api/2.0/services/dashboard/ui-views/dashboard/widgetconfigurations/ LabelValueConfiguration_497802b7-e0d9-48b3-abfd-479058540956.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Deletes a specific widget on the dashboard.


Working With the Task Framework

Working with filtering criteria and paging information for jobs on the task framework.


Query job instances by criterion.

Working With a Specific Job Instance


Retrieve all job instances for the specified job ID.


Working With Guest Introspection and Third-party Endpoint Protection (Anti-virus) Solutions

About Guest Introspection and Endpoint Protection Solutions

VMware's Guest Introspection Service enables vendors to deliver an introspection-based, endpoint protection (anti-virus) solution that uses the hypervisor to scan guest virtual machines from the outside, with only a thin agent on each guest virtual machine.

Version Compatibility

Note: The management APIs listed in this section are to be used only with partner endpoint protection solutions that were developed with EPSec Partner Program 3.0 or earlier (for vShield 5.5 or earlier). These partner solutions are also supported on NSX 6.0 and need the APIs listed below. These APIs should not be used with partner solutions developed specifically for NSX 6.0 or later, as these newer solutions automate the registration and deployment process by using the new features introduced in NSX. Using these with newer NSX 6.0 based solutions could result in loss of features.

Register a Solution

To register a third-party solution with Guest Introspection, clients can use four REST calls to do the following:

  1. Register the vendor.
  2. Register one or more solutions.
  3. Set the solution IP address and port (for all hosts).
  4. Activate registered solutions per host.

Note: Steps 1 through 3 need to be performed once per solution. Step 4 needs to be performed for each host.

Unregister a Solution

To unregister a solution, clients perform these steps in reverse:

  1. Deactivate solutions per host.
  2. Unset a solution’s IP address and port.
  3. Unregister solutions.
  4. Unregister the vendor.

Updating Registration Information

To update registration information for a vendor or solution, clients must:

  1. Unregister the vendor or solution.
  2. Reregister the vendor or solution.

Register a Vendor and Solution with Guest Introspection


Register the vendor of an endpoint protection solution. Specify the following parameters in the request.

vendorIdVMware-assigned ID for the vendor.
vendorTitleVendor-specified title.
vendorDescriptionVendor-specified description.

Working With Registered Guest Introspection Vendors


Retrieve the list of all registered Guest Introspection vendors.

Working With Guest Introspection Vendors and Endpoint Protection Solutions


Register an endpoint protection solution. Specify the following parameters in the request.

solutionAltitudeVMware-assigned altitude for the solution. Altitude is a number that VMware assigns to uniquely identify the solution. The altitude describes the type of solution and the order in which the solution receives events relative to other solutions on the same host.
solutionTitleVendor-specified title for the solution.
solutionDescriptionVendor-specified description of the solution.

Retrieve registration information for a Guest Introspection vendor.


Unregister a Guest Introspection vendor.

Information About Registered Endpoint Protection Solutions


Get registration information for all endpoint protection solutions for a Guest Introspection vendor.

Endpoint Protection Solution Registration Information


Get registration information for an endpoint protection solution.


Unregister an endpoint protection solution.

IP Address and Port For an Endpoint Protection Solution

To change the location of an endpoint protection solution:

  1. Deactivate all security virtual machines.
  2. Change the location.
  3. Reactivate all security virtual machines.

Set the IP address and port on the vNIC host for an endpoint protection solution.


Get the IP address and port on the vNIC host for an endpoint protection solution.


Unset the IP address and port for an endpoint protection solution.

Activate an Endpoint Protection Solution

You can activate a solution that has been registered and located.


Retrieve activation information for all activated security VMs on the specified host.

Activated Security Virtual Machines


Retrieve a list of activated security VMs for an endpoint protection solution.

Activate a Registered Endpoint Protection Solution


Activate an endpoint protection solution that has been registered and located. Specify the following parameter in the request body.

svmMoidManaged object ID of the virtual machine of the activated endpoint protection solution.

Working With Solution Activation Status


Retrieve the endpoint protection solution activation status, either true (activated) or false (not activated).


Deactivate an endpoint protection solution on a host.

Working With Guest Introspection SVM Health Thresholds

System events are generated when the Guest Introspection service VM memory and CPU usage reach the defined thresholds.


Retrieve Guest Introspection service VM CPU and memory usage thresholds.

Method history:

6.3.5Method introduced.

Update Guest Introspection service VM CPU and memory usage thresholds.

Valid values are 0-100. The default value is 75.

Method history:

6.3.5Method introduced.


Working With Distributed Firewall

Default Firewall Configuration


Retrieve the default firewall configuration.

The output of this method can be used to restore the firewall config back to default. For example, to replace the layer 2 or layer 3 default section, use the relevant default section from the GET /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/defaultconfig response body to create the request body of PUT /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer2sections|layer3sections/{sectionId}.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working with Distributed Firewall Configuration

The following table lists the elements that can be used in firewall rules.

ElementKeyword for APIUsed in
All EdgesALL_EDGESappliedTo
application groupApplicationGroupservice
clustercompute resourceClusterComputeResource
distributed firewallDISTRIBUTED_FIREWALLappliedTo
distributed virtual port groupDistributedVirtualPortgroupsource/destination
Edge IDEdgeappliedTo
global rootGlobalRootsource/destination
IP setIPSetsource/destination
IPv4 addressesIpv4Addresssource/destination
IPv6 addressesIpv6Addresssource/destination
logical switchVirtualWiresource/destination
MAC address setMACSetsource/destination
networkNetworkfor legacy portgroups, network can be used in source or destination instead of appliedTo
resource poolResourcePoolsource/destination
security groupSecurityGroupsource/destination
virtual appVirtualAppsource/destination
virtual machineVirtualMachinesource/destination

Starting in NSX 6.4.0, the following attributes can be configured at the section level.

AttributeDescriptionDefault for new sections
tcpStrictIf TCP strict is enabled on a rule and a packet matches that rule, the following check will be performed. If the packet does not belong to an existing session, the kernel will check to see if the SYN flag of the packet is set. If it is not, then it will drop the packet.false for all section types.
statelessIf stateless is enabled on a rule, traffic is monitored statically, and the state of network connections will be ignored.true for L2, false for L3 and L3 redirect.
useSidIf useSid is enabled on a rule, the source field of the rule must be an Active Directory Security Group.false for all section types.

tcpStrict was previously configured in the global firewall configuration: PUT /api/4.0/firewall/config/globalconfiguration. If you upgrade to NSX 6.4.0 or later, the global configuration setting for tcpStrict is used to configure tcpStrict in each existing layer 3 section. tcpStrict is set to false in layer 2 sections and layer 3 redirect sections. stateless and useSid are new attributes in NSX 6.4.0 and are set to the default values during upgrade.

Once all hosts are upgraded to NSX 6.4.0, the global tcpStrict parameter is ignored.


Retrieve distributed firewall rule configuration.

If no query parameters are used, all rule configuration is retrieved. Use the query parameters to filter the rule configuration information.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Update the complete firewall configuration in all sections.

  • Retrieve the configuration with GET /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers.
  • Extract and modify the configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of GET /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the PUT API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

When updating the firewall configuration:

  • IDs for new objects (rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.
  • If new entities (sections/rules) have been sent in the request, the response will contain the system-generated IDs, which are assigned to these new entities.
  • appliedTo can be any valid firewall rule element.
  • action can be ALLOW, BLOCK, or REJECT. REJECT sends reject message for unaccepted packets; RST packets are sent for TCP connections and ICMP unreachable code packets are sent for UDP, ICMP, and other IP connections
  • source and destination can have an exclude flag. For example, if you add an exclude tag for in the source parameter, the rule looks for traffic originating from all IPs other than

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Restores default configuration, which means one defaultLayer3 section with three default allow rules and one defaultLayer2Section with one default allow rule.

Working With Layer 3 Sections in Distributed Firewall

You can use sections in the firewall table to group logical rules based on AppliedTo or for a tenant use case. A firewall section is the smallest unit of configuration which can be updated independently. Section types are as follows:

  • Layer3Section contains layer3 rules
  • Layer2Section contains layer2 rules
  • Layer3RedirectSection contains traffic redirect rules.

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall sections created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy. You should not modify Service Composer firewall sections using Distributed Firewall REST APIs.


Retrieve rules from the layer 3 section specified by section name.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Create a layer 3 distributed firewall section.

By default, the section is created at the top of the firewall table. You can specify a location for the section with the operation and anchorId query parameters.

See "Working with Distributed Firewall Configuration" for information about configuring tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid for a section.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Working With a Specific Layer 3 Distributed Firewall Section


Retrieve information about the specified layer 3 section.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Move the specified layer 3 section.

Use the action, operation, and optionally achorId query parameters to specify the destination for the section.

POST /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer3sections/1007 ?action=revise&operation=insert_before&anchorId=1006

If-Match: 1477989118875

<section id="1007" name="Web Section" generationNumber="1477989118875" timestamp="1477989118875" type="LAYER3">

Update the specified layer 3 section in distributed firewall.

  • Retrieve the configuration for the specified section.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers.
  • Extract and modify the configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the PUT API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

When updating the firewall configuration:

  • IDs for new objects (rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.
  • If new entities (sections/rules) have been sent in the request, the response will contain the system-generated IDs, which are assigned to these new entities.
  • appliedTo can be any valid firewall rule element.
  • action can be ALLOW, BLOCK, or REJECT. REJECT sends reject message for unaccepted packets; RST packets are sent for TCP connections and ICMP unreachable code packets are sent for UDP, ICMP, and other IP connections
  • source and destination can have an exclude flag. For example, if you add an exclude tag for in the source parameter, the rule looks for traffic originating from all IPs other than

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall sections created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy. You should not modify Service Composer firewall sections using Distributed Firewall REST APIs. If you do, you must synchronize firewall rules from Service Composer using the GET /api/2.0/services/policy/serviceprovider/firewall API.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Delete the specified layer 3 distributed firewall section.

If the default layer 3 firewall section is selected, the request is rejected. See GET /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/defaultconfig for information on resetting the default firewall section.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. When deleting the default firewall rule section, the method previously removed all rules except for the default rule. The method now returns status 400 and the message Cannot delete default section <sectionId>.

Working With Distributed Firewall Rules in a Layer 3 Section


Add rules to the specified layer 3 section in distributed firewall.

You add firewall rules at the global scope. You can then narrow down the scope (datacenter, cluster, distributed virtual port group, network, virtual machine, vNIC, or logical switch) at which you want to apply the rule. Firewall allows you to add multiple objects at the source and destination levels for each rule, which helps reduce the total number of firewall rules to be added. To add a identity based firewall rule, first create a security group based on Directory Group objects. Then create a firewall rule with the security group as the source or destination. Rules that direct traffic to a third part service are referred to as layer3 redirect rules, and are displayed in the layer3 redirect tab.

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall rules created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy.

Follow this procedure to add a rule:

  • Retrieve the configuration for the specified section.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers. Note: Each section contains its own Etag, generationNumber, and timestamp. When adding a new rule, you must use the Etag value of the firewall section to which you wish to add the rule.
  • Extract and modify the configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the section Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the POST API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

When updating the firewall configuration:

  • IDs for new rules should be removed or set to zero.
  • If new rules have been sent in the request, the response will contain the system-generated IDs, which are assigned to these new entities.
  • appliedTo can be any valid firewall rule element.
  • action can be ALLOW, BLOCK, or REJECT. REJECT sends reject message for unaccepted packets; RST packets are sent for TCP connections and ICMP unreachable code packets are sent for UDP, ICMP, and other IP connections
  • source and destination can have an exclude flag. For example, if you add an exclude tag for in the source parameter, the rule looks for traffic originating from all IPs other than

Working With a Specific Rule in a Specific Layer 3 Section


Retrieve information about the specified distributed firewall rule.


Update a distributed firewall rule in a layer 3 section.

  • Retrieve the configuration for the section that contains the rule you want to modify.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers. Note: This is the Etag value of the firewall section to which you want to add the rule. If you are keeping this rule in the same section, you must keep the same Etag number.
  • Extract and modify the rule configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the section Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the PUT API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.


Delete the specified distributed firewall rule.

Working With Layer 2 Sections in Distributed Firewall

You can use sections in the firewall table to group logical rules based on AppliedTo or for a tenant use case. A firewall section is the smallest unit of configuration which can be updated independently. Section types are as follows:

  • Layer3Section contains layer3 rules
  • Layer2Section contains layer2 rules
  • Layer3RedirectSection contains traffic redirect rules.

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall sections created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy. You should not modify Service Composer firewall sections using Distributed Firewall REST APIs.


Retrieve rules from the layer 2 section specified by section name.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Create a layer 2 distributed firewall section.

By default, the section is created at the top of the firewall table. You can specify a location for the section with the operation and anchorId query parameters.

See "Working with Distributed Firewall Configuration" for information about configuring tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid for a section.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Working With a Specific Layer 2 Distributed Firewall Section


Retrieve information about the specified layer 2 section.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Move the specified layer 2 section.

Use the action, operation, and optionally anchorId query parameters to specify the destination for the section.

POST /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/layer2sections/1009 ?action=revise&operation=insert_before&anchorId=1008

If-Match: 1478307787160

<section id="1009" name="Test Section" generationNumber="1478307787160" timestamp="1478307787160" type="LAYER2">

Update the specified layer 2 section in distributed firewall.

  • Retrieve the configuration for the specified section.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers.
  • Extract and modify the configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the PUT API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

When updating the firewall configuration:

  • IDs for new objects (rule/section) should be removed or set to zero.
  • If new entities (sections/rules) have been sent in the request, the response will contain the system-generated IDs, which are assigned to these new entities.
  • appliedTo can be any valid firewall rule element.
  • action can be ALLOW, BLOCK, or REJECT. REJECT sends reject message for unaccepted packets; RST packets are sent for TCP connections and ICMP unreachable code packets are sent for UDP, ICMP, and other IP connections
  • source and destination can have an exclude flag. For example, if you add an exclude tag for in the source parameter, the rule looks for traffic originating from all IPs other than

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall sections created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy. You should not modify Service Composer firewall sections using Distributed Firewall REST APIs. If you do, you must synchronize firewall rules from Service Composer using the GET /api/2.0/services/policy/serviceprovider/firewall API.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Delete the specified layer 2 section and its contents.

If the default layer 2 firewall section is selected, the request is rejected. See GET /api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/defaultconfig for information on resetting the default firewall section.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. When deleting the default firewall rule section, the method previously removed all rules except for the default rule. The method now returns status 400 and the message Cannot delete default section <sectionId>.

Working With Distributed Firewall Rules in a Layer 2 Section


Add rules to the specified layer 2 section in distributed firewall.

You add firewall rules at the global scope. You can then narrow down the scope (datacenter, cluster, distributed virtual port group, network, virtual machine, vNIC, or logical switch) at which you want to apply the rule. Firewall allows you to add multiple objects at the source and destination levels for each rule, which helps reduce the total number of firewall rules to be added. To add a identity based firewall rule, first create a security group based on Directory Group objects. Then create a firewall rule with the security group as the source or destination. Rules that direct traffic to a third part service are referred to as layer3 redirect rules, and are displayed in the layer3 redirect tab.

When Distributed Firewall is used with Service Composer, firewall rules created by Service Composer contain an additional attribute in the XML called managedBy.

Follow this procedure to add a rule:

  • Retrieve the configuration for the specified section.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers. Note: Each section contains its own Etag, generationNumber, and timestamp. When adding a new rule, you must use the Etag value of the firewall section to which you wish to add the rule.
  • Extract and modify the configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the section Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the POST API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.

When updating the firewall configuration:

  • IDs for new rules should be removed or set to zero.
  • If new rules have been sent in the request, the response will contain the system-generated IDs, which are assigned to these new entities.
  • appliedTo can be any valid firewall rule element.
  • action can be ALLOW, BLOCK, or REJECT. REJECT sends reject message for unaccepted packets; RST packets are sent for TCP connections and ICMP unreachable code packets are sent for UDP, ICMP, and other IP connections
  • source and destination can have an exclude flag. For example, if you add an exclude tag for in the source parameter, the rule looks for traffic originating from all IPs other than

Working With a Specific Rule in a Specific Layer 2 Section


Retrieve the configuration of the specified rule.


Update a distributed firewall rule in a layer 2 section.

  • Retrieve the configuration for the section that contains the rule you want to modify.
  • Retrieve the Etag value from the response headers. Note: This is the Etag value of the firewall section to which you want to add the rule. If you are keeping this rule in the same section, you must keep the same Etag number.
  • Extract and modify the rule configuration from the response body as needed.
  • Set the If-Match header to the section Etag value, and submit the request.
  • Starting in NSX 6.4.5, the Etag value returned in the response header of the GET API request contains double quotes. You must strip off the double quotes before using the Etag value in the If-Match header. If you are using the PUT API request in an automation script, ensure that the script strips off the double quotes in the Etag value.

Not all fields are required while sending the request. All the optional fields are safe to be ignored while sending the configuration to server. For example, if an IP set is referenced in the rule only IPSet and Type is needed in the Source/Destination objects and not Name and isValid tags.


Delete the specified distributed firewall rule.

Layer 3 Redirect Sections and Rules


Add L3 redirect section

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Layer 3 Redirect Section


Get L3 redirect section configuration

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Modify layer 3 redirect section. You will need to get the Etag value out of the GET first. Then pass the modified version of the whole redirect section configuration in the GET body.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict, stateless, and useSid added as section attributes.

Delete specified L3 redirect section

Working With Layer 3 Redirect Rules for a Specific Section


Add L3 redirect rule

Working With a Specific Layer 3 Redirect Rule for a Specific Section


Get L3 redirect rule


Modify L3 redirect rule. You will need Etag value from the response header of GET call. Then, pass Etag value as the if-match header in PUT call


Delete specified L3 redirect rule

Service Insertion Profiles and Layer 3 Redirect Rules


Retrieve the Service Insertion profiles that can be applied to layer3 redirect rules.

Enable Distributed Firewall After Upgrade

After upgrading NSX Manager, controllers, and network virtualization components, check the status of distributed firewall. If it is ready to enable, you can enable distributed firewall.

backwardCompatibleThis is the default state after an upgrade from vCloud Networking and Security to NSX, which means that vShield App is being used for protection instead of distributed firewall.
backwardCompatibleReadyForSwitchOnce the clusters are prepared with NSX binaries, this state is enabled. You can enable distributed firewall only after firewall is in this state.
switchingToForwardThis is an intermediate state when you change firewall to distributed firewall.
forwardThis is the default state for green field deployments or after you have switched from vShield App to distributed firewall.
switchFailedThis state is unlikely, but may be present if NSX Manager failed to switch to distributed firewall.

Retrieve current state of firewall functioning after NSX upgrade.


Enable distributed firewall.

Working With Distributed Firewall Status

Retrieve status of last publish action for each cluster in the NSX environment.

The status output displays a generation number (generationNumber) for each rule set, which can be used to verify whether a change in rule sets has propagated to a host. In 6.2.4, a generation number for objects (generationNumberObjects) has been added to the status API. This allows you to verify whether a change in objects consumed in firewall rules has propagated to a host. Note that the object generation number may change frequently and will always be equal to or greater than the ruleset generation number.

Starting in NSX 6.2.4, clusters (and hosts inside the cluster) are no longer included in the firewall status output if distributed firewall is disabled at the cluster level, or if the cluster is not prepared (NSX VIBs are not installed). In earlier versions of NSX these clusters and hosts are included in the output. However, because they are not configured for firewall, after a firewall rule publish their status is inprogress.


Get firewall configuration status

Method history:

6.2.4Method updated. Parameter generationNumberObjects added. Clusters not configured for firewall are excluded from the status output.

Working With a Specific Layer 3 Section Status


Retrieve status of the last publish action for the specified layer 3 section.

Method history:

6.2.4Method updated. Parameter generationNumberObjects added. Clusters not configured for firewall are excluded from the status output.

Working With a Specific Layer 2 Section Status


Retrieve status of the last publish action for the specified layer 2 section.

Method history:

6.2.4Method updated. Parameter generationNumberObjects added. Clusters not configured for firewall are excluded from the status output.

Import and Export Firewall Configurations


Save a firewall configuration.


Displays the draft IDs of all saved configurations.

Working With a Specific Saved Firewall Configuration


Get a saved firewall configuration.


Update a saved firewall configuration.


Delete a configuration.

Export a Firewall Configuration


Export a configuration.

Import a Firewall Configuration


Import a configuration.

Working With Distributed Firewall Session Timers

You can configure session timers (session timeouts) for TCP, UDP, and ICMP. There is a default configuration, which applies to all VMs protected by Distributed Firewall. You can modify the session timers values of the default configuration, but not the appliedTo values.

You can add additional session timer configurations with different appliedTo configurations.

appliedTo > valueThe ID of the object on which to apply the timeout settings.Required. For example VM ID vm-216.
appliedTo > typeThe type of object on which to apply the timeout settings.Required. Can be VirtualMachine or Vnic
generationNumberGeneration number for the configuration.When updating session timers, you must ensure the latest generation number is included in the request body.
tcpFirstPacketThe timeout value for the connection after the first packet has been sent. This will be the initial timeout for the connection once a SYN has been sent and the flow is created.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 120.
tcpOpenThe timeout value for the connection after a second packet has been transferred.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 30.
tcpEstablishedThe timeout value for the connection once the connection has become fully established.Valid timer values: 120-4320000 seconds. Default is 43200.
tcpClosingThe timeout value for the connection after the first FIN has been sent.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 120.
tcpFinWaitThe timeout value for the connection after both FINs have been exchanged and the connection is closed.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 45.
tcpClosedThe timeout value for the connection after one endpoint sends an RST.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 20.
udpFirstPacketThe timeout value for the connection after the first packet. This will be the initial timeout for the new UDP flow.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 60.
udpSingleThe timeout value for the connection if the source host sends more than one packet but the destination host has never sent one back.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 30.
udpMultipleThe timeout value for the connection if both hosts have sent packets.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 60.
icmpFirstPacketThe timeout value for the connection after the first packet. This will be the initial timeout for the new ICMP flow.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 20.
icmpErrorReplyThe timeout value for the connection after an ICMP error came back in response to an ICMP packet.Valid timer values: 10-4320000 seconds. Default is 10.

Retrieve Distributed Firewall session timer configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Create a Distributed Firewall session timer configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Distributed Firewall Session Timer Configuration


Retrieve the specified Distributed Firewall session timer configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Update the specified Distributed Firewall session timer configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Delete the specified Distributed Firewall session timer configuration.

Method history:

6.3.0Method introduced.

Working With Distributed Firewall Event Thresholds

Configure memory, CPU, and connections per second (CPS) thresholds for distributed firewall.

The firewall module generates system events when the memory and CPU usage crosses these thresholds.

Note: Deprecated. Use GET /api/4.0/firewall/stats/thresholds instead.


Retrieve threshold configuration for distributed firewall.

Note: Starting in NSX 6.4, using this GET API will not display new threshold types such as process memory, different types of heap memory, and concurrent connections. Instead, use the new API introduced in NSX 6.4 which is GET /api/4.0/firewall/stats/thresholds/host/?type=<>&thresholdValue;=<>.


Update threshold configuration for distributed firewall.

Note: Starting in NSX 6.4, using this PUT API will disable the new threshold types such as process memory and concurrent connections. Instead, use the new API introduced in NSX 6.4 which is PUT /api/4.0/firewall/stats/thresholds.

Working With Distributed Firewall Thresholds

Retrieve memory, CPU, and connections per second (CPS) thresholds for distributed firewall.

The firewall module generates system events when the memory and CPU usage crosses these thresholds.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Configure threshold values for distributed firewall such as CPU utilization, heap memory, calls per second, concurrent connections, and process memory.


Types of thresholdDefault ValueRangeUnit
CPU900 - 100Percent
Heap Memory900 - 100Percent
Process Memory700 - 100Percent
Connections per second40000Count
Maximum connections500000Count

Retrieve threshold configuration for distributed firewall like CPU utilization, heap memory, calls per second, concurrent connections, process memory.
Use GET /api/4.0/firewall/stats/thresholds/host/?type=<>&thresholdValue;=<>.


Get the different types of thresholds for distributed firewall.

Working With Distributed Firewall Rule Hit Counts

You can review and reset the distributed firewall hit count.

ruleIdRule identification number.
hitcountNumber of times the rule was hit.
firstHitTimeFirst time the rule is hit.
lastHitTimeMost recent time the rule was hit.

Globally clears the rule hit count statistics for all rules.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working with Rule Hit Counts for a Specific Rule


Retrieves the rule hit count statistics for a given rule.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With the Distributed Firewall Global Configuration

You can use the following parameters to improve firewall performance:

  • layer3RuleOptimize and layer2RuleOptimize to turn on/off rule optimization.
  • tcpStrictOption determines whether or not to drop an established TCP connection when the firewall does not see the initial three-way handshake. If set to true, the connection will be dropped.
    Note: starting in NSX 6.4.0 this setting in the global configuration is ignored. tcpStrict is instead configured at the section level. See "Working with Distributed Firewall Configuration" for more information.
  • autoDraftDisabled improves performances when making large numbers of changes to firewall rules.
  • ruleStatsDisabled describes the state of the rule stats collection. Default value for this field is false meaning rule stats collection will be enabled by default. Set the value to true to disable rule stats collection on NSX Manager and hosts.
  • enableGlobalContainers ensures that only one copy of address set is available in the hypervisor instead of one per DFW filter, thereby greatly reducing memory.

You can disable the auto draft feature by setting autoDraftDisabled to true. Distributed Firewall saves up to 100 configurations, including manually saved drafts (preserve parameter can be set to true or false) and auto saved drafts (preserve parameter is set to false). Once 100 configurations are saved, older drafts with the preserve parameter set to false will be deleted in order to save new configurations. You might want to disable the auto drafts feature before making large numbers of changes to the firewall rules, to improve performance, and to prevent previously saved drafts from being overwritten.

Note: The autoDraftDisabled parameter does not appear in a GET of the global configuration.


Retrieve performance configuration for distributed firewall.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict in the global configuration is ignored. Instead, configure tcpStrict at the section level. Added enableGlobalContainers parameter.
6.4.2ruleStatsDisabled introduced.

Update the distributed firewall performance configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. autoDraftDisabled parameter added.
6.4.0Method updated. tcpStrict in the global configuration is ignored. Instead, configure tcpStrict at the section level. Added enableGlobalContainers parameter.
6.4.2ruleStatsDisabled introduced.

Working With the Distributed Firewall Universal Configuration

You can use this delete API to delete all universal sections when NSX Manager is in transit mode. This API only works when NSX Manager is in transit mode and universal section are only allowed to be deleted from primary NSX Manager. This API does not work for secondary NSX Manager.


Delete the universal sections when NSX Manager is in transit mode.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Synchronize Firewall

Synchronize hosts and clusters with the last good configuration in NSX Manager database.


Force sync host or cluster.

Enable Firewall

Enable or disable firewall components on a cluster.


Enable or disable firewall components on a cluster

Working With IPFIX

Configuring IPFIX exports specific flows directly from Distributed Firewall to a flow collector.

ipfixEnabledEnabled status of IPFIXValid values: true or false.
observationDomainIdObservation domain ID for IPFIXRequired. Must be greater than 0.
flowTimeoutFlow timeoutRequired. Valid values: 1-60.
collectorIPFIX collector configurationCan define multiple.
collector > ipIPFIX collector IP address
collector > portIPFIX collector portValid values: 0-65535. Default is 4739.

Retrieve IPFIX configuration.


Update IPFIX configuration.

Method history:

6.3.5Default value for collector port changed from 0 to 4739.

Deleting IPFIX configuration resets the configuration to default values.

Distributed Firewall State Realization for Grouping Objects

Use this API to verify whether changes made in the grouping object (container), such as security group, has been realized or not. The API takes the VM ID, the list of container IDs, and the list of appliedTo parameter as an input request and returns the list of IPs realized for each vNIC of the VM for each container for the provided appliedTo parameters. The API supports maximum of five containers IDs and five appliedTo parameters. The API is for Layer3 rules.

Realized status can be:

  • Yes: If the grouping object (container) has any one of the IPs of the vNIC
  • No: If the grouping object (container) has none of the IPs of the vNIC
  • Not found: If the host could find the vNIC or the grouping object (container)

The API does not support:

  • Excluded vNICs
  • IPSET/MACSET grouping objects (containers)
  • DFW/ Edge/ All Edges/ Any in the appliedToList parameter

Get VM Status for the grouping object (container). The parameters in the container field are mandatory, and parameters in the appliedTo field are optional in the POST request body.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With SpoofGuard

After synchronizing with the vCenter Server, NSX Manager collects the IP addresses of all vCenter guest virtual machines. If a virtual machine has been compromised, the IP address can be spoofed and malicious transmissions can bypass firewall policies.

You create a SpoofGuard policy for specific networks that allows you to authorize the reported IP addresses and alter them if necessary to prevent spoofing. SpoofGuard inherently trusts the MAC addresses of virtual machines collected from the VMX files and vSphere SDK. Operating separately from Firewall rules, you can use SpoofGuard to block traffic determined to be spoofed.

Working With SpoofGuard Policies

You can create a SpoofGuard policy to specify the operation mode for specific networks. The system generated policy applies to port groups and logical switches not covered by existing SpoofGuard policies.

The operationMode for a SpoofGuard policy can be set to one of the following:

  • TOFU - Automatically trust IP assignments on their first use
  • MANUAL - Manually inspect and approve all IP assignments before first use
  • DISABLE - Disable the SpoofGuard policy

Create a SpoofGuard policy to specify the operation mode for networks.

Note: you must include the trailing slash for this URI: /api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/.


Retrieve information about all SpoofGuard policies.

Note: you must include the trailing slash for this URI: /api/4.0/services/spoofguard/policies/.

Working With a Specific SpoofGuard Policy


Retrieve information about the specified SpoofGuard policy.


Modify the specified SpoofGuard policy.


Delete the specified SpoofGuard policy.

Perform SpoofGuard Operations on IP Addresses in a Specific Policy


Approve or publish IP addresses.


Retrieve IP addresses for the specified state.


Working With Flow Monitoring

Working With Flow Monitoring Statistics


Retrieve flow statistics for a port group, VM, or vNIC.

Response values for flow statistics:

  • blocked - indicates whether traffic is blocked:
    • 0 - flow allowed
    • 1 - flow blocked
    • 2 - flow blocked by SpoofGuard
  • protocol - protocol in flow:
    • 0 - TCP
    • 1 - UDP
    • 2 - ICMP
  • direction - direction of flow:
    • 1 - from virtual machine
    • 2 - to virtual machine
  • controlDirection - control direction for dynamic TCP traffic:
    • 0 - source -> destination
    • 1 - destination -> source

Working With Flow Monitoring Meta-Data


Retrieve flow statistics meta-data.

This method retrieves the following information for each flow type:

  • minimum start time
  • maximum end time
  • total flow count

Working With Flow Monitoring Configuration

Flow records generated on all hosts are sent to NSX Manager, which consumes the records and displays aggregated information. Hosts can generate large numbers of flow records. You can configure flow monitoring to exclude certain records from collection. The flow configuration applies to all hosts.

  • collectFlows - if true, flow collection is enabled.
  • ignoreBlockedFlows - if true, ignore blocked flows.
  • ignoreLayer2Flows - if true, ignore layer 2 flows.
  • sourceIPs - source IPs to exclude. For example:,,
  • sourceContainer - source containers to exclude. Containers can contain VM, vNic, IP Set, MAC Set.
  • destinationIPs - destination IPs to exclude.
  • destinationContainer - destination containers to exclude. Containers can contain VM, vNic, IP Set, MAC Set.
  • destinationPorts - destination ports to exclude.
  • serviceContainers - service containers to exclude. Container can contain application or application group.

Flow exclusion happens at the host. The following flows are discarded by default:

  • Broadcast IP (
  • Local multicast group (
  • Broadcast MAC address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)

Retrieve flow monitoring configuration.


Update flow monitoring configuration.

Working With Flow Configuration for a Specific Context


Delete flow records for the specified context.


Exclude Virtual Machines from Firewall Protection


Retrieve the set of VMs in the exclusion list.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Added query parameter excludelist?listSystemResources=true to list the system resources in the exclude list.

Working With the Exclusion List


Add a vm to the exclusion list.


Delete a vm from exclusion list.


Working With NSX Edge

There are two types of NSX Edge: Edge services gateway and logical (distributed) router.

Edge Services Gateway

The services gateway gives you access to all NSX Edge services such as firewall, NAT, DHCP, VPN, load balancing, and high availability. You can install multiple Edge services gateway virtual appliances in a datacenter. Each Edge service gateway virtual appliance can have a total of ten uplink and internal network interfaces.

The internal interfaces connect to secured port groups and act as the gateway for all protected virtual machines in the port group. The subnet assigned to the internal interface can be a publicly routed IP space or a NATed/routed RFC 1918 private space. Firewall rules and other NSX Edge services are enforced on traffic between network interfaces.

Uplink interfaces of NSX Edge connect to uplink port groups that have access to a shared corporate network or a service that provides access layer networking. Multiple external IP addresses can be configured for load balancer, site-to-site VPN, and NAT services.

Logical (Distributed) Router

The logical router provides East-West distributed routing with tenant IP address space and data path isolation. Virtual machines or workloads that reside on the same host on different subnets can communicate with one another without having to traverse a traditional routing interface.

A logical router can have up to 9 uplink interfaces and up to 990 internal interfaces.


You can install NSX Edge as a services gateway or as a logical router.

The type parameter determines which type of NSX Edge is deployed: distributedRouter or gatewayServices. If no type is specified, the type is gatewayServices.

Other parameters for this method will differ depending on which type of NSX Edge you are deploying. See the examples and parameter tables for more information.

NSX Edge: Service Gateway

The NSX Edge installation API copies the NSX Edge OVF from the Edge Manager to the specified datastore and deploys an NSX Edge on the given datacenter. After the NSX Edge is installed, the virtual machine powers on and initializes according to the given network configuration. If an appliance is added, it is deployed with the specified configuration.

Installing an NSX Edge instance adds a virtual machine to the vCenter Server inventory, you must specify an IP address for the management interface, and you may name the NSX Edge instance.

The configuration you specify when you install an NSX Edge is stored in the database. If an appliance is added, the configuration is applied to it and it is deployed.

NOTE: Do not use hidden/system resource pool IDs as they are not supported on the UI.

Request Body to Create Edge Services Gateway

  <description>Description for the edge gateway</description>

NSX Edge: Logical (Distributed) Router

Before installing a logical router, you must prepare the hosts on the appropriate clusters.

The user specified configuration is stored in the database and Edge identifier is returned to the user. This identifier must be used for future configurations on the given Edge. If any appliance(s) are specified and at least one connected interface/vnic is specified, then the appliance(s) are deployed and configuration is applied to them.

It is not possible to set thetrueproperty upon creation of a distributed logical router Edge and a subsequent API call is required to enable ECMP.

DHCP relay settings are not able to be used when creating a distributed logical router Edge and a subsequent API call is required to configure DHCP relay properties.

Request Body to Create Logical (Distributed) Router


Request and Response Body Parameters for NSX Edge

General Request Body Parameters: Edge Services Gateway and Logical (Distributed) Router

datacenterMoidSpecify vCenter Managed Object Identifier of data center on which edge has to be deployed.Optional.
When NSX Manager is connected to vCloud Director and the edge is created from vCloud Director, this parameter is absent in the GET API response if the API call is run against NSX Manager. However, this parameter is present if the GET API call is run against vCloud Director.
If the edge is created using the vSphere Web Client, this parameter is always present in the GET API response.
If the edge is created using the NSX API, this parameter is present in the GET API response only when it was specified during the edge creation.
datacenterNameSpecify the name of the data center where the edge has to be deployed.Optional.
This parameter is displayed in the GET API response only when datacenterMoid was specified during the edge creation. For more information about when this parameter is present or absent in the GET API response, see the comments for the datacenterMoid parameter.
typeSpecify which kind of NSX Edge to deploy. Choice of distributedRouter or gatewayServices.Optional. Default is gatewayServices.
nameSpecify a name for the new NSX Edge.Optional. Default is NSX-<edgeId>. Used as a VM name on vCenter appended by -<haIndex>.
descriptionNSX Edge description.Optional.
tenantSpecify the tenant. Used for syslog messages.Optional.
fqdnFully Qualified Domain Name for the edge.Optional. Default is NSX-<edgeId> Used to set hostname on the VM. Appended by -<haIndex>
vseLogLevelDefines the log level for log messages captured in the log files.Optional. Choice of: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, debug. Default is info.
enableAesniEnable support for Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions on the Edge.Optional. True/False. Default is true.
enableCoreDumpDeploys a new NSX Edge for debug/core-dump purpose.Optional. Default is false. Enabling core-dump will deploy an extra disk for core-dump files.

Appliances Configuration: Edge Services Gateway and Logical (Distributed) Router

applianceSizeEdge form factor, it determines the NSX Edge size and capability.Required. Choice of: compact, large, quadlarge, xlarge. Default is compact.
deployAppliancesDetermine whether to deploy appliances.Default is true.
applianceAppliance configuration details.Required. Can configure a maximum of two appliances. Until one appliance is configured and NSX Edge VM is deployed successfully, none of the configured features will serve the network.
resourcePoolIdDetails of resource pool on which to deploy NSX Edge.Required. Can be resource pool ID, e.g. resgroup-15 or cluster ID, e.g. domain-c41.
datastoreIdDetails of datastore on which to deploy NSX Edge.Required.
hostIdID of the host on which to deploy the NSX Edge.Optional.
vmFolderIdThe folder in which to save the NSX Edge.Optional.
customFieldCustom key-value attributes.Optional. Use custom attributes to associate user-specific meta-information with VMs and managed hosts, stored on vCenter Server.
customField > keyMeta information Key.Required if customField is specified.
customField > valueMeta information Value.Required if customField is specified.
cpuReservation > limitMaximum CPU capacity the NSX Edge can use, specified in MHz.Optional. -1 (unlimited), any positive integer
cpuReservation > reservationCPU capacity reserved for NSX Edge in MHz.Optional.
cpuReservation > sharesHigher value implies NSX Edge has priority when accessing resources.Optional.
memoryReservation > limitMaximum memory the NSX Edge can use, specified in MB.Optional. -1 (unlimited), any positive integer
memoryReservation > reservationMemory capacity reserved for NSX Edge in MB.Optional.
memoryReservation > sharesHigher value implies NSX Edge has priority when accessing resources.Optional.
cliSettings > userNameUser name.Required. length 1-33.
cliSettings > passwordPassword.Required. The password must be at least 12 characters long. Must contain at-least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special character and 1 digit. In addition, a character cannot be repeated 3 or more times consectively.
cliSettings > remoteAccessEnables or disables remote access through SSH.Required. Relevant firewall rules to allow traffic on port 22 must be opened by user/client
autoConfiguration > enabledEnable/Disable status of autoConfigurationOptional. True/False. Default is true. If autoConfiguration is enabled, firewall rules are automatically created to allow control traffic. Rules to allow data traffic are not created. For example, if you are using IPsec VPN, and autoConfiguration is true, firewall rules will automatically be configured to allow IKE traffic. However, you will need to add additional rules to allow the data traffic for the IPsec tunnel. If HA is enabled, firewall rules are always created, even if autoConfiguration is false, otherwise both HA appliances will become active.
autoConfiguration > rulePriorityDefines the priority of system-defined rules over user-defined rules.Optional. High, Low. Default is high.
queryDaemon > enabledConfigure the communication between server load balancer and NSX Edge VM.Default is false.
queryDaemon > portDefines the port through which the communication happens.Integer 1-65535. Default is 5666.

DNS Client: Edge Services Gateway and Logical (Distributed) Router

dnsClientConfigures the DNS settings of the Edge Services Gateway.Optional. If the primary/secondary are specified and the DNS service is not specified, the primary/secondary will be used as the default of the DNS service.
primaryDnsPrimary DNS IP
secondaryDnsSecondary DNS IP
domainNameDomain Name of Edge
domainNameSecondary Domain Name of Edge

vNIC Parameters: Edge Services Gateway Only

vnicConfigure interface (vNic).Required. Until one connected vNic is configured, none of the configured features will serve the network.
indexIndex of vNic to be configured. Value varies from 0-9. 4094 sub-interfaces can be configured in trunk mode.Required.
nameName of the vNic.Optional. System provides default names: vnic0...vnic9.
labelLabel for the vNic.Optional. System provides default labels: vNic_0...vNic_9.
typeType of interface connected to vNic.Optional. Choice of: Uplink, Internal, TRUNK. Default is Internal. TRUNK should be specified when sub-interfaces are configured.
portgroupIdConnect NSX Edge to the network through this port group.Required. Choice of: portgroupId or virtualWireId. portgroupId needs to be defined if isConnected=true
addressGroupAddress Group assigned to vNic.Required. More than one addressGroup/subnets can be assigned to the vNic.
primaryAddressPrimary Address of Edge Interface.Required. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.
secondaryAddresses > ipAddressIP assigned to interface.Optional. One or more ipAddress parameters are allowed, to enable assigning multiple IP addresses to a vNic, for example, for load balancing, NAT, VPN. At least one is required if secondaryAddresses is specified.
subnetMask or subnetPrefixLengthSubnet mask or prefix value.Required. Either subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength should be provided. When both are provided then subnetprefixLength is ignored.
macAddressOption to manually specify the MAC address.Optional. Managed by vCenter if not provided.
macAddress > edgeVmHaIndexHA index of the Edge VM.Required. 0 or 1.
macAddress > valueValue of the MAC address.Optional. Ensure that MAC addresses provided are unique within the given layer 2 domain.
vnic > mtuThe maximum transmission value for the data packets.Optional. Default is 1500.
enableProxyArpEnables proxy ARP. Do not use this flag unless you want NSX Edge to proxy ARP for all configured subnets.Optional. True/False. Default is false.
enableSendRedirectsEnables ICMP redirect.Optional. True/False. Default is true.
isConnectedSets if the interface is connected to the port group network.Optional. True/False. Default is false. portgroupId needs to be defined if isConnected=true.
inShapingPolicyConfigure Incoming Traffic.Optional.
outShapingPolicyConfigure Outgoing Traffic.Optional.
(inShapingPolicy or outShapingPolicy)
Sets average bandwidth for traffic.Optional.
(inShapingPolicy or outShapingPolicy)
Sets peak bandwidth for traffic.Required.
(inShapingPolicy or outShapingPolicy)
Sets the burst size of the interface.Required.
(inShapingPolicy or outShapingPolicy)
Enable/disable status of this traffic policy.Required.
(inShapingPolicy or outShapingPolicy)
Determine whether properties should be inherited to the vNic from the port group.Required.

HA (Management) Interfaces and Interfaces Configuration: Logical (Distributed) Router Only

mgmtInterfaceHigh availability interface configuration. Interface index 0 is assigned.Required.
interfaceInterface configuration. 1-9 are reserved for uplinks, 10-999 are used for internal interfaces.Optional. Can be added after logical router creation.
(mgmtInterface or interface)
Managed Object ID of logical switch or port group.For example, virtualwire-1 or dvportgroup-50. Logical router interfaces do not support legacy port groups.
(mgmtInterface or interface)
Name assigned to interface.Optional.
(mgmtInterface or interface)
Address Group assigned to interface.Required. Only one addressGroup can be configured on each logical router mgmtInterface or interface.
(mgmtInterface or interface)
Primary Address of interface.Required. Secondary Addresses are not supported on logical routers. Address must be IPv4.
subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength
(mgmtInterface or interface)
Subnet mask or prefix value.Required. Either subnetMask or subnetPrefixLength should be provided. When both are provided then subnetprefixLength is ignored.
(mgmtInterface or interface)
The maximum transmission value for the data packets.Optional. Default is 1500.
typeType of interface.Required. Choice of uplink or internal.

Retrieve a list of all NSX Edges in your inventory. You can use the query parameters to filter results.

Working With a Specific NSX Edge


Manage NSX Edge.


Retrieve information about the specified NSX Edge.

The following table lists the error codes that can be displayed in the API response when you use the action query parameter.

Error CodeDescription
10350Mismatch detected in IGMP configuration parameters for the edges.
10351Unsupported topology detected. Multiple multicast enabled edges are connected on the uplink of a multicast enabled DLR.
10352Unsupported topology detected. Multiple multicast enabled ESGs are connected on a network.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState, configuredResourcePool, configuredDataStore, configuredHost, configuredVmFolder parameters added.
6.4.0Method updated. New parameter ipsecSessionType added under the site section. This is a read-only parameter.
6.4.5Method updated. New query parameter action added to support verification of multicast configuration of the edge only from 6.4.5 and later.

XML Response for Error 10350

    <details>Multicast IGMP configuration mismatch detected for Edge: edge-1 with Igmp parameters: 
      [queryInterval:30, queryMaxResponseTime:10, lastMemberQueryInterval:1, robustnessVariable:2] and Edge: edge-2 with Igmp parameters: [queryInterval:31, queryMaxResponseTime:11, lastMemberQueryInterval:1, robustnessVariable:2] 

XML Response for Error 10351

    <details>Unsupported topology detected. Multiple multicast enabled NSX Edges [edge-2, edge-4, edge-5] are connected to multicast enabled Distributed Logical Router edge-3 on virtualwire-3</details> 

XML Response for Error 10352

    <details>Unsupported topology detected. Multiple multicast enabled Edges [edge-2, edge-3, edge-5, edge-4] are connected on virtualwire-3</details>

Update the NSX Edge configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState parameter added.
6.3.0Method updated. dnatMatchSourceAddress, snatMatchDestinationAddress, dnatMatchSourcePort, snatMatchDestinationPort parameters added.
protocol, originalPort, and translatedPort now supported in SNAT rules.
6.4.0Method updated. New parameter ipsecSessionType added under the site section. This is a read-only parameter, and optional if used in a PUT call. If used, it must be set to policybasedSession.

Delete specified NSX Edge configuration. Associated appliances are also deleted.

Working With DNS Client Configuration


Update Edge DNS settings.

Working With AESNI


Modify AESNI setting.

Working With Core Dumps

Enabling core-dump feature results in deployment of built-in extra disk to save core-dump files. Disabling detaches the disk.


Modify core dump setting.

Working With FIPS on NSX Edge


Modify FIPS setting.

Working With NSX Edge Logs


Modify log setting.

Working With NSX Edge Summary


Retrieve details about the specified NSX Edge.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. enableFips parameter added to appliancesSummary.

Working With NSX Edge Status


Retrieve the status of the specified Edge.

The edgeStatus has the following possible states:

  • GREEN: Health checks are successful, status is good.
  • YELLOW: Intermittent health check failure. If health check fails for five consecutive times for all appliances, status will turn RED.
  • GREY: Unknown Status. For a Distributed Logical Router with no edge appliance (control VM), status is Grey because no edge appliance is deployed.
  • RED: None of the appliances for this NSX Edge are in a serving state.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. The detailed query parameter now specifies whether detailed info is displayed for featureStatuses only. Detailed info is now always displayed for edgeVMStatus.
The systemStatus parameter is deprecated, and might be removed in a future release.
6.4.2API deprecated. Use the healthsummary API instead to retrieve the edge status.

Working With NSX Edge Health Summary


Retrieve detailed health information about an NSX Edge.

This includes features, VM health status, upgrade availability, alarms and pending jobs.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With NSX Edge Tech Support Logs


Retrieve the tech support logs for the specified NSX Edge.

The response status for the tech support logs API request is 303 See Other, and the Location header contains the file location of the tech support logs on the NSX Manager web server.

If your REST client is configured to not follow redirects, see the Location header to find the location of the tech support logs on the NSX Manager web server. You can retrieve the logs from https://<nsxmgr-address>/<location>.

Example in curl:

$ curl -k -i -s -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Vk13YXJlMSE=' -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -X GET
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Cache-Control: private
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT+00:00
Cache-Control: no-cache
Location: /tech_support_logs/vse/NSX_Edge_Support_edge-4_050217_155853GMT+00:00.log.gz
Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 15:59:02 GMT
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Content-Length: 0

In this example, the log location is

If your REST client is configured to follow redirects, the request retrieves the tech support log file from the file location in the Location field. Consult your REST client documentation for information on saving binary file responses.

Example in curl:

curl -k -L -s -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX==' -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -X GET > NSX_Edge_Support_edge-4.log.gz

Working With NSX Edge CLI Settings


Modify CLI credentials and enable/disable SSH for Edge.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Modified existing API to enable SSH on edge without changing the password. Now you can enable SSH without mentioning the password. If password is provided, the provided password is saved in the database. If password is not provided, NSX Manager will retain password from the database.

Working With NSX Edge Remote Access


Change CLI remote access

Working With NSX Edge System Control Configuration


Update the NSX Edge system control (sysctl) configuration.

The following tables provide the system control configuration parameters and their default values.

Determine IP address to be sent in ARP

ParametersDefault Values

ARP ignore

ParametersDefault Values

TCP timeout values for conntrack to fine tune NAT performance

ParametersDefault Values

Disable uRPF check

ParametersDefault Values

Modify ARP limits in cache

C - compact, L - large, QL - quad large, XL - xLarge, All - all form factors
ParametersDefault Values (NSX 6.4.5 and earlier)
128 (C), 256 (L, QL, XL)
128 (All)
512 (C), 1024 (L, QL, XL)
512 (All)
1024 (C), 2048 (L, QL, XL)
1024 (All)

In NSX 6.4.6, the default values of some sysctl properties that are used for modifying the ARP limits are increased. The following default values are applicable in NSX 6.4.6 and later.

ParametersDefault Values (NSX 6.4.6 and later)
128 (C), 256 (L, QL, XL)
128 (C), 256 (L, QL, XL)
8192 (All)
16384 (All)
16384 (All)
16384 (All)

TIME_WAIT socket connections configuration

ParametersDefault Values
sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle (removed in NSX 6.4.2)

Load balancer tuning

C - compact, L - large, QL - quad large, XL - xLarge, All - all form factors
ParametersDefault Values

1 (All)
8192 (C), 65536 (L, QL), 131072 (XL)
12081 16111 24162 (C), 24177 32239 48354 (L, QL), 193137 257519 386274 (XL)

The following load balancer tuning parameters are handled by HAProxy, and not NSX Edge system control configuration parameters. Figures in parentheses denote default values.

  • lb.global.tune.bufsize (16384)
  • lb.global.tune.maxrewrite (8192)
  • lb.global.tune.http.maxhdr (101)
  • lb.global.tune.ssl.default-dh-param (1024)

IPFragment tuning

ParametersDefault Values

Bridge tuning

ParametersDefault Values

Disable IPv6

ParametersDefault Values

Method history:

6.3.2Properties added: sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans, sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_mem
6.4.0Properties added: lb.global.tune.ssl.default-dh-param, lb.global.tune.http.maxhdr
6.4.2Properties added: sysctl.net.ipv4.ipfrag_high_thresh, sysctl.net.ipv4.ipfrag_low_thresh, sysctl.net.ipv6.ip6frag_high_thresh, sysctl.net.ipv6.ip6frag_low_thresh, sysctl.net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_frag6_low_thresh, sysctl.net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_frag6_high_thresh, sysctl.net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables, sysctl.net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables
Properties removed:sysctl.net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle
6.4.4Properties added: sysctl.net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore.
6.4.6Properties added: sysctl.net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6, sysctl.net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6, sysctl.net.ipv6.conf.vNic_[0-4094].disable_ipv6
Increased default values of some sysctl parameters that are used for modifying ARP limits in cache

Retrieve all NSX Edge system control configuration.

If no system control parameters are configured, the response is empty.


Delete all NSX Edge system control configuration.

Deleting the system control configuration requires a reboot of the NSX Edge appliance.

Working With NSX Edge Firewall Configuration

Configures firewall for an Edge and stores the specified configuration in database. If any appliances are associated with this Edge, applies the configuration to them. While using this API, you should send the globalConfig, defaultPolicy and the rules. If either of them are not sent, the previous config if any on those fields will be removed and will be changed to the system defaults.

ruleId uniquely identifies a rule and should be specified only for rules that are being updated. If ruleTag is specified, the rules on Edge are configured using this user input. Otherwise, Edge is configured using ruleIds generated by NSX Manager.

tcpPickOngoingConnectionsBoolean, optional, default: false.
tcpAllowOutOfWindowPacketsBoolean, optional, default: false.
tcpSendResetForClosedVsePortsBoolean, optional, default: true.
dropInvalidTrafficBoolean, optional, default: true.
logInvalidTrafficBoolean, optional, default: false.
tcpTimeoutOpenInteger, optional, default: 30.
tcpTimeoutEstablishedInteger, optional, default: 21600.
tcpTimeoutCloseInteger, optional, default: 30.
udpTimeoutInteger, optional, default: 60.
icmpTimeoutInteger, optional, default: 10.
icmp6TimeoutInteger, optional, default: 10.
ipGenericTimeoutInteger, optional, default: 120.
enableSynFloodProtectionProtect against SYN flood attacks by detecting bogus TCP connections and terminating them without consuming firewall state tracking resources. Boolean, optional, default: false.
logIcmpErrorsBoolean, optional, default false.
dropIcmpReplaysBoolean, optional, default false.
defaultPolicyOptional. Default is deny.
actionString, values: accept, deny.
loggingEnabledBoolean, optional, default: false.
actionString. Valid values: accept, deny.
sourceOptional. Default is any.
destinationOptional. Default is any.
(source or destination)
Boolean. Exclude the specified source or destination.
(source or destination)
List of string. Can specify single IP address, range of IP address, or in CIDR format. Can define multiple.
(source or destination)
List of string, Id of cluster, datacenter, distributedPortGroup, legacyPortGroup, VirtualMachine, vApp, resourcePool, logicalSwitch, IPSet, securityGroup. Can defined multiple.
(source or destination)
List of string. Possible values are vnic-index-[1-9], vse, nat64, external or internal. Can define multiple.
applicationoptional. When absent its treated as any.
applicationIdList of string. Id of service or serviceGroup groupingObject.
portList of string.
sourcePortList of string.
enabledBoolean, optional. Default true.
loggingEnabledBoolean, optional. Default false.
directionString, optional. Possible values in or out. When absent its treated as any.
ruleTagLong, optional. This can be used to specify user controlled ruleId. If not specified, NSX Manager will generate ruleId. Valid values: 1-65536.

Retrieve the NSX Edge firewall configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. enableSynFloodProtection parameter added.
6.3.0Method updated. logIcmpErrors and dropIcmpReplays parameters added.

Configure NSX Edge firewall.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. enableSynFloodProtection parameter added. Default value of tcpTimeoutEstablished increased from 3600 to 21600 seconds (6 hours).
6.3.0Method updated. logIcmpErrors and dropIcmpReplays parameters added.
6.4.0Method updated. nat64 is now a possible value for vnicGroupId for source and destination.

Delete NSX Edge firewall configuration.

Working With Firewall Rules


Add one or more rules. You can add a rule above a specific rule using the query parameter, indicating the desired ruleID.

Working With a Specific Firewall Rule


Retrieve specific rule.


Modify a specific firewall rule.


Delete firewall rule

Working With the NSX Edge Global Firewall Configuration


Retrieve the firewall default policy for an Edge.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. enableSynFloodProtection parameter added.
6.3.0Method updated. logIcmpErrors and dropIcmpReplays parameters added.

Configure firewall global config for an Edge.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. enableSynFloodProtection parameter added. Default value of tcpTimeoutEstablished increased from 3600 to 21600 seconds (6 hours).
6.3.0Method updated. logIcmpErrors and dropIcmpReplays parameters added.

Working With the Default Firewall Policy for an Edge


Retrieve default firewall policy


Configure default firewall policy

Working With Statistics for a Specific Firewall Rule


Retrieve stats for firewall rule.

Working With NAT Configuration

NSX Edge provides network address translation (NAT) service to protect the IP addresses of internal (private) networks from the public network.

You can configure NAT rules to provide access to services running on privately addressed virtual machines. You can configure source NAT (SNAT) and destination NAT (DNAT) rules.

For the data path to work, you need to add firewall rules to allow the required traffic for IP addresses and port per the NAT rules.

You can also configure NAT64 rules to allow access from IPv6 networks to IPv4 networks.

You must configure your Edge Services Gateway to have the IPv6 address configured on an uplink interface, and the IPv4 address configured on an internal interface.

See the NSX Administration Guide for more information about NAT64, including how to configure the Edge Services Gateway, and what features of NAT64 are supported.

NAT Parameter Table

ParameterDescriptionOther information
enabledEnable rule.Boolean. Optional. Default is true.
loggingEnabledEnable logging.Boolean. Optional. Default is false.
ruleTagRule tag.This can be used to specify user-controlled ruleId. If not specified, NSX Manager will generate ruleId. Optional. Must be between 65537-131072.
ruleIdIdentifier for the rule.Read-only. Long.
ruleTypeRule type.Read-only. Values: user, internal_high.
actionType of NAT.Valid values: snat or dnat.
vnicInterface on which the translating is applied.String. Optional. nat64 is supported as an interface.
originalAddressOriginal address or address range. This is the source address for SNAT rules, and the destination address for DNAT rules.String. Specify any, an IP address (e.g., an IP range (e.g., or a subnet in CIDR notation (e.g. Default is any.
translatedAddressTranslated address or address range.String. Specify any, an IP address (e.g., an IP range (e.g., or a subnet in CIDR notation (e.g. Default is any.
dnatMatchSourceAddressSource address to match in DNAT rules.String. Specify any, an IP address (e.g., an IP range (e.g., or a subnet in CIDR notation (e.g. Default is any. Not valid for SNAT rules.
snatMatchDestinationAddressDestination address to match in SNAT rules.String. Specify any, an IP address (e.g., an IP range (e.g., or a subnet in CIDR notation (e.g. Default is any. Not valid for DNAT rules.
protocolProtocol.String. Optional. Default is any.
icmpTypeICMP type.String. Only supported when protocol is icmp. Default is any.
originalPortOriginal port. This is the source port for SNAT rules, and the destination port for DNAT rules.String. Optional. Specify any, a port (e.g. 1234) or port range (1234-1239). Default is any.
translatedPortTranslated port.String. Optional. Specify any, a port (e.g. 1234) or port range (1234-1239). Default is any.
dnatMatchSourcePortSource port in DNAT rules.String. Optional. Specify any, a port (e.g. 1234) or port range (1234-1239). Default is any. Not valid for SNAT rules.
snatMatchDestinationPortDestination port in SNAT rules.String. Optional. Specify any, a port (e.g. 1234) or port range (1234-1239). Default is any. Not valid for DNAT rules.

NAT64 Parameter Table

ParameterDescriptionOther information
matchIpv6DestinationPrefixIPv6 address used to map IPv4 destination addresses to IPv6 destination addresses.Enter an IPv6 network prefix (network address) or a specific IPv6 address in CIDR notation. Prefix length must be 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, or 96. NAT64 appends the hexadecimal equivalent of the IPv4 destination address to the IPv6 network prefix. You can use the well-known prefix defined in RFC 6052: 64:ff9b::/96, or use any other IPv6 prefix that is not already used in your environment.
translatedIpv4SourcePrefixIPv4 address that is used to translate an IPv6 source address into an IPv4 source address.Optional. Enter an IPv4 network prefix (network address) or a specific IPv4 address in CIDR notation. NAT64 uses an IP address from the IPv4 network prefix to translate the IPv6 source address to an IPv4 source address. You can use any IPv4 network prefix that is not already used in your environment, or optionally use the shared address spaced reserved for NAT64: If you omit this parameter, NAT64 automatically uses the reserved address space.
ruleIdIdentifier for the NAT64 rule.Read-only. Long.
ruleTagRule tag for the NAT64 rule.This can be used to specify user-controlled ruleId. If not specified, NSX Manager will generate ruleId. Optional. Must be between 65537-131072.
loggingEnabledEnable logging for the NAT64 rule.Boolean. Optional. Default is false.
enabledEnable the NAT64 rule.Boolean. Optional. Default is true.
descriptionDescription for the NAT64 rule.Optional.

Configure NAT rules for an Edge.

If you use this method to add new NAT rules, you must include all existing rules in the request body. Any rules that are omitted will be deleted.

For a detailed example of adding a NAT64 rule, see the NSX Administration Guide.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. vnic parameter is now optional. The originalAddress for DNAT rules, and the translatedAddress for SNAT rules is no longer required to be a IP configured on one of the NSX Edge vNics.
6.3.0Method updated. dnatMatchSourceAddress, snatMatchDestinationAddress, dnatMatchSourcePort, snatMatchDestinationPort parameters added.
protocol, originalPort, and translatedPort now supported in SNAT rules.
6.4.0Method updated. NAT64 support added.

Retrieve NAT rules for the specified NSX Edge.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. dnatMatchSourceAddress, snatMatchDestinationAddress, dnatMatchSourcePort, snatMatchDestinationPort parameters added.
protocol, originalPort, and translatedPort now supported in SNAT rules.

Delete all NAT rules for the specified NSX Edge. The auto plumbed rules continue to exist.

Working With NAT Rules


Add a NAT rule above a specific rule in the NAT rules table (using aboveRuleId query parameter) or append NAT rules to the bottom.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. vnic parameter is now optional. The originalAddress for DNAT rules, and the translatedAddress for SNAT rules is no longer required to be a IP configured on one of the NSX Edge vNics.
6.3.0Method updated. dnatMatchSourceAddress, snatMatchDestinationAddress, dnatMatchSourcePort, snatMatchDestinationPort parameters added.
protocol, originalPort, and translatedPort now supported in SNAT rules.

Working With a Specific NAT Rule


Update the specified NAT rule.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. vnic parameter is now optional. The originalAddress for DNAT rules, and the translatedAddress for SNAT rules is no longer required to be a IP configured on one of the NSX Edge vNics.
6.3.0Method updated. dnatMatchSourceAddress, snatMatchDestinationAddress, dnatMatchSourcePort, snatMatchDestinationPort parameters added.
protocol, originalPort, and translatedPort now supported in SNAT rules.

Delete the specified NAT rule.

Working With the NSX Edge Routing Configuration

You can specify static and dynamic routing for each NSX Edge.

Dynamic routing provides the necessary forwarding information between layer 2 broadcast domains, thereby allowing you to decrease layer 2 broadcast domains and improve network efficiency and scale. NSX extends this intelligence to where the workloads reside for doing East-West routing. This allows more direct virtual machine to virtual machine communication without the costly or timely need to extend hops. At the same time, NSX also provides North-South connectivity, thereby enabling tenants to access public networks.

Global Routing Configuration

routerIdThe first uplink IP address of the NSX Edge that pushes routes to the kernel for dynamic routingOptional. RouterId is set only when configuring the dynamic routing protocols OSPF and BGP.
ecmpEnables equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP)Optional. Boolean. By default, ecmp is set to false.
loggingLogging configuration.Optional.
logging > enableEnable/disable status of logging.Optional. Default is false.
logging > logLevelSets the log level.Default is info. Valid values: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug.
ipPrefixDetails for one IP prefix.Optional. Required only if you define redistribution rules in dynamic routing protocols like ospf, bgp.
ipPrefix > nameThe name of the IP prefix.All defined IP prefixes must have unique names.
ipPrefix > ipAddressIP addresses for the IP prefix.Optional. String.
ipPrefix > GEMinimum prefix length to be matched.Optional.
ipPrefix > LEMaximum prefix length to be matched.Optional.

Default Route Configuration

descriptionA description for the default route.
typeSpecifies whether the static route was created by the system as an auto-generated route or the default route (internal); or whether it is a local (user) route.
mtuThe maximum transmission value for the data packetsDefault is 1500. The MTU value cannot be higher than the MTU value set on the NSX Edge interface. By default, mtu is the MTU value of the interface on which the route is configured.
vnicInterface on which the default route is added.
gatewayAddressDefault gateway IP used for routing.
adminDistanceAdmin distance. Used to determine which routing protocol to use if two protocols provide route information for the same destination.Optional. Default value is 1.

Static Route Configuration

vnicInterface on which the route is added.Valid values: 0-4103, vNic_[0-4103], gre-[1-96].
descriptionA description for the static route.
mtuThe maximum transmission value for the data packet.Default is 1500. By default, mtu is the MTU value of the interface on which the route is configured.
networkThe network in CIDR notation.
nextHopNext hop IP address.The router must be able to directly reach the next hop. When ECMP is enabled, multiple next hops can be displayed.
adminDistanceAdmin distance. Used to determine which routing protocol to use if two protocols provide route information for the same destination.Optional. Default value is 1.
typeSpecifies whether the static route was created by the system as an auto-generated route or the default route (internal); or whether it is a local (user) route.

OSPF Configuration

enabledOSPF enabled status.When not specified, it will be treated as false, When false, it will delete the existing config.
gracefulRestartFor packet forwarding to be uninterrupted during restart of services.Optional.
defaultOriginateAllows the Edge Services Gateway to advertise itself as a default gateway to its peers.Optional. Default is false. Not allowed on a logical distributed router.
forwardingAddressThe IP address of one of the uplink interfaces.Logical (distributed) router only.
protocolAddressAn IP address on the same subnet as the forwarding address.Logical (distributed) router only.
areaIdThe area ID. The NSX Edge supports an area ID in the form of a decimal number. Valid values are 0-4294967295.Required. The value for areaId must be a unique number.
translateType7ToType5Configure whether this NSX Edge should be used for translating Type 7 to Type 5 LSAs for this OSPF area. If not set, the router with highest router ID is used for translating.Valid values: true or false. Optional, default is false. Only configurable for OSFP areas of type NSSA.
typeGives whether the type is normal or nssa.Optional. Default type is normal. NSSAs (the not-so-stubby areas feature described in RFC 3101) prevents the flooding of AS-external link-state advertisements (LSAs). They rely on default routing to external destinations. Therefore, NSSAs are placed at the edge of an OSPF routing domain. NSSA can import external routes into the OSPF routing domain, thereby providing transit service to small routing domains that are not part of the OSPF routing domain.
authentication > typeAuthentication type.Choice of none, password, or md5. If authentication information isn't provided, type is none. Type password: a password is included in the transmitted packet. Type md5: an MD5 checksum is included in the transmitted packet.
authentication > valueThe password or MD5 key, respectively
vnicThe interface that is mapped to OSPF AreaRequired. The interface specifies the external network that both NSX Edges are connected to.
areaIdAn area ID. Can be in the form of an IP address or decimal number.Required.
helloIntervalThe default interval between hello packets that are sent on the interfaceOptional. By default, set to 10 seconds with valid values 1-255.
deadIntervalThe default interval during which at least one hello packet must be received from a neighbor before the router declares that neighbor down.Optional. By default, set to 40 seconds. Valid values are 1-65535.
priorityThe default priority of the interface. The interface with the highest priority is the designated router.Optional. By default, set to 128 with valid values 0-255.
costThe default overhead required to send packets across that interfaceOptional. Integer. The cost of an interface is inversely proportional to the bandwidth of that interface. The larger the bandwidth, the smaller the cost. Valid values are 1-65535.
mtuIgnoreIgnore interface MTU settingtrue or false.

BGP Configuration

enabledBGP routing enable/disable status.Optional. By default, enabled is set to false.
gracefulRestartFor packet forwarding to be uninterrupted during restart of services.Optional.
defaultOriginateAllows the Edge Services Gateway to advertise itself as a default gateway to its peers.Optional. Default is false. Not allowed on a logical distributed router.
localASThe 2 byte local Autonomous System number that is assigned to the NSX Edge. The path of autonomous systems that a route traverses is used as one metric when selecting the best path to a destination.Integer. A value (a globally unique number between 1-65535) for the local AS. This local AS is advertised when the NSX Edge peers with routers in other autonomous systems. Either localAS or localASNumber is required.
localASNumberThe 2 or 4 byte local Autonomous System number that is assigned to the NSX Edge. The path of autonomous systems that a route traverses is used as one metric when selecting the best path to a destination.Integer. A value (a globally unique number between 1-4294967295) for the Local AS. This local AS is advertised when the NSX Edge peers with routers in other autonomous systems. Can be in plain or dotted format (e.g. 2 byte: 65001 or 0.65001, 4 byte: 65545 or 1.9). Either localAS or localASNumber is required.
bgpNeighbour > ipAddressThe IP address of the on-premises border device.Required. String. IPv4 only. IPv6 is not supported. Should not be the same as any of the NSX Edge interfaces's IPs, forwardingAddress, protocolAddress.
bgpNeighbour > forwardingAddressThe IP address of one of the uplink interfaces.Logical (distributed) router only.
bgpNeighbour > protocolAddressAn IP address on the same subnet as the forwarding address.Logical (distributed) router only.
bgpNeighbour > remoteASThe 2 byte remote Autonomous System number that is assigned to the the border device you are creating the connection for.Integer. A value (a globally unique number between 1-65535) for the remote AS. Either remoteAS or remoteASNumber is required.
bgpNeighbour > remoteASNumberThe 2 or 4 byte remote Autonomous System number that is assigned to the border device you are creating the connection for.Integer. A value (a globally unique number between 1-4294967295) for the remote AS. Can be in plain or dotted format (e.g. 2 byte: 65001 or 0.65001, 4 byte: 65545 or 1.9). Either remoteAS or remoteASNumber is required.
bgpNeighbour > removePrivateASDetermines whether to remove private AS number while redistributing routes.Boolean. You can set to true only when remote and local AS are different.
bgpNeighbour > weightWeight for the neighbor connectionOptional. Integer. By default, weight is set to 60.
bgpNeighbour > holdDownTimerInterval for the hold down timerOptional. Integer. The NSX Edge uses the standard, default values for the keep alive timer (60 seconds) and the hold down timer. The default value for the hold down timer is 3x keepalive or 180 seconds. Once peering between two neighbors is achieved, the NSX Edge starts a hold down timer. Each keep alive message it receives from the neighbor resets the hold down timer to 0. When the NSX Edge fails to receive three consecutive keep alive messages, so that the hold down timer reaches 180 seconds, the NSX Edge considers the neighbor down and deletes the routes from this neighbor. Note: The default time-to-live (TTL) value in the BGP packets that are sent to eBGP neighbors is 64. This value is not configurable.
bgpNeighbour > keepAliveTimerInterval for the keep alive timer.Optional. Integer. Default is 60. Valid values are 1-65534.
bgpNeighbour > passwordThe authentication password.Optional. String. Each segment sent on the connection between the neighbors is verified. MD5 authentication must be configured with the same password on both BGP neighbors, otherwise, the connection between them will not be made.
bgpFilter > directionIndicate whether you are filtering traffic to or from the neighborOptional. Choice of in or out.
bgpFilter > actionPermit or deny traffic.Optional. Choice of permit or deny.
bgpFilter > networkThe network that you want to filter to or from the neighbor.CIDR format. IPv4 only. IPv6 is not supported.
bgpFilter > ipPrefixGeThe IP prefixes that are to be filtered. Filter prefixes greater than or equal to this value.Optional. Integer. Specify valid IPv4 prefixes.
bgpFilter > ipPrefixLeThe IP prefixes that are to be filtered. Filter prefixes less than or equal to this value.Optional. Integer. Specify valid IPv4 prefixes.

Note: New parameters localASNumber and remoteASNumber have been added in NSX 6.3.0 to allow configuration of 4 byte AS numbers. The previous parameters, localAS and remoteAS are still valid.

When you configure BGP, you must provide a local AS number parameter (localAS or localASNumber) and a remote AS number parameter (remoteAS or remoteASNumber). If you provide both forms of either local or remote AS number (for example, localAS and localASNumber), the values must be the same.

You can use any combination of remote and local AS parameters, as long as the values are valid. For example, localAS of 65501 and remoteASNumber of 70000.

If you configure a 2 byte number, both forms of the AS number parameters are returned with a GET request (for example, localAS and localASNumber). If you configure a 4 byte number, only the 4 byte parameter is returned (localASNumber).

If both parameters are present (for example localAS and localASNumber), and you update one parameter (localAS) subsequent GET requests will show both parameters updated.

Multicast Configuration

enabledMulticast routing enable/disable status.Optional. By default, enabled is set to false.
igmp > queryIntervalConfigures the frequency at which the designated router sends IGMP host-query messagesOptional. Default is 30 seconds. Allowed values: 1-3744 seconds.
igmp > queryMaxResponseTimeeSets the maximum query response time advertised in IGMP queriesOptional. Default is 10 seconds. Allowed values: 1-25 seconds.
igmp > lastMemberQueryIntervalConfigures the interval at which the router sends IGMP group-specific query messages.Optional. Default is 1 second.
igmp > robustnessVariableRobustness variable tunes the expected number of packet loss on a subnet. This variable is used to calculate the group membership timeout value.Optional. Default is 2 seconds. Allowed values: 1-255 seconds
pim > static-rendezvous-point-addressThe IP address of a PIM RP.Optional.
interface index listList of index of edge interface where PIM to be enabled. Max size of this list is one as PIM can be enabled on any one of the edge uplink interface.Edge router only.
IGMP Interface index listList of index of edge and vdr interfaces where IGMP to be enabled.Optional.

Route Redistribution Configuration for OSPF or BGP

enabledEnabled status of route redistribution for the parent protocol (OSFP or BGP).Optional. Default is false.
ruleRoute redistribution rule.
idThe ID for the rule.Required. Number.
prefixNameThe name for the IP prefix to add for route redistributionOptional. String. Default is any. prefixName is set using routingGlobalConfig > ipPrefixes. By default, the value of prefixName is set to any.
from > ospfWhether OSPF is a learner protocol (it learns routes from other protocols).Optional. By default set to false for ospf.
from > bgpWhether BGP is a learner protocol (it learns routes from other protocols).Optional. By default set to false for bgp.
from > staticWhether routes can be learned from static networks.Optional. By default set to false for static.
from > connectedWhether routes can be learned from connected networks.Optional. By default set to false for connected.
actionWhether to permit or deny redistribution from the selected types of networks.Required. Choice of deny or permit.

Retrieve routes.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis configuration section removed.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameter translateType7ToType5 added to OSPF section.
Parameters localASNumber and remoteASNumber added to BGP section.
6.4.0Method updated. Parameters LE and GE added. Parameter removePrivateAS added.

Configure NSX Edge global routing configuration, static routing, and dynamic routing (OSPF and BGP).

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis configuration section removed.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameter translateType7ToType5 added to OSPF section.
Parameters localASNumber and remoteASNumber added to BGP section.
6.4.0Method updated. Parameters LE and GE added. Parameter removePrivateAS added.

Delete the routing config stored in the NSX Manager database and the default routes from the specified NSX Edge appliance.

Working With the NSX Edge Global Configuration


Configure global route.


Retrieve routing info from NSX Manager database (default route settings, static route configurations).

Working With Static and Default Routes

Prior to NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.4, the maximum number of static routes is limited to 2048 (2K) for all Edge appliance form factors. Starting with NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.4, the maximum number of static routes depends on the Edge appliance form factor. However, for a Distributed Logical Router appliance, the maximum number of static routes remains unchanged (2048) because the edge form factor is always Compact.

The following table shows the maximum number of permitted static routes for various Edge appliance form factors.

Edge Form FactorMaximum Number of Static Routes
Compact2048 (2K)
Large2048 (2K)
Quad Large10240 (10K)
Xlarge10240 (10K)

Read static and default routes.


Configure static and default routes.


Delete both static and default routing config stored in the NSX Manager database.

Working with Static Routes for a Specific Network

Starting with NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.4, you can add, update, and delete hops of the static routes for a given network.


List all the hops for a specifed network.

Method history:

6.4.4Method introduced.

Replace all the hops for a specifed network. At a granular level, you can use this API to add, update, or delete next hops of static routes for a given network.

Request body parameters

nextHop > vnicVirtual network interface on which the static route is added.Required. Integer value. Range is 0 to 9. For subinterfaces, the valid range is 10 to 4094.
nextHop > localeIdLocale ID associated with the static route in a cross-vCenter NSX environment.Optional. Minimum length is 1. Maximum length is 37.
nextHop > adminDistanceAdmin distance. Determines which route to use when there are multiple routes for a given network.Integer. Range is 1 to 255. Default value is 1.
nextHop > ipAddressIP address of the next hop in the static route.Required. Specify a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
nextHop > descriptionDescription of the hop in the static route.Optional. String. Description must not exceed 1024 characters.

Method history:

6.4.4Method introduced.

Delete a static route and all its hops for a given network.

Method history:

6.4.4Method introduced.

Working With OSPF Routing for NSX Edge

NSX Edge supports OSPF, an interior gateway protocol that routes IP packets only within a single routing domain. It gathers link state information from available routers and constructs a topology map of the network. The topology determines the routing table presented to the Internet Layer, which makes routing decisions based on the destination IP address found in IP packets.

OSPF routing policies provide a dynamic process of traffic load balancing between routes of equal cost. An OSPF network is divided into routing areas to optimize traffic. An area is a logical collection of OSPF networks, routers, and links that have the same area identification.

Areas are identified by an Area ID.


Retrieve OSPF configuration.

Note: protocolAddress and forwardingAddress are required for Distributed Logical Router only. See Working With the NSX Edge Routing Configuration for full details of OSPF parameters.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis parameter removed from route redistribution rules configuration.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameter translateType7ToType5 added to OSPF section.

Configure OSPF.

Note: protocolAddress and forwardingAddress are required for Distributed Logical Router only. See Working With the NSX Edge Routing Configuration for full details of OSPF parameters.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis parameter removed from route redistribution rules configuration.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameter translateType7ToType5 added to OSPF section.

Delete OSPF routing.

Working With BGP Routes for NSX Edge

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) makes core routing decisions. It includes a table of IP networks or prefixes which designate network reachability among autonomous systems. An underlying connection between two BGP speakers is established before any routing information is exchanged. Keep alive messages are sent out by the BGP speakers in order to keep this relationship alive. Once the connection is established, the BGP speakers exchange routes and synchronize their tables.


Retrieve BGP configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis configuration section removed.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameters localASNumber and remoteASNumber added to BGP section.
6.4.0Method updated. Parameter removePrivateAS added.
6.4.4Method updated. Query parameter showSensitiveData added.

Configure BGP.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. isis configuration section removed.
6.3.0Method updated. Parameter defaultOriginate removed for logical router NSX Edges.
Parameters localASNumber and remoteASNumber added to BGP section.
6.4.0Method updated. Parameter removePrivateAS added.

Delete BGP Routing

Working With Multicast Routing

NSX Edge supports Multicast routing on Edge Services Gateways and on Distributed Logical Routers.

Starting in NSX 6.4.5, you can verify the multicast configuration and supported multicast topologies of the edge by using the action query parameter in the GET /api/4.0/edges/{edgeId} API request.

For more information, see the Working With a Specific NSX Edge section in this API Guide.

Starting in NSX 6.4.7, protocol independent multicast (PIM) is supported on one GRE tunnel interface per ESG. You can enable PIM either on a maximum of two uplink interfaces of the NSX ESG or one GRE tunnel interface, but not on both simultaneously.

To reach the multicast sources, receivers, and rendezvous point (RP) outside the NSX network, static routes must be configured with the IP address of the GRE virtual tunnel endpoint as the next hop IP address.

The GRE virtual tunnel interface can be configured with either IPv4 address, or IPv6 address, or both. However, to enable PIM on the GRE tunnel interface, the tunnel interface must have an IPv4 address. If the GRE virtual tunnel interface is configured with only an IPv6 address, this GRE tunnel interface cannot be enabled as a PIM interface.


Retrieve Multicast configuration. A GET example for Edge Services Gateway is shown below.


A GET example for a Distributed Logical Router is shown below.


Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced

Configure Multicast. A PUT example for configuring PIM on the uplink interface of Edge Services Gateway is shown below. The uplink interface is index 0, and the internal interface is index 1.


A PUT example for configuring PIM on a GRE virtual tunnel interface is shown below. The label gre-1 of the GRE tunnel interface is the PIM interface, and the internal interface is index 1.


A PUT example for a Distributed Logical Router is shown below. The uplink interface is index 0, and the internal interface is index 10.


Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Delete Multicast routing.

Working With GRE Tunnels

You can create GRE tunnels between your NSX Data Center for vSphere environment and another site. Routing using BGP and static routes is supported.

You can create up to 32 tunnels.

DHCP service is not supported through the tunnel, but DHCP relay is supported.

Load balancer VIP on tunnel subnet is not supported. DNS relay through tunnel is not supported.

Tunnel Configuration

tunnelIdIdentifier for tunnel.System generated. Integer, long.
nameName for tunnel.String. Max length 255.
descriptionDescription for tunnel.String. Max length 1024.
typeType of tunnel.gre is the only supported option.
labelLabel of tunnel.System generated. Format is type-tunnelId, for example gre-1.
enabledEnabled status of tunnel.Default is true.
sourceAddressIPv4 address for source endpoint of tunnel.Required. String. Maximum length 255.
destinationAddressFQDN hostname / IPv4 address for remote addressRequired. String. Maximum length 255.

Tunnel Interface Configuration

mtuMTU for tunnelYou must set the MTU to 24 bytes less than the interface MTU. Default is 1476. Valid values 92-8976.
tunnelAddressList of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses assigned to tunnel interfaces.Required. CIDR format. BGP session runs on this IP. The BGP neighbor must be on the same subnet.
enableKeepAliveAckAcknowledge keepAlives sent from the remote tunnel endpoint.Optional. Default is false. Note that the Edge Services Gateway cannot initate keepalives, it can only acknowledge them.

Tunnel Health Check Configuration

enabledEnabled status for tunnel health checks.Default: false.
typeMechanism to determine tunnel health.Valid value: ping.
intervalTime interval in seconds between pings.Default: 3. Min: 1. Max: 10.
deadTimeMultiplierNumber of consecutive response failures before the tunnel status is set to down.Default: 4. Min: 0. Max: 10.

Create a tunnel on this Edge Services Gateway.

Recommendation: The subnet of the GRE tunnel interface must not overlap with the subnet of the edge vnic interfaces. In addition, subnet overlap in different GRE tunnels is not recommended. If overlapping subnets are configured for different GRE tunnels, ensure that corresponding static routes are manually configured.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Delete all configured tunnels on this Edge Services Gateway.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update all tunnels on this Edge Services Gateway.

Recommendation: The subnet of the GRE tunnel interface must not overlap with the subnet of the edge vnic interfaces. In addition, subnet overlap in different GRE tunnels is not recommended. If overlapping subnets are configured for different GRE tunnels, ensure that corresponding static routes are manually configured.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Retrieve information about all tunnels on this Edge Services Gateway.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With a Specific GRE Tunnel


Retrieve information about the specified tunnel.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update the specified tunnel.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Delete the specified tunnel.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Layer 2 Bridging


Retrieve bridge configuration. The value of the enabled field is always true for a Distributed Logical Router.


Configure a bridge. Note that the bridging is always enabled for Distributed Logical Router and is unsupported for Edge Services Gateway. You cannot disable the bridging by setting the enable field to false. The value for the enable field is not honored.


Delete bridges.

Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer

The NSX Edge load balancer enables network traffic to follow multiple paths to a specific destination. It distributes incoming service requests evenly among multiple servers in such a way that the load distribution is transparent to users. Load balancing thus helps in achieving optimal resource utilization, maximizing throughput, minimizing response time, and avoiding overload. NSX Edge provides load balancing up to Layer 7.

You map an external, or public, IP address to a set of internal servers for load balancing. The load balancer accepts TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS requests on the external IP address and decides which internal server to use. Port 8090 is the default listening port for TCP, port 80 is the default port for HTTP, and port 443 is the default port for HTTPs.


Get load balancer configuration.


Configure load balancer.

The input contains five parts: application profile, virtual server, pool, monitor and application rule.

For the data path to work, you need to add firewall rules to allow required traffic as per the load balancer configuration.

General Load Balancer Parameters

loggingLoad balancer logging setting.Optional.
enableWhether logging is enabled.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
logLevelLogging level.Optional. Options are: EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. Default is INFO.
accelerationEnabledWhether accelerationEnabled is enabled.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
enabledWhether load balancer is enabled.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is True.

Parameter Table for Monitors

monitorMonitor list.Optional.
monitorIdGenerated monitor identifier.Optional. However, for the monitors that are consumed by the pool, the ID must be specified in the format monitor-<number>.
nameName of the monitor.Required.
typeMonitor type.Required. Options are : HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, ICMP, UDP.
intervalInterval in seconds in which a server is to be tested.Optional. Default is 5.
timeoutTimeout value is the maximum time in seconds within which a response from the server must be received.Optional. Default is 15.
maxRetriesMaximum number of times the server is tested before it is declared DOWN.Optional. Default is 3.
methodMethod to send the health check request to the server.Optional. Options are: OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT. Default is GET for HTTP monitor.
urlURL to GET or POST.Optional. Default is "/" for HTTP monitor.
expectedExpected string.Optional. Default is "HTTP/1" for HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
sendString to be sent to the backend server after a connection is established.Optional. URL encoded HTTP POST data for HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
receiveString to be received from the backend server for HTTP/HTTPS protocol.Optional.
extensionAdvanced monitor configuration.Optional.

Parameter Table for Virtual Servers

virtualServerVirtual server list.Optional. 0-64 virtualServer items can be added
nameName of the virtual server.Required. Unique virtualServer name per NSX Edge.
descriptionDescription of the virtual server.Optional.
enabledWhether the virtual server is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.
ipAddressIP address that the load balancer is listening on.Required. A valid Edge vNic IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).
protocolVirtual server protocol.Required. Options are: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, UDP.
portPort number or port range.Required. Port number such as 80, port range such as 80,443 or 1234-1238, or a combination such as 443,6000-7000. Valid range: 1-65535.
connectionLimitMaximum concurrent connections.Optional. Long. Default is 0.
connectionRateLimitMaximum incoming new connection requests per second.Optional. Long. Default is null.
defaultPoolIdDefault pool ID.Optional.
applicationProfileIdApplication profile ID.Optional.
accelerationEnabledUse the faster L4 load balancer engine rather than L7 load balancer engine.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is False. If a virtual server configuration such as application rules, HTTP type, or cookie persistence, is using the L7 load balancer engine, then the L7 load balancer engine is used, even if accelerationEnabled is not set to true.
applicationRuleIdApplication rule ID list.Optional.

Parameter Table for Pools

poolPool list.Optional.
poolIdGenerated pool identifier.Optional. However, for the pools that are consumed by the virtual server, the ID must be specified in the format pool-<number>.
nameName of the pool.Required.
descriptionDescription of the pool.Optional.
algorithmPool member balancing algorithm.Optional. Options are: round-robin, ip-hash, uri, leastconn, url, httpheader. Default is round-robin.
algorithmParametersAlgorithm parameters for httpheader, url.Optional. Required for url,httpheader algorithm.
transparentWhether client IP addresses are visible to the backend servers.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
monitorIdMonitor identifier list.Optional. Only one monitor is supported.
memberPool member list.Optional.
memberIdGenerated member identifier.Optional. Required if you specify member object.
nameMember name.Optional. Required when it is used in ACL rule.
ipAddressMember IP address (IPv4/IPv6).Optional. Required if groupingObjectId is null.
groupingObjectIdMember grouping object identifier.Optional. Required if ipAddress is null.
groupingObjectNameMember grouping object name.Optional.
weightMember weight.Optional. Default is 1.
monitorPortMonitor port.Optional. Long. Either monitorPort or port must be configured.
portMember port.Optional. Long. Either monitorPort or port must be configured.
maxConnMaximum number of concurrent connections a member can handle.Optional. Default is 0 which means unlimited.
minConnMinimum number of concurrent connections a member can handle.Optional. Default is 0 which means unlimited.
conditionWhether the member is enabled or disabled.Optional. Options are: enabled or disabled. Default is enabled.

Parameter Table for Application Profiles

applicationProfileApplication profile list.Optional.
applicationProfileIdGenerated application profile identifier.Optional. However, for the application profiles that are consumed by the virtual server, the ID must be specified in the format applicationProfile-<number>.
nameName of application profile.Required.
persistencePersistence setting.Optional.
persistence > methodPersistence method.Required. Options are: cookie, ssl_sessionid, sourceip, msrdp.
persistence > cookieNameCookie name.Optional.
persistence > cookieModeCookie mode.Optional. Options are: insert, prefix, app.
persistence > expireExpire time.Optional.
insertXForwardedForWhether insertXForwardedFor is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is False.
sslPassthroughWhether sslPassthrough is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is False.
httpRedirectHTTP redirect setting.Optional.
httpRedirect > toHTTP redirect to.Required. Required if httpRedirect is specified.
serverSslEnabledWhether serverSsl offloading is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False.
serverSslServer SSL setting.Optional.
serverSsl > ciphersCipher suites.Optional. Options are: DEFAULT ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA, ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA, ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES256-SHA AES128-SHA, DES-CBC3-SHA. Default is DEFAULT.
serverSsl > serviceCertificateService certificate identifier list.Optional. Only one certificate is supported.
serverSsl > caCertificateCA identifier list.Optional. Required if serverAuth is required.
serverSsl > crlCertificateCRL identifier list.Optional.
serverSsl > serverAuthWhether peer certificate should be verified.Optional. Options are Required or Ignore. Default is Ignore.
clientSslClient SSL setting.Optional.
clientSsl > ciphersCipher suites.Optional. Options are: DEFAULT ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA, ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA, ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES256-SHA AES128-SHA, DES-CBC3-SHA. Default is DEFAULT.
clientSsl > serviceCertificateService certificate identifier list.Required. Only one certificate is supported.
clientSsl > caCertificateCA identifier list.Optional.
clientSsl > crlCertificateCRL identifier list.Optional.
clientSsl > clientAuthWhether peer certificate should be verified.Optional. Options are Required or Ignore. Default is Ignore.

Parameter Table for Application Rules

applicationRuleApplication rule list.Optional.
applicationRuleIdGenerated application rule identifier.Optional. However, for the application rules that are consumed by the virtual server, the rule ID must be specified in the format applicationRule-<number>.
nameName of application rule.Required.
scriptApplication rule script.Required.

For the data path to work, you need to add firewall rules to allow required traffic as per the load balancer configuration.


Delete load balancer configuration.

Working With Application Profiles

You create an application profile to define the behavior of a particular type of network traffic. After configuring a profile, you associate the profile with a virtual server. The virtual server then processes traffic according to the values specified in the profile. Using profiles enhances your control over managing network traffic, and makes traffic-management tasks easier and more efficient.

See Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer for applicationProfiles parameter information.


Add an application profile.


Retrieve all application profiles on the specified Edge.


Delete all application profiles on the specified Edge.

Working With a Specific Application Profile


Modify an application profile.


Retrieve an application profile.


Delete an application profile.

Working With Application Rules

You can write an application rule to directly manipulate and manage IP application traffic.

See Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer for applicationRule parameter information.


Add an application rule.


Retrieve all application rules.


Delete all application rules.

Working With a Specific Application Rule


Retrieve an application rule.


Modify an application rule.


Delete an application rule.

Working With Load Balancer Monitors

You create a service monitor to define health check parameters for a particular type of network traffic. When you associate a service monitor with a pool, the pool members are monitored according to the service monitor parameters.

See Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer for monitor parameter information.


Add a load balancer monitor.


Retrieve all load balancer monitors.


Delete all load balancer monitors.

Working With a Specific Load Balancer Monitor


Retrieve a load balancer monitor.


Modify a load balancer monitor.


Delete a load balancer monitor.

Working With Virtual Servers


Add a virtual server.

You can add an NSX Edge internal or uplink interface as a virtual server.

See Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer for virtualServer parameter information.


Retrieve all virtual servers.


Delete all virtual servers.

Working With a Specific Virtual Server


Retrieve details for the specified virtual server.


Modify the specified virtual server.


Delete the specified virtual server.

Working With Server Pools

You can add a server pool to manage and share backend servers flexibly and efficiently. A pool manages load balancer distribution methods and has a service monitor attached to it for health check parameters.

See Working With NSX Edge Load Balancer for pools parameter information.


Add a load balancer server pool to the Edge.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. Member condition can be set to drain.

Get all server pools on the specified NSX Edge.


Delete all server pools configured on the specified NSX Edge.

Working With a Specific Server Pool


Retrieve information about the specified server pool.


Update the specified server pool.

Method history:

6.3.0Method updated. Member condition can be set to drain.

Delete the specified server pool.

Working With a Specific Load Balancer Member


Update enabled status of the specified member.

Working With Load Balancer Statistics

Retrieves load balancer statistics.

Load Balancer Statistics Parameters

virtualServerVirtual server list.
virtualServerIdVirtual server identifier.
nameName of the virtual server.
descriptionDescription of virtual server.
ipAddressIP address that the load balancer is listening on.
statusVirtual server status.
bytesInNumber of bytes in.
bytesOutNumber of bytes out.
curSessionsNumber of current sessions.
httpReqTotalTotal number of HTTP requests received.
httpReqRateHTTP requests per second over last elapsed second.
httpReqRateMaxMaximum number of HTTP requests per second observed.
maxSessionNumber of maximum sessions.
rateNumber of sessions per second over last elapsed second.
rateLimitConfigured limit on new sessions per second.
rateMaxMaximum number of new sessions per second.
totalSessionTotal number of sessions.
poolPool list.
poolIdGenerated pool identifier.
nameName of the pool.
descriptionDescription of the pool.
statusPool status.
bytesInNumber of bytes in.
bytesOutNumber of bytes out.
curSessionsNumber of current sessions.
httpReqTotalTotal number of HTTP requests received.
httpReqRateHTTP requests per second over last elapsed second.
httpReqRateMaxMaximum number of HTTP requests per second observed.
maxSessionNumber of maximum sessions.
rateNumber of sessions per second over last elapsed second.
rateLimitConfigured limit on new sessions per second.
rateMaxMaximum number of new sessions per second.
totalSessionTotal number of sessions.
memberPool member list.
memberIdGenerated member identifier.
nameMember name.
ipAddressMember IP address.
groupingObjectIdMember grouping object identifier.
statusMember status.
failureCauseCause of the failure when the member status is DOWN.
bytesInNumber of bytes in.
bytesOutNumber of bytes out.
curSessionsNumber of current sessions.
httpReqTotalTotal number of HTTP requests received.
httpReqRateHTTP requests per second over last elapsed second.
httpReqRateMaxMaximum number of HTTP requests per second observed.
maxSessionsNumber of maximum sessions.
rateNumber of sessions per second over last elapsed second.
rateLimitConfigured limit on new sessions per second.
rateMaxMaximum number of new sessions per second.
totalSessionsTotal number of sessions.
timestampTimestamp to fetch load balancer statistics.
serverStatusLoad balancer server status.

Retrieve load balancer statistics.

Method history:

6.4.5Method updated. failureCause parameter added to show reason for member DOWN status.

Working With Load Balancer Acceleration


Configure load balancer acceleration mode.

Working With NSX Edge DNS Server Configuration

You can configure external DNS servers to which NSX Edge can relay name resolution requests from clients. NSX Edge will relay client application requests to the DNS servers to fully resolve a network name and cache the response from the servers.

The DNS server list allows two addresses – primary and secondary. The default cache size is 16 MB where the minimum can be 1 MB, and the maximum 8196 MB. The default listeners is any, which means listen on all NSX Edge interfaces. If provided, the listener’s IP address must be assigned to an internal interface. Logging is disabled by default.


Retrieve DNS configuration.


Configure DNS servers.


Delete DNS configuration

Get DNS server statistics


Get DNS server statistics

DNS Server Statistics Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Information
requests > totalIndicates all of the incoming requests to the DNS server, including DNS query and other types of requests such as transfers, and updates.
requests > queriesIndicates all of the DNS queries the server received.
requests > totalIndicates all of the responses the server returned to requests. This might be different from the requests.total because some requests might be rejected. total = success + nxrrset + servFail + formErr + nxdomain + others.
responses > successIndicates all of the successful DNS responses.
responses > nxrrsetIndicates the count of no existent resource record.
responses > servFailIndicates the count of the SERVFAIL responses.
responses > formErrIndicates the count of the format error responses.
responses > nxdomainIndicates the count of no-such-domain answer
responses > othersIndicates the count of other types of responses.

Configure DHCP for NSX Edge

NSX Edge provides DHCP service to bind assigned IP addresses to MAC addresses, helping to prevent MAC spoofing attacks. All virtual machines protected by a NSX Edge can obtain IP addresses dynamically from the NSX Edge DHCP service.

NSX Edge supports IP address pooling and one-to-one static IP address allocation based on the vCenter managed object ID (vmId) and interface ID (interfaceId) of the requesting client.

If either bindings or pools are not included in the PUT call, existing bindings or pools are deleted.

If the NSX Edge autoConfiguration flag and autoConfigureDNS is true, and the primaryNameServer or secondaryNameServer parameters are not specified, NSX Manager applies the DNS settings to the DHCP configuration.

NSX Edge DHCP service adheres to the following rules:

  • Listens on the NSX Edge internal interface (non-uplink interface) for DHCP discovery.
  • As stated above, vmId specifies the vc-moref-id of the virtual machine, and vnicId specifies the index of the vNic for the requesting client. The hostname is an identification of the binding being created. This hostName is not pushed as the specified host name of the virtual machine.
  • By default, all clients use the IP address of the internal interface of the NSX Edge as the default gateway address. To override it, specify defaultGateway per binding or per pool. The client’s broadcast and subnetMask values are from the internal interface for the container network.
  • leaseTime can be infinite, or a number of seconds. If not specified, the default lease time is 1 day.
  • Logging is disabled by default.
  • Setting the parameter enable to true starts the DHCP service while setting enable to false stops the service.
  • Both staticBinding and ipPools must be part of the PUT request body. If either bindings or pools are not included in the PUT call, existing bindings or pools are deleted.

DHCP Configuration Parameters

Parameter NameParameter Information
enabledDefault is true.
staticBindingAssign an IP address via DHCP statically rather than dynamically. You can either specify macAddress directly, or specify vmId and vnicId. In case both are specified, only macAddress will be used; vmId and vnicId will be ignored.
staticBinding > macAddressOptional.
staticBinding > vmIdOptional. The VM must be connected to the specified vnicId.
staticBinding > vnicIdOptional. Possible values 0 to 9.
staticBinding > hostnameOptional. Disallow duplicate.
staticBinding > ipAddressThe IP can either belong to a a subnet of one of Edge's vNics or it can be any valid IP address, but the IP must not overlap with any primary/secondary IP addresses associated with any of Edge's vNICs. If the IP does not belong to any Edge vNic subnets, you must ensure that the default gateway and subnetMask are configured via this API call.
ipPool > ipRangeRequired. The IP range can either fall entirely within one of the Edge vNIC subnets, or it can be a valid IP range outside any Edge subnets. The IP range, however, cannot contain an IP that is defined as a vNic primary secondary IP. If the range does not fall entirely within one of the Edge vNIC subnets, you must provide correct subnetMask and defaultGateway.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Optional. If the ipRange (for ipPool) or assigned IP (for staticBinding) falls entirely within one of the Edge vNIC subnets, defaultGateway is set to the primary IP of the vNIC configured with the matching subnet. Otherwise, you must provide the correct gateway IP. If an IP is not provided, the client host may not get default gateway IP from the DHCP server.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Optional. If not specified, and the the ipRange (for ipPool) or assigned IP (for staticBinding) belongs to an Edge vNic subnet, it is defaulted to the subnet mask of this vNic subnet. Otherwise, it is defaulted to a minimum subnet mask which is figured out with the IP range itself, e.g. the mask of range is You can edit this range, if required.
Note: If you do not specify a subnet mask when configuring DHCP, subnetMask is not included in the output of GET /api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/dhcp/config or GET /api/4.0/edges/{edgeId}/dhcp/config/bindings/{bindingID}. You can run show configuration dhcp on the Edge VM CLI to view the subnet mask.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Optional. If autoConfigureDNS is true, the DNS primary/secondary IPs will be generated from DNS service (if configured).
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Optional. In seconds, default is 86400. Valid leaseTime is a valid number or infinite.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Optional. Default is true.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Global TFTP server setting. If an IP pool or static binding has a TFTP server configured via option66 or option150, that server will be used instead.
(staticBinding and ipPool)
dhcpOptions > option121
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Add a static route.
dhcpOptions > option121 > destinationSubnet
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Destination network, for example
dhcpOptions > option121 > router
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Router IP address.
dhcpOptions > option66
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Hostname or IP address of a single TFTP server for this IP pool.
dhcpOptions > option67
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Filename to be downloaded from TFTP server.
dhcpOptions > option150
(staticBinding and ipPool)
IP address of TFTP server.
dhcpOptions > option150 > server
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Use to specify more than one TFTP server by IP address for this IP Pool.
dhcpOptions > option26
(staticBinding and ipPool)
dhcpOptions > other
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Add DHCP options other than 26, 66, 67, 121, 150.
dhcpOptions > other > code
(staticBinding and ipPool)
Use the DHCP option number only. For example, to specify dhcp option 80, enter 80.
dhcpOptions > other > value
(staticBinding and ipPool)
The DHCP option value, in hex. For example, 2F766172.
loggingOptional. Logging is disabled by default.
logging > enableOptional, default is false.
logging > logLevelOptional, default is info.

Retrieve DHCP configuration.

Method History

6.2.3Method updated. DHCP options added.

Configure DHCP service.

Method History

6.2.3Method updated. DHCP options added.

Delete the DHCP configuration, restoring it to factory default.

Working With DHCP IP Pools


Add an IP pool to the DHCP configuration. Returns a pool ID within a Location HTTP header.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. DHCP options added.

Working With a Specific DHCP IP Pool


Delete a pool specified by pool ID

Working With DHCP Static Bindings


Append a static-binding to DHCP config. A static-binding ID is returned within a Location HTTP header.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. DHCP options added.

Retrieve the multiple DHCP bindings with IP and MAC address.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With a Specific DHCP Static Binding


Retrieve the specified static binding.

Method history:

6.3.3Method introduced.

Delete the specified static binding.

Working With DHCP Relays

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay enables you to leverage your existing DHCP infrastructure from within NSX without any interruption to the IP address management in your environment. DHCP messages are relayed from virtual machine(s) to the designated DHCP server(s) in the physical world. This enables IP addresses within NSX to continue to be in synch with IP addresses in other environments.

DHCP configuration is applied on the logical router port and can list several DHCP servers. Requests are sent to all listed servers. While relaying the DHCP request from the client, the relay adds a Gateway IP Address to the request. The external DHCP server uses this gateway address to match a pool and allocate an IP address for the request. The gateway address must belong to a subnet of the NSX port on which the relay is running.

You can specify a different DHCP server for each logical switch and can configure multiple DHCP servers on each logical router to provide support for multiple IP domains.

NOTE DHCP relay does not support overlapping IP address space (option 82).

DHCP Relay and DHCP service cannot run on a port/vNic at the same time. If a relay agent is configured on a port, a DHCP pool cannot be configured on the subnet(s) of this port.

relayYou can configure ipPool, static-binding and relay at the same time if there is not any overlap on vnic.
relayServerRequired. There must be at least one external server.
groupingObjectIdA list of dhcp server IP addresses. There can be multiple sever group objects, the maximum groupObject is 4, the maximum number of server IP addresses is 16.
ipAddressSupports both IP address and FQDN.
fqdnSpecify the IP of the fqdn, and add a Firewall rule to allow the response from the server represented by the fqdn such as: src - the IP; dest - any; service - udp:67:any.
relayAgentsRequired. There must be at least one relay agent.
vnicIndexRequired. No default. Specify the vNic that proxy the dhcp request.
giAddressOptional. Defaults to the vNic primary address. Only one giAddress allowed.

Retrieve DHCP relay information.


Configure DHCP relay.


Delete DHCP relay configuration.

Working With DHCP Leases


Get DHCP lease information.

Working With NSX Edge High Availability

High Availability (HA) ensures that a NSX Edge appliance is always available on your virtualized network. You can enable HA either when installing NSX Edge or on an installed NSX Edge instance.

If a single appliance is associated with NSX Edge, the appliance configuration is cloned for the standby appliance. If two appliances are associated with NSX Edge and one of them is deployed, this REST call deploys the remaining appliance and push HA configuration to both.

HA relies on an internal interface. If an internal interface does not exist, this call will not deploy the secondary appliance, or push HA config to appliance. The enabling of HA will be done once an available internal interface is added. If the PUT call includes an empty <highAvailability /> or enabled=false, it acts as a DELETE call.


Get high availability configuration.


Configure high availability.

  • ipAddress - Optional. A pair of ipAddresses with /30 subnet mandatory, one for each appliance. If provided, they must NOT overlap with any subnet defined on the Edge vNics. If not specified, a pair of IPs will be picked up from the reserved subnet,
  • declareDeadTime Optional. The default is 6 seconds.
  • enabled - Optional. The default is set to true. The enabled flag will cause the HA appliance to be deployed or destroyed.

NSX Manager deletes the standby appliance and removes the HA config from the active appliance. You can also delete the HA configuration by using a PUT call with empty <highAvailability /> or with <highAvailability><enabled>false</enabled></highAvailability>.

Working With Remote Syslog Server on NSX Edge

You can configure one or two remote syslog servers. Edge events and logs related to firewall events that flow from Edge appliances are sent to the syslog servers


Retrieve syslog servers information.


Configure syslog servers.


Delete syslog servers.

Working With SSL VPN

With SSL VPN-Plus, remote users can connect securely to private networks behind a NSX Edge gateway. Remote users can access servers and applications in the private networks.


Enable or disable SSL VPN on the NSX Edge appliance.


Retrieve SSL VPN details.


Update the entire SSL VPN configuration to the specified NSX Edge in a single call.


Delete the SSL VPN configurations on the Edge.

Working With SSL VPN Server


Retrieve server settings.


Update server settings.

Working With Private Networks

You can use a private network to expose to remote users over SSL VPN tunnel.


Configure a private network.


Retrieve all private network profiles in the SSL VPN instance.


Update all private network configs of NSX Edge with the given list of private network configs. If the config is present, it is updated; otherwise, a new private network config is created. Existing configs not included in the call body are deleted.


Delete all private networks from the SSL VPN instance.

Working With a Specific Private Network


Retrieve the specified private network in the SSL VPN service.


Update the specified private network in the SSL VPN service.


Delete private network

Working With IP Pools for SSL VPN


Create an IP pool.


Retrieve all IP pools configured on SSL VPN.


Update all IP pools with the given list of pools. If the pool is present, it is updated; otherwise, a new pool is created. Existing pools not in the body are deleted.


Delete all IP pools configured on SSL VPN

Working With a Specific IP Pool for SSL VPN


Retrieve details of specified IP pool.


Update specified IP pool.


Delete the specified IP pool.

Working With Network Extension Client Parameters


Set advanced parameters for full access client configurations, such as whether client should auto-reconnect in case of network failures or network unavailability, or whether the client should be uninstalled after logout.


Retrieve client configuration.

Working With SSL VPN Client Installation Packages


Creates setup executables (installers) for full access network clients. These setup binaries are later downloaded by remote clients and installed on their systems. The primary parameters needed to configure this setup are hostname of the gateway, and its port and a profile name which is shown to the user to identify this connection. The Administrator can also set other parameters such as whether to automatically start the application on windows login, or hide the system tray icon.


Retrieve information about all installation packages.


Update all installation packages with the given list. If the package is present, it is updated; otherwise a new installation package is created. Existing packages not included in the body are deleted.


Delete all client installation packages.

Working With a Specific SSL VPN Client Installation Package


Get information about the specified installation package.


Modify the specified installation package.


Delete the specified installation package.

Working With Image Files for SSL VPN


Upload images for use with SSL VPN portal and client.

You can upload a logo to use in the SSL VPN portal, and a banner and icons to use in the SSL VPN client.

You must upload the image files using the form-data content-type. Consult the documentation for your REST client for instructions.

Do not set other Content-type headers in your request, for example, Content-type: application/xml.

When you upload a file as form-data, you must provide a key and a value for the file. See the table below for the form-data key to use for each image type. The value is the path to the image file.

Image Typeform-data keyImage format requirements

Example using curl

/usr/bin/curl -v -k -i -F layoutFile=@/tmp/portalLogo.jpg -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX=='

Working With Portal Users


Add a new portal user.


Modify the portal user specified in the request body.


Delete all users on the specifed SSL VPN instance

Working With a Specific Portal User


Get information about the specified user.


Delete the specified user.

Working With Authentication Settings


Retrieve information about authentication settings.


Update authentication settings for remote users. Specify username/password authentication, active directory, ldap, radius, client certificate based authentication.

Working With the RSA Config File


Upload RSA config file (See "Generate the Authentication Manager Configuration File" section of the RSA Authentication Manager Administrator's guide for instructions on how to configure and download the RSA config file from RSA Authentication Manager).

SSL VPN Advanced Configuration


Retrieve SSL VPN advanced configuration.


Update SSL VPN advanced configuration.

Working With Logon and Logoff Scripts for SSL VPN


Configure parameters associated with the uploaded script file.


Retrieve all script configurations.


Update all script configurations with the given list of configurations. If the config is present, its is updated; otherwise, a new config is created. Existing configs not included in the body are deleted.


Delete all script configurations

Working With Uploaded Script Files


Retrieve parameters associated with the specified script file.


Update parameters associated with the specified script file.


Delete script parameters.

Uploading Script Files for SSL VPN


You can add multiple login or logoff scripts. For example, you can bind a login script for starting Internet Explorer with gmail.com. When the remote user logs in to the SSL client, Internet Explorer opens up gmail.com. This method returns a scriptFileId which can be used to update parameters associated with the script file.

You must upload the script files using the form-data content-type. Consult the documentation for your REST client for instructions.

Do not set other Content-type headers in your request, for example, Content-type: application/xml.

When you upload a file as form-data, you must provide a key and a value for the file. The key is file, and the value is the location of the script file.

Example using curl

/usr/bin/curl -v -k -i -F file=@/tmp/script.sh -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46ZGXXXXXXXX=='

Working With SSL VPN Users


Update all users with the given list of users. If the user is present, it is updated. Otherwise, a new user is created. Existing users not included in the body are deleted.

Working With Active Client Sessions


Retrieve a list of active clients for the SSL VPN session.

Working With a Specific Active Client Session


Disconnect an active client.

Working With NSX Edge Firewall Dashboard Statistics


Retrieve number of ongoing connections for the firewall configuration. This API is not supported for Distributed Logical Routers.

Working With SSL VPN Dashboard Statistics


Retrieve SSL VPN statistics on the specified NSX Edge. This API is not supported for Distributed Logical Routers.

Working With Tunnel Traffic Dashboard Statistics


Retrieve tunnel traffic statistics for specified time interval. This API is not supported for Distributed Logical Routers.

Working With Interface Dashboard Statistics


Retrieves dashboard statistics between the specified start and end times. When start and end time are not specified, all statistics since the Edge deployed are displayed. When no end time is specified, the current Edge Manager time is set as endTime. Each record has the stats of 5 minutes granularity. This API is not supported for Distributed Logical Routers.

Working With Interface Statistics


Retrieve the statistics of all configured vnics between a specified duration. If the duration is not specified, then all the statistics collected since the deployment of the NSX Edge are retrieved. The statistics are retrieved after an interval of 5 minutes.

Working With Internal Interface Statistics


Retrieve the statistics of all internal interfaces between a specified duration. If the duration is not specified, then all the statistics collected since the deployment of the NSX Edge are retrieved. The statistics are retrieved after an interval of 5 minutes.

Working With L2 VPN Over SSL

L2 VPN allows you to configure a tunnel between two sites. VMs can move between the sites and stay on the same subnet, enabling you to extend your datacenter. An NSX Edge at one site can provide all services to VMs on the other site.


Enable or disable the L2 VPN over SSL service.


Retrieve the current L2 VPN over SSL configuration for the NSX Edge.

Method history:

6.3.5Method updated. showSensitiveData query parameter added.

Configure L2 VPN over SSL service for the server or client.

You first enable the L2 VPN service on the NSX Edge instance and then configure a server and a client.

L2 VPN Over SSL Parameters

enabledWhether L2 VPN is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.
loggingL2 VPN logging setting.Optional. Disable by default.
logging > enableWhether logging is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is False.
logging > logLevelLogging level.Optional. Options are: EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. Default is INFO.
listenerIpIP of external interface on which L2VPN service listens to.Required.
listenerPortPort on which L2VPN service listens to.Optional. Default is 443.
encryptionAlgorithmEncryption algorithm for communication between the server and the client.Mandatory. Supported ciphers are RC4-MD5, AES128-SHA, AES256-SHA, DES-CBC3-SHA, AES128-GCM-SHA256, and NULL-MD5.
serverCertificateSelect the certificate to be bound to L2 VPN server.Optional. If not specified server will use its default (self-signed) certificate.

Peer Site Parameters

peerSitesTo connect multiple sites to the L2 VPN server.Required. Minimum one peer site must be configured to enable L2 VPN server service.
nameUnique name for the site getting configured.Required.
descriptionDescription about the site.Optional.
l2VpnUserEvery peer site must have a user configuration.Required.
l2VpnUser > userIdL2 VPN user ID.Required.
l2VpnUser > passwordPassword for L2 VPN user.Required.
vnicsList of vNICs to be stretched over the tunnel.Required.
vnics > indexSelect the virtual machine NIC to bind to the IP address.Required.
egressOptimization > gatewayIpAddressThe gateway IP addresses for which the traffic should be locally routed or for which traffic is to be blocked over the tunnel.Optional.
enabledWhether the peer site is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.

Example to configure L2 VPN for Client


Example to configure L2 VPN for Server


Delete the L2 VPN over SSL configuration.

Working With L2 VPN Over SSL Statistics


Retrieve L2 VPN over SSL statistics, which has information such as tunnel status, sent bytes, received bytes for the specified Edge.

Working with L2 VPN Over IPSec

Starting with NSX 6.4.2, you can stretch your layer 2 networks between two sites with L2 VPN service over IPSec. Before configuring the L2 VPN service over IPSec, you must first create a route-based IPSec VPN tunnel. You then consume this route-based IPSec VPN tunnel to create a L2 VPN tunnel between the two sites.

In NSX 6.4.2, you cannot create and edit route-based IPSec VPN tunnel by using the vSphere Web Client. You must use the NSX Data Center for vSphere REST APIs.

For a detailed workflow of configuring the L2 VPN service over IPSec, see the NSX Administration Guide.

L2 VPN Over IPSec Parameters

L2TunnelsConfig > modeMode can be either hub or spoke.Optional. Default value is hub.
L2Tunnel > enabledWhether L2 VPN over IPSec service is enabled.Boolean. Optional. Default value is True.
L2TTunnel > nameName of the tunnel.String. Optional.
L2Tunnel > DescriptionDescription of the tunnel.Optional.
StretchedSubInterfaces > indexIndex of the subinterface that you want to stretch.Integer. Required.
TransportSession > protocolProtocol supported.Optional. Default value is ipsec.
IpsecSession > ipsecSiteIdSite ID assigned to the route-based IPSec site.String value. Required.
IpsecSession > sharedCodeValidates the local IPSec site configuration. It contains VTI IP address to be assigned to the local VTI.Required if the L2TunnelsConfig mode is spoke.

Retrieve the configuration of all L2 VPN over IPSec tunnels on the specific NSX Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.
6.4.4Method updated. showSensitiveData query parameter added. Output no longer includes sharedCode information by default.

Enable the L2 VPN over IPSec service on the Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With L2 VPN Tunnels


Create a L2 VPN tunnel on the NSX Edge by consuming a route-based IPSec VPN tunnel.

Note: The shared code in the L2 VPN configuration contains the sensitive pre-shared key in plain text format. This code must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Specify the shared code as an input only when you are creating or updating the L2 VPN over IPSec tunnel in the client (spoke) mode.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With a Specific L2 VPN Tunnel


Update a specific L2 VPN over IPSec tunnel on the NSX Edge.

Note: The shared code in the L2 VPN configuration contains the sensitive pre-shared key in plain text format. This code must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Specify the shared code as an input only when you are creating or updating the L2 VPN over IPSec tunnel in the client (spoke) mode.

Starting in NSX 6.4.4, if an ipsecSiteId already exists, you can omit the corresponding sharedCode information from the PUT request body, and the existing sharedCode configuration will be retained. If the ipsecSiteId does not exist, sharedCode is required.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.
6.4.4Method updated. sharedCode is optional if the associated ipsecSiteId already exists.

Delete a specific L2 VPN over IPSec tunnel on the Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Retrieve the configuration of a specific L2 VPN over IPSec tunnel on the Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.
6.4.4Method updated. showSensitiveData query parameter added. Output no longer includes sharedCode information by default.

Working With Peer Codes for L2 VPN over IPSec


Retrieve the peer code of the client from the NSX Edge that is configured as the server (hub).

This peer code becomes the input code (shared code) for configuring L2 VPN over IPSec service on the client Edge.

Note: The peer code contains the sensitive pre-shared key in plain text format. The peer code must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With Global Configuration for L2 VPN Over IPSec


Retrieve the mode of the L2 VPN over IPSec service on the Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Modify the mode of the L2 VPN over IPSec service on the Edge.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With IPSec VPN

NSX Edge supports site-to-site IPSec VPN between an NSX Edge instance and remote sites. NSX Edge supports certificate authentication, preshared key mode, and IP unicast traffic between the NSX Edge instance and remote VPN sites.

Starting with NSX 6.4.2, you can configure both policy-based IPSec VPN service and route-based IPSec VPN service. However, you can configure, manage, and edit route-based IPSec VPN parameters only by using REST APIs.

Policy-based IPSec VPN

In a policy-based IPSec VPN, you explicitly configure the subnets behind the NSX Edge on the local site that require secure and encrypted communication with the remote subnets on the peer site.

When the local IPSec VPN site originates traffic from unprotected local subnets to the protected remote subnets on the peer site, the traffic is dropped.

The local subnets behind an NSX Edge must have address ranges that do not overlap with the IP addresses on the peer VPN site.

If the local and remote peer across an IPSec VPN tunnel have overlapping IP addresses, traffic forwarding across the tunnel might not be consistent.

Route-based IPSec VPN

Route-based IPSec VPN is similar to Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) over IPSec, with the exception that no additional encapsulation is added to the packet before applying IPSec processing.

In a route-based IPSec tunnel configuration, you must define a VTI with a private IP address on both the local and peer sites. Traffic from the local subnets is routed through the VTI to the peer subnets. Use a dynamic routing protocol, such as BGP, to route traffic through the IPSec tunnel. The dynamic routing protocol decides traffic from which local subnet is routed using the IPSec tunnel to the peer subnet.

Note: The VTI that you configure is a static VTI. Therefore, it cannot have more than one IP address. A good practice is to ensure that the IP address of the VTI on both the local and peer sites are on the same subnet.

Important: In NSX 6.4.2 and later, static routing and OSPF dynamic routing through an IPSec tunnel is not supported.

For a detailed example of configuring a route-based IPSec VPN tunnel between an NSX Edge and a Cisco CSR 1000V Virtual Appliance, see the NSX Administration Guide.

IPSec VPN Parameters

loggingIPsec VPN logging setting.Optional. Default is Enabled.
logging > logLevelLogging level.Optional. Options are: EMERGENCY, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. Default is WARNING.
logging > enableWhether logging is enabled.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.
pskIndicates that the secret key shared between NSX Edge and the peer site is to be used for authentication.Optional. Required only when peerIp is specified as Any in site configuration.
site > pskIndicates that the secret key shared between NSX Edge and the peer site is to be used for authentication.Required when site > AuthenticationMode is specified psk. Optional only when peerIp is specified as Any in site configuration.
site > encryptionAlgorithmEncryption algorithm for communication.Optional. Supported ciphers are AES, AES256, Triple DES, and AES-GCM. Deault is AES.
serviceCertificateSelect the certificate to be bound to IPsec VPN server.Optional. Required when x.509 certificate mode is selected.
caCertificateList of CA certificates.Optional.
crlCertificateList of CRL certificates.Optional.
site > enablePfsPerfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) ensures that each new cryptographic key is unrelated to any previous key.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.
site > authenticationModeSelect authentication mode as psk or x.509.Required.
siteTo connect multiple sites to the IPsec VPN server.Required. Minimum one site must be configured to enable IPsec VPN server service.
site > enabledEnables site.Optional. Boolean. Options are True or False. Default is True.
site > nameUnique name for the site being configured.Optional.
site > descriptionSite description.Optional.
site > digestAlgorithmSecure Hashing Algorithm (SHA) used for digitial signatures.Optional. Options are sha1, and sha-256. Default is sha1.
site > ikeOptionIKE protocol version to be used. Use IKEFlex to always initiate using IKEv2, and while responding accept any of IKEv1 and IKEv2.Optional. Options are IKEv1, IKEv2, and IKEFlex. Default is IKEv1.
site > localIdEnter the IP address of the NSX Edge instance.Required.
site > localIpEnter the IP address of the local endpoint.Required.
site > localSubnetsType the subnets to share between the sites in CIDR format.Required if ipsecSessionType parameter value is policybasedsession. For route-based IPSec site, the default and only valid subnet is
site > peerIdEnter the peer ID to uniquely identify the peer site. This should be a Distinguishing Name (DN) if authentication mode is x.509.Required.
site > peerIpEnter the IP address of the peer endpoint.Required.
site > peerSubnetsType the subnets to share between the sites in CIDR format.Required if ipsecSessionType parameter value is policybasedsession. For route-based IPSec site, the default and only valid subnet is
site > complianceSuiteSpecify a compliance suite to configure the security profile of the IPSec VPN site with predefined values defined by that suite.Optional. Default is none. Options are cnsa, prime, suite-b-gcm-128, suite-b-gcm-256, suite-b-gmac-128, suite-b-gmac-256, and foundation.
Only when compliance suite is none, specify values for encryptionAlgorithm, digestAlgorithm, dhGroup, ikeOption, and authenticationMode parameters.
Important: Starting in NSX 6.4.6, suite-b-gmac-128 and suite-b-gmac-256 compliance suites are deprecated.
site > responderOnlyWhen set to true, the edge doesn't initiate negotiation, instead it waits for peer to initiate negotiation.Optional. Options are True or False. Default is False.
site > dhGroupIn Diffie-Hellman (DH) Group, select the cryptography scheme that will allow the peer site and the NSX Edge to establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel.Optional. dh14 is selected by default.
extensionWhen add_spd is set to on, security policies are installed regardless of whether the tunnel is established. ike_fragment_size is used to avoid failure in the IKE negotiation when the link MTU size is small. For example, ike_frament_size=900.Optional. Global extensions: add_spf and ike_frament_size.
add_spd options are off or on. The default is on.
site > extensionTo disable securelocaltrafficbyip=<IPAddress>, replace with securelocaltrafficbyip=0.
Users can explicitly set this value to one of the other local IP addresses configured in the local subnets of Edge. passthroughSubnets is used to exclude specific subnets from VPN policy enforcement if they overlap with the peerSubnets configured for the same site.
Optional. Configurable per site level: securelocaltrafficbyip=<IPAddress> and passthroughSubnets=<PeerSubnetIPAddress>.
By default, securelocaltrafficbyip=<IPAddress> is enabled and set to one of the local IP addresses configured on the local subnets of Edge.
ipsecSessionTypeConfigure whether the site is used for policy-based VPN or route-based VPN. Default value is policybasedsession.Optional. Allowed values are policybasedsession and routebasedsession.
tunnelInterfaceConfigure tunnel interface parameters.Required if ipsecSessionType parameter value is routebasedsession. This parameter is not valid for routebasedsession.
tunnelInterface > ipAddressSpecify a valid IPv4 address.Required if ipsecSessionType parameter value is routebasedsession. Allowed value is an IPv4 address. IPv6 address is not allowed.
tunnelInterface > mtuSpecify the maximum transmission unit.Optional. Default is 1416. Valid range is 152 - 8916.

Retrieve IPSec VPN configuration.

Note: The Pre-shared Key (PSK) in IPSec VPN configuration is a shared secret or sensitive data in plain text format. This pre-shared key must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Method history:

6.3.5Method updated. showSensitiveData query parameter added.
6.4.0Method updated. New parameters ikeOption, responderOnly, and digestAlgorithm added. New parameter ipsecSessionType added under the site section. This is a read-only parameter.
6.4.2Method updated. Added a new value routebasedsession for ipsecSessionType parameter. Added a new parameter tunnelInterface when the value of ipsecSessionType is set to routebasedsession.
6.4.5Method updated. Added complianceSuite parameter.
6.4.6Method updated. Deprecated suite-b-gmac-128 and suite-b-gmac-256 compliance suites.

Response: Policy-based IPSec site

       <name>VPN to edge-pa-1</name>
       <description>psk VPN to edge-pa-1 ==</description>

Response: Route-based IPSec site

       <description>Route-based VPN to edge 19</description>

Update IPSec VPN configuration.

Note: The Pre-shared Key (PSK) in IPSec VPN configuration is a shared secret or sensitive data in plain text format. This pre-shared key must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. New parameters ikeOption, responderOnly, and digestAlgorithm added. New parameter ipsecSessionType added under the site section. This is a read-only parameter, and optional if used in a PUT call. If used, it must be set to policybasedSession.
6.4.2Method updated. Added a new value routebasedsession for ipsecSessionType parameter. Added a new parameter tunnelInterface when the value of ipsecSessionType is set to routebasedsession.
6.4.5Method updated. Added complianceSuite parameter.

Request: Policy-based IPSec site and compliance suite=none

       <name>VPN to edge-pa-1</name>
       <description>psk VPN to edge-pa-1 ==</description>

Request: Policy-based IPSec site and compliance suite=prime

       <name>VPN to edge-pa-1</name>
       <description>psk VPN to edge-pa-1 ==</description>

Request: Route-based IPSec site and compliance suite=none

       <description>Route-based VPN to edge 19</description>

Delete the IPSec VPN configuration.

Downloading IPSec VPN and BGP Neighbor Configuration


Retrieve the IPSec VPN configuration, or the BGP neighbor configuration, or both for the NSX Edge either in plain text format or JSON format. You can use the configuration details as reference to configure the IPSec VPN parameters and the BGP neighbor on the third-party VPN Gateway at the peer site. For a policy-based IPSec VPN site, BGP neighbor configuration is not applicable.

Note: The Pre-shared Key (PSK) in IPSec VPN configuration is a shared secret or sensitive data in plain text format. This pre-shared key must be kept securely according to the client security policy.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Response: Text (Route-based IPSec VPN and BGP Neighbor Configuration)

# Configuration for IPsec VPN connection
# Peer NSX Edge and IPSec Site configuration details.
# IPsec site Id : ipsecsite-4
# IPsec site name : SecondSite
# IPsec site description:
# IPsec site enabled : true
# IPsec site vpn type : Route-based VPN
# NSX Edge Id : edge-1
# Feature version : 4
# Time stamp : 122817_181701GMT
# Internet Key Exchange Configuration
# Phase 1
# Configure the IKE SA as outlined below
Connection initiation mode : initiator
IKE version : ikev1
Authentication method : psk
Pre shared key : vmware
Authentication algorithm : sha1
Encryption algorithm : aes
SA life time : 28800 seconds
Phase 1 negotiation mode : main
DH group : DH14
# IPsec_configuration
# Phase 2
# Configure the IPsec SA as outlined below
Protocol : ESP
Authentication algorithm : sha1
Encryption algorithm : aes
Sa life time : 3600 seconds
Encapsulation mode : Tunnel mode
Enable perfect forward secrecy : true
Perfect forward secrecy DH group: DH14
# Peer configuration
Peer address : # Peer gateway public IP.
Peer id :
Peer subnets : [ ]
# IPsec Dead Peer Detection (DPD) settings
DPD enabled : true
DPD interval : 30 seconds
DPD timeout : 150 seconds
# Local configuration
Local address : # Local gateway public IP.
Local id :
Local subnets : [ ]
# Virtual Tunnel Interface
Peer VTI address :
Local VTI address : Your tunnel interface IP address
Tunnel Interface MTU : 1416 bytes
# BGP Configuration
BGP neighbour IP :
BGP neighbour AS number : 65000
BGP local IP :
BGP local AS number : 65300
BGP secret : VMWare
BGP weight : 60 (optional)
BGP hold down timer : 180
BGP keep alive timer : 60 

Response: JSON (Route-based IPSec VPN and BGP Neighbor Configuration)

  "peer_config": {
    "ipsecSiteConfig_ipsecsite-4": {
      "ipsec_site_config": {
      "ipsec_site_id": "ipsecsite-4",
      "ipsec_site_name": "SecondSite",
      "ipsec_site_description": "",
      "ipsec_site_enabled": true,
      "ipsec_site_vpn_type": "Route based VPN",
      "edge_id": "edge-1",
      "feature_version": "4",
      "time_stamp": "122817_181701GMT",

      "ike_configuration": {
        "ike_version": "ikev1",
        "connection_initiation_mode": "initiator",
        "authentication_method": "psk",
        "pre_shared_key": "vmware",
        "authentication_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes",
        "sa_life_time": "28800 seconds",
        "negotiation_mode": "main",
        "dh_group": "DH14"
      "ipsec_configuration": {
        "protocol": "ESP",
        "authentication_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes",
        "sa_life_time": "3600 seconds",
        "encapsulation_mode": "Tunnel mode",
        "enable_perfect_forward_secrecy": true,
        "perfect_forward_secrecy_dh_group": "DH14"
      "peer_configuration": {
        "peer_address": "",
        "peer_id": "",
        "peer_subnets": "[ ]",
        "dpd_enabled": true,
        "dpd_interval": "30 seconds",
        "dpd_timeout": "150 seconds"
      "local_configuration": {
        "local_address": "",
        "local_id": "",
        "local_subnets": "[ ]"
      "virtual_tunnel_interface": {
        "peer_vti_address": "",
        "local_vti_address": "",
        "tunnel_interface_mtu": "1416 bytes"
     "bgpNeighbourConfig_172.16.3.45": {"bgp_config": {
        "bgp_neighbour_ip": "",
        "bgp_neighbour_as": "65000",
        "bgp_local_ip": "",
        "bgp_local_as": "65300",
        "bgp_secret": "VMWare",
        "bgp_weight": "60 (optional)",
        "bgp_hold_down_timer": "180",
        "bgp_keep_alive_timer": "60"

Working With IPSec VPN Statistics


Retrieve IPSec VPN statistics.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. New parameter channelIkeVersion added under IkeStatus section. New parameters failureMessage, packetsOut, packetSentErrors, encryptionFailures, sequenceNumberOverFlowErrors, packetsIn, packetReceivedErrors, decryptionFailures, replayErrorsintegrityErrors added under tunnelStatus section. New parameter siteId added.
6.4.2Method updated. Added virtualTunnelInterfaceStats, globalPacketDropStatistics and ikeStatistics sections in the API response.

Automatic Configuration of Firewall Rules

If autoConfiguration is enabled, firewall rules are automatically created to allow control traffic. Rules to allow data traffic are not created. For example, if you are using IPsec VPN, and autoConfiguration is true, firewall rules will automatically be configured to allow IKE traffic. However, you will need to add additional rules to allow the data traffic for the IPsec tunnel. If HA is enabled, firewall rules are always created, even if autoConfiguration is false, otherwise both HA appliances will become active.


Retrieve the auto configuration settings for the NSX Edge.


Update the auto configuration settings for the NSX Edge.

Working With NSX Edge Appliance Configuration

See Working With NSX Edge for additional parameters used to configure appliances.

When you create an NSX Edge, you define parameters that determine how the appliance is deployed, including resourcePoolId, dataStoreId, hostId, and vmFolderId. After the appliance is deployed, these deployment details may change, and the appliance parameters are updated to reflect the current, live location.

You can view the originally configured parameters by using the configuredResourcePool, configuredDataStore, configuredHost, and configuredVmFolder parameters.

You can trigger a high availability failover on the active NSX Edge appliance by changing the haAdminState value to down as part of appliance configuration for an NSX Edge. The haAdminState parameter determines whether or not an NSX Edge appliance is participating in high availability. Both appliances in an NSX Edge high availability configuration normally have an haAdminState of up. When you set the haAdminState of the active appliance to be down, it stops participating in high availability, and informs the standby appliance of its status. The standby appliance becomes active immediately.

highAvailabilityIndexIndex number of the applianceRead only.
haAdminStateIndicates whether appliance is participating in high availability.If the active appliance haAdminState is set to down, it stops participating in HA, and informs the standby appliance of its status. The standby appliance becomes active immediately.
configuredResourcePool > idID of resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredResourcePool > nameName of resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredResourcePool > isValidTrue if resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed currently exists.Read only. true or false.
configuredDataStore > idID of data store on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredDataStore > nameName of data store on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredDataStore > isValidTrue if resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed currently exists.Read only. true or false.
configuredHost > idID of host on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredHost > nameName of host on which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredHost > isValidTrue if resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed currently exists.Read only. true or false.
configuredVmFolder > idID of folder in which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredVmFolder > nameName of folder in which NSX Edge was originally deployed.Read only.
configuredVmFolder > isValidTrue if resource pool on which NSX Edge was originally deployed currently exists.Read only. true or false.
  • Use the size query parameter to change the form factor of the Edge appliance.
  • Use the action query parameter to reset the CPU and memory reservation of the Edge appliance to System Managed resource reservation.

Note: Do not combine the size and action query parameters in a single API request by using an ampersand (&). In other words, run the API requests independently with a single query parameter.

Method history:

6.4.4Method updated. Added action query parameter.

Retrieve appliance configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState, configuredResourcePool, configuredDataStore, configuredHost, configuredVmFolder parameters added.

You can retrieve the configuration of both appliances by using the GET call and replace the size, resource pool, datastore, and custom parameters of the appliances by using a PUT call. If there were two appliances earlier and you PUT only one appliance, the other appliance is deleted.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState parameter added.

Working With NSX Edge Appliance Configuration by Index


Used to send CLI Commands to the Edge Gateway. To use CLI commands you also need to add an additional Accept Header with type text/plain, as well as the query parameter action=execute.

VMware recommends using the Central CLI instead of this method. See Working With the Central CLI


Retrieve the configuration of the specified appliance.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState, configuredResourcePool, configuredDataStore, configuredHost, configuredVmFolder parameters added.

Update the configuration of the specified appliance.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated. haAdminState parameter added.

Delete the appliance

Working With Edge Services Gateway Interfaces

See Working With NSX Edge for descriptions of parameters used to configure Edge Service Gateway interfaces.


Add an interface or sub interface.


Retrieve all interfaces for the specified Edge Services Gateway.

Working With a Specific Edge Services Gateway Interface

See Working With NSX Edge for descriptions of parameters used to configure Edge Service Gateway interfaces.


Retrieve the specified interface.


Update the specified interface.


Delete interface

Creating a Sub-Interface of a Backing Type

Create a sub-interface with backing type, VLAN or Network.


Add a sub-interface of backing type VLAN or Network.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Sub-Interface of a Backing Type

View, modify, or delete the specified sub-interface for a backing type VLAN or Network.


Retrieve the specified sub-interface.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Update the specified sub-interface.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Delete a sub-interface.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Logical Router HA (Management) Interface


Retrieve the management interface configuration for the logical router.


Configure high availability (management) interface for logical (distributed) router. See Working With NSX Edge for descriptions of parameters used to configure the logical router HA interface.

Working With Logical Router Interfaces

Configure interfaces for logical (distributed) router. See Working with NSX Edge for descriptions of parameters used to configure the logical router interfaces.


Add interfaces for a logical router.


Retrieve all interfaces on the logical router.


Delete all interfaces on the logical router.

Working With a Specific Logical Router Interface


Retrieve information about the specified logical router interface.


Delete interface configuration and reset to factory default.


Update interface configuration for the specified logical router interface.

Configuring Edge Services in Async Mode

You can configure NSX Edge to work in async mode. In the async mode, accepted commands return an Accepted status and a taskId. To know the status of the task, you can check the status of that taskId. The advantage of the async mode is that APIs are returned very fast and actions like vm deployment, reboots, publish to NSX Edge appliance, are done behind the scene under the taskId . To configure async mode, ?async=true at the end of any 4.0 service configuration URL for POST, PUT, and DELETE calls. Without async mode, the location header in HTTP response has the resource ID whereas in async mode, location header has the job ID.

The job status response includes the job status (SUCCESS, FAILED, QUEUED, RUNNING, ROLLBACK), URI of the resource, and ID of the resource.


Retrieve NSX Edge job status.

Working With a Specific Edge Job Status


Retrieve job status for the specified job.


Working With NSX Edge Configuration Publishing

Working With NSX Edge Tuning Configuration

Starting in 6.2.3 you can configure default values for NSX Edge configuration parameters, including publishing and health check timeouts, and CPU and memory reservation, which are applicable to all NSX Edges. The values for the tuning configuration parameters have been set to sensible defaults and may not require any changes. However, based on datacenter capacity and requirements, you can change the default CPU and memory resource reservation percentages using this API. This percentage is applied across all Edge VM Sizes {COMPACT, LARGE, QUADLARGE, XLARGE}. The default values are:

  • 100% for CPU reservation
  • 100% for Memory reservation
  • 1000 MHz per CPU
lockUpdatesOnEdgeDefault value is false. Serialize specific Edge operations related to DHCP and vnic configuration to avoid concurrency errors when too many configuration change requests arrive at the same time.
aggregatePublishingDefault value is true (enabled). Speed up configuration change publishing to the NSX Edge by aggregating over the configuration versions.
edgeVMHealthCheckIntervalInMinDefault value for time interval between NSX Edge VM's health check is 0, where NSX Manager manages the interval based on the number of NSX Edge VM's. A positive integer value overrides the default behavior.
healthCheckCommandTimeoutInMsDefault timeout value for health check command is 120000.
maxParallelVixCallsForHealthCheckThe maximum concurrent health check calls that can be made for NSX Edge VM's based on VIX communication channel is 25.
publishingTimeoutInMsThe timeout value to publish a configuration change on NSX Edge appliance. Default is 1200000 (20 minutes).
edgeVCpuReservationPercentageInteger value [0-100], specifying the CPU reservation percentage which will be applied to the NSX Edge appliance. To disable this resource reservation, enter 0.
edgeMemoryReservationPercentageinteger value [0-100], specifying the memory reservation percentage which will be applied to the NSX Edge appliance. To disable this resource reservation, enter 0.
megaHertzPerVCpuinteger value specifying the megahertz per each vCPU (1000, 1500, 2000)

Retrieve the NSX Edge tuning configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the NSX Edge tuning configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.


Working With Certificates

NSX Edge supports self-signed certificates, certificates signed by a Certification Authority (CA), and certificates generated and signed by a CA.

Working With Certificates and Certificate Chains


Import a certificate or a certificate chain against a certificate signing request.

Working With Certificate Configuration


View certificate expiry notification duration in days. This API is available for all roles.

Method history:

6.4.1Method introduced.

Update certificate expiry notification duration in days. This duration is used to generate notification before the certificate expires, which helps you to monitor and renew certificates. Default value for the expiry notification is 7 days. This API is available to Enterprise Administrator, NSX Administrator, and Security Administrator roles.

Method history:

6.4.1Method introduced.

Working With Certificates on a Specific Scope


Retrieve all certificates on the specified scope.

Working With Self-Signed Certificates


Create a single certificate

You can create a certificate for a specific NSX Edge, or if you specify a scope of globalroot-0 you can create a global certificate in NSX Manager which is available to all NSX Edges.

Working With a Specific Certificate


Retrieve the certificate object specified by ID. If the ID specifies a chain, multiple certificate objects are retrieved.


Delete the specified certificate.

Working With Certificate Signing Requests


Create a certificate signing request (CSR).

Working With Self-Signed Certificate for CSR


Create a self-signed certificate for CSR.


Retrieve the specified certificate signing request (CSR).

Working With Certificate Signing Requests on a Specific Scope


Retrieve certificate signing requests (CSR) on the specified scope.

Working With Certificate Revocation Lists on a Specific Scope


Create a certificate revocation list (CRL) on the specified scope.

Working With CRL Certificates in a Specific Scope


Retrieve all certificates for the specified scope.

Working With a Specific CRL Certificate


Retrieve certificate object for the specified certificate revocation list (CRL).


Delete the specified certificate revocation list (CRL).


Working With Service Composer

Service Composer helps you provision and assign network and security services to applications in a virtual infrastructure. You map these services to a security group, and the services are applied to the virtual machines in the security group.

Security Groups

You begin by creating a security group to define assets that you want to protect. Security groups may be static (including specific virtual machines) or dynamic where membership may be defined in one or more of the following ways:

  • vCenter containers (clusters, port groups, or datacenters).
  • Security tags, IPset, MACset, or even other security groups. For example, you may include a criteria to add all members tagged with the specified security tag (such as AntiVirus.virusFound) to the security group.
  • Directory Groups (if NSX Manager is registered with Active Directory).
  • Regular expressions such as virtual machines with name VM1.

Note that security group membership changes constantly. For example, a virtual machine tagged with the AntiVirus.virusFound tag is moved into the Quarantine security group. When the virus is cleaned and this tag is removed from the virtual machine, it again moves out of the Quarantine security group.

Security Policies

A security policy is a collection of the following service configurations.

ServiceDescriptionApplies to
Distributed Firewall rules
category: firewall
Rules that define the traffic to be allowed to, from, or within the security group.vNIC
Guest Introspection service
category: endpoint
Third party solution provider services such as anti-virus or vulnerability management services.virtual machines
Network Introspection services
(NetX or Network Extensibility)
category: traffic_steering
Services that monitor your network such as IPS.virtual machines

Applying Security Policies to Security Groups

You apply a security policy (say SP1) to a security group (say SG1). The services configured for SP1 are applied to all virtual machines that are members of SG1. If a virtual machine belongs to more than one security group, the services that are applied to the virtual machine depends on the precedence of the security policy mapped to the security groups. Service Composer profiles can be exported and imported as backups or for use in other environments. This approach to managing network and security services helps you with actionable and repeatable security policy management.

Service Composer Parameters

The following parameters are related to Service Composer, security policies, and security groups.

Common Parameters

  • actionType - Defines the type of action belonging to a given executionOrderCategory
  • executionOrderCategory - Category to which the action belongs to (endpoint, firewall or traffic_steering)
  • isActive - In a security policy hierarchy, an action within a policy may or may not be active based on the precedence of the policy or usage of isActionEnforced flag in that hierarchy
  • isActionEnforced - Enforces an action of a parent policy on its child policies for a given actionType and executionOrderCategory. Note that in a policy hierarchy, for a given actionType and executionOrderCategory, there can be only one action which can be marked as enforced.
  • isEnabled - Indicates whether an action is enabled
  • secondarySecurityGroup - Applicable for actions which need secondary security groups, say a source-destination firewall rule
  • securityPolicy - Parent policy in an action

Output-only Parameters

  • executionOrder - Defines the sequence in which actions belonging to an executionOrderCategory are executed. Note that this is not an input parameter and its value is implied by the index in the list.

Firewall Category Parameters

  • action - Allow or block the traffic
  • applications - Applications / application groups on which the rules are to be applied
  • direction - Direction of traffic towards primary security group. Possible values: inbound, outbound, intra
  • logged - Flag to enable logging of the traffic that is hit by this rule
  • outsideSecondaryContainer - Flag to specify outside i.e. outside securitygroup-3

Endpoint Category Parameters

  • serviceId - ID of the service (as registered with the service insertion module). If this tag is null, the functionality type (as defined in actionType tag) is not applied which will also result in blocking the actions (of given functionality type) that are inherited from the parent security policy. This is true if there is no action of enforce type.
  • invalidServiceId - Flag to indicate that the service that was referenced in this rule is deleted, which make the rule ineffective (or deviate from the original intent that existed while configuring the rule). You must either modify this rule by adding correct Service or delete this rule.
  • serviceName -Name of the service
  • serviceProfile - Profile to be referenced in Endpoint rule.
  • invalidServiceProfile - Flag to indicate that the service profile that was referenced in this rule is deleted, which makes the rule ineffective (or deviate from the original intent that existed while configuring the rule). You must either modify this rule by adding correct Service Profile or delete this rule.

The following parameters are deprecated:

  • vendorTemplateId
  • invalidVendorTemplateId
  • vendorTemplateName

Traffic Steering/NetX Category Parameters

  • redirect - Flag to indicate whether to redirect the traffic or not
  • serviceProfile - Service profile for which redirection is being configured
  • logged - Flag to enable logging of the traffic that is hit by this rule

Working With Security Policies

A security policy is a set of Endpoint, firewall, and network introspection services that can be applied to a security group.

See Working With Security Groups for more information about managing security groups.


Create a security policy.

When creating a security policy, a parent security policy can be specified if required. The security policy inherits services from the parent security policy. Security group bindings and actions can also be specified while creating the policy. Note that execution order of actions in a category is implied by their order in the list. The response of the call has Location header populated with the URI using which the created object can be fetched.

Ensure that:

  • the required VMware built in services (such as Distributed Firewall and Endpoint) are installed. See NSX Installation Guide.
  • the required partner services have been registered with NSX Manager.
  • the required security groups have been created.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Added tag parameter. You can specify tag for the firewall rule.
6.4.0Method updated. Added attributesByCategory parameter to enable RDSH, TCP strict, or stateless TCP in a category.

Working With all Security Policies

Retrieve information for all security policies. The startIndex and pageSize query parameters control how this information is displayed. startIndex determines which security policy to begin the list with, and pageSize determines how many security policies to list.


Retrieve information for all security policies.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Output is now paginated. pageSize and startIndex query parameters added.

Working With a Specific Security Policy


Retrieve security policy information. To view all security policies, specify all as the security policy ID.


Edit a security policy.

To update a security policy, you must first fetch it. Then edit the received XML and pass it back as the input. The specified configuration replaces the current configuration.

Security group mappings provided in the PUT call replaces the security group mappings for the security policy. To remove all mappings, delete the securityGroupBindings parameter.

You can add or update actions for the security policy by editing the actionsByCategory parameter. To remove all actions (belonging to all categories), delete the actionsByCategory parameter. To remove actions belonging to a specific category, delete the block for that category.

To enable RDSH, TCP strict, or stateless TCP for a category, use the attributesByCategory parameter. This parameter is optional. Category has two attributes: name and value. Name is a string, for example, RDSH, and value is either true or false.

Method history:

6.4.0Method updated. Added tag parameter. You can specify tag for the firewall rule.
6.4.0Method updated. Added attributesByCategory parameter to enable RDSH, TCP strict, or stateless TCP in a category.

Delete a security policy.

When you delete a security policy, its child security policies and all the actions in it are deleted as well.

Working With Security Group Bindings


Apply the specified security policy to the specified security group.

Working With Security Actions on a Security Policy


Retrieve all security actions applicable on a security policy.

This list includes security actions from associated parent security policies, if any. Security actions per Execution Order Category are sorted based on the weight of security actions in descending order.

Working with Service Composer Policy Precedence


Retrieve the highest precedence (or weight) of the Service Composer security policies.

The response body contains only the maximum precedence.



Working With Service Composer Status


Retrieve the consolidated status of Service Composer.

The possible return of value for status are: in_sync, in_progress, out_of_sync, and pending.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With All Service Composer Alarms


Retrieve all system alarms that are raised at Service Composer level and policy level.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Service Composer Firewall Applied To Setting

You can set the applied to setting for all firewall rules created though Service Composer to either Distributed Firewall or Policy's Security Groups. By default, the applied to is set to Distributed Firewall. When Service Composer firewall rules have an applied to setting of distributed firewall, the rules are applied to all clusters on which distributed firewall is installed. If the firewall rules are set to apply to the policy's security groups, you have more granular control over the firewall rules, but may need multiple security policies or firewall rules to get the desired result.

Applied To Values for Service Composer Firewall Rules

dfw_onlyFirewall rules are applied to all clusters on which Distributed Firewall is installed.
policy_security_groupFirewall rules are applied to security groups on which the security policy is applied.

Retrieve the Service Composer firewall applied to setting.


Update the Service Composer firewall applied to setting.

Working With Service Composer Configuration Import and Export


Import a security policy configuration

You can create multiple security policies and parent-child hierarchies using the data fetched through export. All objects including security policies, security groups and security actions are created on a global scope.

The policy that is being imported needs to be included in the request body.

If a suffix is specified, it is added after the names of the security policy, security action, and security group objects in the exported XML. The suffix can thus be used to differentiate locally created objects from imported ones.

The location of the newly created security policy objects (multiple locations are separated by commas) is populated in the Location header of the response.


Export a Service Composer configuration (along with the security groups to which the security policies are mapped). You can save the response to a file. The saved configuration can be used as a backup for situations where you may accidentally delete a policy configuration, or it can be exported for use in another NSX Manager environment.

If a prefix is specified, it is added before the names of the security policy, security action, and security group objects in the exported XML. The prefix can thus be used to indicate the remote source from where the hierarchy was exported.

Working With Virtual Machines with Security Actions Applied


Retrieve all VirtualMachine objects on which security action of a given category and attribute has been applied.

Working With Security Actions Applicable on a Security Group


Retrieve all security actions applicable on a security group for all ExecutionOrderCategories. The list is sorted based on the weight of security actions in descending order. The isActive tag indicates if a securityaction will be applied (by the enforcement engine) on the security group.

Working With Security Actions Applicable on a Virtual Machine


You can retrieve the security actions applicable on a virtual machine for all ExecutionOrderCategories. The list of SecurityActions per ExecutionOrderCategory is sorted based on the weight of security actions in descending order. The isActive tag indicates whether a security action will be applied (by the enforcement engine) on the virtual machine.

Working With Service Composer Firewall


Deprecated. Use GET /api/2.0/services/serviceprovider/firewall/info instead.

You can also use GET /api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/status/ to retrieve the sync status of Service Composer firewall with Distributed Firewall.

This GET method can perform certain functions, depending on the request body provided. Note: Some REST clients do not allow you to specify a request body with a GET request.

Method history:

6.2.3Method updated and some functions deprecated. Changing auto save draft with the autoSaveDraft parameter is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
The default setting of autoSaveDraft is changed from true to false.
Method to check if Service Composer and Distributed Firewall are in sync is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Use GET /api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/status/ instead.
6.4.0All functions deprecated. Use GET /api/2.0/services/serviceprovider/firewall/info instead.

Working With Service Composer Firewall Information


If Service Composer goes out of sync with Distributed Firewall, you must re-synchronize Service Composer rules with firewall rules. If Service Composer stays out of sync, firewall configuration may not stay enforced as expected.

Using query parameters, you can get the sync status, force a sync, and retrieve or update the auto save draft propertly.

You can also use GET /api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy/status/ to retrieve the sync status of Service Composer firewall with distributed Firewall.

6.4.0Method introduced.

Working With Security Policies Mapped to a Security Group


Retrieve security policies mapped to a security group.

The list is sorted based on the precedence of security policy precedence in descending order. The security policy with the highest precedence (highest numeric value) is the first entry (index = 0) in the list.


Working With SNMP

NSX Manager receives events from other NSX Data Center for vSphere components, including NSX Edge, network fabric, and hypervisors.

You can configure NSX Manager to forward SNMP traps to an SNMP Manager.

Working With SNMP Status Settings

You can configure settings for SNMP on the NSX Manager.

serviceStatusBoolean. Set to true to enable SNMP. There must be at least one SNMP manager configured to enable SNMP.
groupNotificationBoolean. Set to true to group similar SNMP notifications. This reduces the number of notifications being sent out, which can improve SNMP manager performance when there is a high volume of SNMP notifications.

Retrieve SNMP status settings.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update SNMP status settings.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With SNMP Managers


Retrieve information about SNMP managers.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Add an SNMP manager.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific SNMP Manager


Retrieve information about the specified SNMP manager.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update an SNMP manager configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Delete an SNMP manager configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With SNMP Traps


Retrieve information about SNMP traps.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific SNMP Trap


Retrieve information about the specified SNMP trap.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the specified SNMP trap.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.


Working With Translation of Virtual Machines to IP Addresses

Support translation of Virtual Machines (VM) to IP addresses. Input VM ID and receive the corresponding IP addresses.


Retrieve IP addresses of the provided virtual machine.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With Support Bundle

You can collect the support bundle data for NSX Data Center for vSphere components like NSX Manager, hosts, edges, and controllers. These support bundles are required to troubleshoot problems in the NSX Data Center for vSphere environment. Bundle Status has the following values:

  • Pending: Wait for the process to start.
  • In Progress: Wait for process to complete.
  • Skipped: This can be due to limited disk space. The bundle gets generated with partial logs and is made available for local download or is uploaded to remote server. The status of logs that are skipped is displayed. Note that 30% of disk space is always reserved for NSX.
  • Failed: Log collection is failed due to various reasons like connectivity issues or timeout error. Click START NEW to start data collection again.
  • Completed: You can now download the bundle or view at the remote server.


Generate BundleNSX Admin, Security Admin, Enterprise AdminRead/Write
Bundle StatusNSX Admin, Security Admin, Enterprise Admin , AuditorRead
Cancel BundleNSX Admin, Security Admin, Enterprise AdminRead/Write
Delete BundleNSX Admin, Security Admin, Enterprise AdminRead/Write
Download BundleNSX Admin, Security Admin, Enterprise Admin , AuditorRead

Generates the technical support log bundle or aborts the bundle generation process. Use /techsupportbundle?action=generate to generate the bundle. Use /techsupportbundle?action=cancel to abort the bundle generation that is in in-progress.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Deletes the support bundle.

Status of the Technical Support Bundle


Retrieves the status of the technical support bundle.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.

Download Support Bundle


You can use the filename to download the support bundle. You can get the file name from the /techsupportbundle/status API.

Method history:

6.4.0Method introduced.


Working With the Central CLI


The central command-line interface (central CLI) commands are run from the NSX Manager command line, and retrieve information from the NSX Manager and other devices. These commands can also be executed in the API.

You can insert any valid central CLI command as the command parameter. For a complete list of the central CLI commands executable through the API, please see the central CLI chapter of the NSX Command Line Interface Reference.

You must set the Accept header to text/plain.


Working with Logical Inventory Details

Communication Status of a Specific Host

This feature allows the user to check the connection status between the NSX Manager and hosts. A hash map is used to hold all hosts' connection status. It keeps track of the latest heartbeat from each host. When querying a host’s connection status, NSX Manager will get the latest heartbeat information to compare the last heartbeat time and current time. If the duration is longer than a threshold, it returns DOWN, otherwise it returns UP. If no last heartbeat information is found and this host has not been prepared or the netcpa version on this host is lower than 6.2.0, it will return NOT_AVAILABLE. But if no last heartbeat information is found and the host has been prepared with netcpa version no less than 6.2.0, it will return DOWN. When a host has been unprepared, its heartbeat information will be removed from the NSX Manager memory.


Retrieve the status of the specified host.


6.2.3Method updated. Introduced hostToControllerConnectionErrors array.
Deprecated fullSyncCount parameter. Parameter is still present, but always has value of -1.

Communication Status of a List of Hosts


Retrieve the status of a list of hosts.

6.2.3Method updated. Introduced hostToControllerConnectionErrors array.
Deprecated fullSyncCount parameter. Parameter is still present, but always has value of -1.

Detailed Information about Logical Switches


Retrieve detailed information about logical switches shown in the UI. This includes hosts and VM information for the logical switches.

Detailed Information about Logical Switches in a Specific Transport Zone


Retrieve detailed information about logical switches shown in the UI for the specified transport zone. This includes hosts and VM information for the logical switches.


Working With Hardware Gateways


Install a hardware gateway.

Request body parameters

bfdEnabledEnable or disable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) between the hardware gateway and the replication cluster.Optional. Default value is true.
replicationClusterIdObject ID of the replication cluster that this hardware gateway will use.Optional. If not specified, then default replication cluster ID is used.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.
6.4.2Method updated. New request body parameter replicationClusterId added.

Retrieve information about all hardware gateways.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Hardware Gateway


Retrieve information about the specified hardware gateway.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the specified hardware gateway.

Request body parameters

  • replicationClusterId - Optional. Object ID of the replication cluster that this hardware gateway will use. If not specified, then default replication cluster ID is used in the hardware gateway.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.
6.4.2Method updated. A new request body parameter replicationClusterId added.

Delete the specified hardware gateway.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Switches on a Specific Hardware Gateway


Retrieve information about switches on the specified hardware gateway.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Switch on a Specific Hardware Gateway

Working With Ports on a Specific Switch on a Specific Hardware Gateway


Retrieve information about the hardware gateway switch ports for the specified switch and hardware gateway.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With All Hardware Gateway Replication Clusters


Retrieve information about all hardware gateway replication clusters.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Hardware Gateway Replication Cluster


Update the hardware gateway replication cluster.

Add or remove hosts on a replication cluster.

Request body parameters

  • replicationClusterName - Optional. Specify any UTF-8 string to change the replication cluster name. If the parameter is not specified, then cluster name is not changed.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.
6.4.2Method updated. Query parameter id and request body parameter replicationClusterName added.

Retrieve information about a hardware gateway replication cluster.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.
6.4.2Method updated. Query parameter id added.

Create a hardware gateway replication cluster.

Request body parameters

replicationClusterNameSpecify any UTF-8 string for the name of the hardware gateway replication cluster.Required.
hostsSpecify the object IDs of the hosts on which VXLAN is configured. Specified hosts will be added to the replication cluster.Optional. Default value is empty.

Delete a specific hardware gateway replication cluster.

Method history:

6.4.2Method introduced.


Working With Hardware Gateway Bindings and BFD

Working With Hardware Gateway Bindings


Create a hardware gateway binding.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Retrieve information about hardware gateway bindings.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With a Specific Hardware Gateway Binding


Retrieve information about the specified hardware gateway binding.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Update the specified hardware gateway binding.

You can update the binding parameters. This API will fail if:

  • the specified hardwareGatewayId does not exist.
  • the specified logical switch (virtualWire) is not present or there is a software gateway on the binding.
  • the new binding value is a duplicate of an existing binding.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Delete the specified hardware gateway binding.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Hardware Gateway Binding Statistics


Retrieve statistics for the specified hardware gateway binding.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Hardware Gateway Binding Objects


Manage hardware gateway binding objects.

Use this API to attach, detach, and update multiple bindings in a single API call. This API accepts three lists for add, update, and delete. Each list accepts a hardwareGatewayManageBindingsItem with a full description of the new binding with its objectID. This API handles a maximum of 100 HardwareGatewayManageBindingsItem objects for each of the Add/Update/Delete lists.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Hardware Gateway BFD (Bidirectional Forwarding Detection)

Working With Hardware Gateway BFD Configuration


Update global hardware gateway BFD configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Retrieve global hardware gateway BFD configuration.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.

Working With Hardware Gateway BFD Tunnel Status


Retrieve hardware gateway BFD tunnel status for all tunnel endpoints, including hosts and hardware gateways.

Method history:

6.2.3Method introduced.